
Atlas shook its head, something started to feel off, Dean was being far too positive towards a monster of all things. From its experience in its last life that was generally a warning sign that the other party wanted or needed something. It stopped cleaning the shards and came to a decision, it could not sit around in this room forever, but it did not want to go with the suspicious Dean.

It began forging another great-ax with earth magic and due to the advancement and not having to make it as big as before it finished in only a minute to mold and infuse the weapon with earth magic. Atlas then took only the fire crystal and the large salamander core and stowed them under its armored overcoat near its hips.

"What are you doing?" Dean asked while picking a few stone shards from his soup.


"You're coming with me?" He asked with a smile.

"No," Atlas gave a simple reply before walking to the door and kicking it down, snapping it in half.

Dean frowned as he watched Atlas leave but made no efforts to stop him, continuously pestering a monster is only good for making it mad and that was the last thing he needed. At the very least he was content that Atlas was not hostile towards adventurers, for now. He gave a sigh and started packing up his things, if he didn't hurry Charlie would call and yell at him again.


Atlas wandered the halls for quite a while and ended up at a set of bronze doors, though it was unsure if they were the same it came across last time. While it had slowed considerably in its new form the other monsters on this floor couldn't put up much of a defense against it. Atlas double-checked the durability of its weapon and then pushed open the bronze doors.

What it saw was similar to the room it woke up in, a raised stone platform with statues in cheering poses on a balcony circling the room. The only difference was there were much fewer statues lining the stands and the figure standing on the platform.

Staring back at Atlas were two bright completely yellow eyes, the figure had pale skin, dark circles under its eyes, and what looked like a fresh wound on its glabella in the shape of an X. Accompanied by the long unkempt black hair and facial hair is was a menacing sight.

'... He looks kinda familiar,' was the only thought Atlas had as it stepped up onto the platform.

The boss only smiled at Atlas even after it stepped up and only took a stance when it charged at him. Atlas made a charging sweep but the boss dodged at the last second and only one of his arms got hit, cleanly cleaving it off. The boss delivered a powerful kick sending Atlas reeling back then bent over and picked up its arm and placing it on the stump where it was removed from. The pale flesh wriggled and reconnected and a squeeze from the hand showed it working perfectly.

Closing in Atlas tried a downward strike but only managed to make a shallow cut along the boss' chest which quickly mended itself, even the leather shirt mended itself, allowing Atlas to understand what it feels like to fight itself. The worst part was that with just a punch the boss was able to make the outer shell of its armor crumble. The battle quickly became a challenge to see who's regenerative powers held up the longest once both contenders got used to each other's fighting style.

With the fifty-point increase in its energy and vitality Atlas' body was nearly breaking even with the amount of damage being dealt by the boss and the boss didn't seem to be slowing down at all. Atlas could only think of an alternative and began to fight recklessly. The chance it was looking for soon came when the boss threw a straight at its chest. Once the punch broke through it used earth magic to catch the boss' arm then threw its great-ax aside. The boss broke his own arm in an attempt to escape but it was too late, Atlas grabbed the sides of his head and began pressing his hands together.

The boss flailed and kept hitting with his free arm but was clearly losing strength and with an unceremonious pop, he went limp. His body quickly dissolved leaving behind a crystal with a chunk of black at the center and then opposite of the bronze doors a bronze chest popped out of thin air along with a new passage with stairs leading down.

'That wasn't too bad,' Atlas thought as he stowed the crystal away with the two others before approaching the chest. The chest had ornate designs sprawling outwards from a twig in the center just above the latch. It couldn't see any traps from the outside so it just opened the chest without reservation. A two-note jingle played as it opened and revealed two items inside. One was a lavender feathered cap whereas the other was a simple silver ring adorned with an onyx gemstone with flecks of gold.

'These should be magic items, right? The dungeon cookbook mentioned something like this.'

Atlas picked up the ring and poured a bit of energy in and an empty box appeared in its mind. It stood there looking at the ring, 'A box? Is this spatial magic?' It took the fire crystal out and touched it to the onyx gemstone and it disappeared from its had and reappeared in the mental visualization of the box. 'I think this was called a spatial ring, aren't these rare? This feels a bit too convenient...' Atlas could only shrug and store the other two crystals and its great-ax before looking at the feathered cap.

The lavender cap was made of a sturdy fabric that didn't deform easily and was quite gaudy, the feather was large and a mix of blue and purple and had a strange warmth to it. Atlas didn't get any response from injecting energy and placing it upon its head didn't do anything so it just threw it into the ring. Then it experimented with taking its weapon out and back in and found the least cumbersome solution was to bury the ring into its palm so only the tip of the gem remained exposed. With just a bit of energy, it could make the great-ax appear directly in its hand.

Once everything was in order Atlas turned its attention to the stairway, there weren't many lights going down and a cool breeze was coming from somewhere down below. It readied itself and took its first step down.