
The statue stumbled a few times but quickly got used to the new size of its body as it was the same as it was in the Vacation Zone with the addition of armor. With it and Dean working together the horde was eventually driven back and the door mended and shut.

Dean was panting a bit from the excessive fighting, clearly not used to it, "What the hell did you do to piss off the Dungeon Core?" He asked while eyeing the statue's new form.

Standing at six-foot-five-inches with simple heavy armor made from a mix of the same pale Labyrinthine stone as before along with the addition of pure silver embedded as intricate designs flowing throughout. The helmet no longer had any openings and was smooth save for a tree design made of pure silver taking up most of the faceplate. The bulkiness of the armor looked hard to move in but in return for being slower, it gained much higher defense.

Once the bodies dissolved it was able to find the harness with the obsidian orbs and haphazardly throw it around its neck, "Steal," it emitted in a smoother yet still mechanical voice.

Dean laughed, "Well, you certainly look stronger defense-wise, though you probably won't be able to kill things as fast as before. Say, would you be willing to follow me out of the dungeon?"

The statue stared at him, "Why?"

"Because you're neat, I want to show you off to the guild."

"Unsafe," it rebuked before making its way to the worktable. It had to use earth magic to shrink it down to its new size before starting to clean up the various crystals from the horde. While doing that it checked its status.

[ Name: Ad Omne Argentum

Race: Golem+

Vitality: 255

Energy: 305

Core: Lapis Crystal, Unknown Soul

Durability: 202/∞

Materials: Compressed Labyrinthine Stone, Sacred Silver

Durability: 2400/2400

Skills: Advanced Earth Magic - Lock Picking - Flee ]

'Hmm, while I appreciate the big increase in vitality, energy, and outer durability, why is my core durability so low? Also, what's with the name, isn't that Latin?' It could only shake its head, while it was a step forward it was a bit worried about the core durability.

While it was cleaning up Dean took out the communicator crystal and input energy and it quickly connected before the other side started yelling, "Dean are you okay!? I've got reports of monsters in the labyrinth losing their minds!"

Dean sighed, "Calm down, it wasn't that bad, our new friend was quite helpful once he got out of the wall."

"Wall? Whatever, you need to be careful, what if it goes crazy too?" Charlie sounded quite worried.

But Dean only laughed, "I'm not too worried, he's the one that pissed off all the monsters in the first place."

"How did it manage that?"

"Looks like he stole a bunch of energy from the Dungeon Core."

"... Okay? But aren't you only on the second floor?"

Dean sighed, "I don't get it either, but that's the only thing that would piss off the Dungeon Core enough to send all the nearby monsters over."

Charlie let out a tired sigh, "Alright, just come back, you've been in there long enough."

"Fine, I will so stop worrying so much," Dean finally relented and cut off the connection, and started cleaning up alongside the statue. "By the way, we worked out some names, wanna hear them?"

It simply responded with "No."

"Aw come on, you need a name. I heard monsters who evolve are granted names by the gods, but I don't wanna wait that long. Having to refer to you without one is tiring for everybody."

'Why is this guy so friendly?' The statue was confused, it felt the Charlie woman was much more sensible than Dean was.

The statue focused its input of energy into the obsidian orbs, "Just call me Atlas."

"Atlas, Atlas and Dean, not bad, I could have picked a better name," Dean grumbled.

The newly dubbed Atlas just ignored him and kept organizing the crystals. Eventually, it moved on to the weapon rack and began resizing the weapons to fit his current size. However, when earth magic ran through the great-ax the blades embedded with crystals began heating up at a rapid pace and cracks could be heard. Dean took cover just before the weapon exploded, pelting everything in sight with more stone shards. Only a few stuck into Atlas' body this time, focused on the parts with indents where they would not easily ricochet off. Luckily the obsidian orbs remained intact, though the harness had a few ropes cut and fell off.

'... I just want to have a good ax, is that so wrong?' Atlas lamented as it picks up the obsidian orbs before using earth magic to merge them with his chest. After coming out of the wall it found that its control over its own body had improved quite a bit save for the silver parts. It spread the orbs evenly inside its chest and made channels for sound to leave its body before starting to once again clean up shards of stone.

Dean peeked his head out from behind the small tent he set up, "See, I told you magic veins would do something!" He laughed while Atlas just ignored him.