Numir Prepares

Solarious P.O.V.

The last battle with that ragtag team of misfits had sent them running. Scurrying away like the worthless rodents that they were. All of these so-called peaceful beings disgusted me to my core. They're nothing and soon they will all be conquered and killed like the trash they are. Soon the Reptilian and Serpents will rise from the ashes and dawn a more perfect era. With the most pure and perfect species to exist.

There was just one slight headache to deal with. That human girl Emily has wrecked my plans and gotten in my way for far to long. Kt won't be much longer until I hunt them down and kill them where they stand. And whatever planet dared to hide them from me will suffer the same fate. 

"Master Solarious" a voice shakes me from my thoughts. 

I peer over my shoulder and see Neese bowing before me. His eyes on the ground. 

"Did you find them?"

He nods. 

I can't help the smile that slithers across my face. They were able to elude me for some time. I will give them credit for that. But they should know that they can't hide from me forever. No one can hide from the mighty Solarious. 

"Where are they?" I hiss.

"Planet Numir, I was able to get in touch with a friend and he verified that they landed there about a month ago."

"Round the troops! Set a course for Numir!" I ordered.

Neese nodded again and ran from the room to do as I said. Such a pity that after he outlives his usefulness I will have to kill him. After all, having a shapeshifter like him around is beneficial. But I have no room for any other species than the pure. 

Neese P.O.V.

I did as Solarious commanded. After a few hours his army was formed and ready to attack. Once we got to Numir there wouldn't be anything or anyone who could stop us. We have the element of surprise on our side and the advantage at being ready to begin our assault. 

As per his orders, there were to be no prisoners and no mercy. All that lived on Numir were set to perish by our hands. I can't help shake a somewhat guilty feeling that innocent women and children were about to die. I mean why must the women and children die for simply being alive on a planet that hid the ones we've been seeking? Would it be fair to hold them all at fault?

I can't explain why I have empathy for these people. I know Emily and the others need to be stopped. For the utopia to rise the world must fall into ashes and be reborn. There is no other way. Or so that's what I keep telling myself. 

Z P.O.V.

I lean back in my chair and pinch the bridge of my nose. This whole situation has been one headache after another. And just when we think that it is all going to work out we fall back another step or two. With the side effect that Wharton got from the cure, we had developed we had to put a stop to large-scale development. 

It was a hit to the gut but Roland and the twins have been working non-stop day and night to further research how the cure had caused Wharton to develop an increase in smell. It may seem like a minor side effect which right now it is. But we don't know if it is the only side effect and that is the issue. 

I believe by now we have all grown frustrated with the situation at hand and only wished that it would work in our favor just once. We've been hiding on Numir for too long and we are bound to be found by Solarious at any given time. 

Just then an alarm begins to blare throughout Numir. We wish out of the lab and down the hall to the courtyard. Guards are screaming for citizens to get indoors. Panic fills the air and everyone runs to safety tripping and tumbling over one another. 

"What's going on?!" I exclaim covering my ears. 

The others shrug their shoulders they are just as lost as I am. After a minute General Adkins comes up to us covering his ears and he waves for us to follow him.  We nod back and try our best to maneuver around the crowd that dashes past us. 

General Adkins leads us to the Elders chambers the alarm soon fades away and the ringing in my ears begins. 

"Okay, what the hell was that?" Emily asks, trying to catch her breath. 

"That was the alarm system that alerts us when enemy ships are close to approaching Numir." General Adkins replied. 

"Solarious?" I blurt out. 

"It would appear that scum had figured out where you all have been hiding." Sozu replies. 

"No, not yet, we aren't ready...not even close to being ready." Roland rubs his face. 

"How long?" I respond trying to stay calm. 

"From what the alarm system picked up, maybe two days' time at best." Oceania curtly says. 

"Then we have no choice, we will have to start developing tonight." 

"No Z, we can't. That is too risky. We don't know if there are anymore, side effects. And if they are worse then Wharton's innocent people could die." Roland takes my shoulders. 

"You don't think I know that?! If we don't do something they are all going to die! We have to fight back and the first step is starting the trials on the cure." I shout slapping his hands off my shoulders.

"I won't allow it!" Roland yells. 

"SILENCE!" SoZu's voice shakes the ground. 

We stop and turn our attention to him. 

" First of all, do you seriously believe the great Elders of Numir would not be prepared for such an attack? Secondly, you outsiders have no say in our people! Don't forget your place!" SoZu's voice is loud and stern. 

We all bow before the four of them. 

"I sincerely apologize, we meant no disrespect." I try to keep my voice low. 

" Now, General rally the  forces of Numir and take them to the airfield. Once there await further orders." General Adkins bows and runs out of the chambers. 

"Z you and your team begin development on the cure now, try and get as many vials ready. Whatever the side effects we will deal with later, let's get through this first." 

"Thank You SoZu" reply and we all take our leave and head back to the lab. 

It is clear that Roland isn't happy that the Elders had decided to side with me. He brushes past me without even a glance in my direction. This really isn't the time to be dealing with personal feelings. We must all put them on hold right now if we are to come out of this situation alive. 

I feel a warm hand grip my hand and it brings me to a standstill. I know that warmth anywhere and I look into Emily's eyes. 

"It'll be okay, " I say reassuringly.

"I know, but there is something I wanted to ask you." She responds. 

"Emily, we have to wait, we have forty eight hours to prepare." I try to walk away but she grabs me and pulls me back to her. 

" Z it can't" 

"Okay, what is it then?"  I reply.

" I don't want you to go in fighting, you need to stay and hide." She says with pleading eyes. 

I can't believe my ears and I am sure the look of shock is spelled out all over my face. I can feel my body growing hot with anger. Why the fuck would she even tell me to stay and hide? Surely she knows by now that I don't hide. I am a fighter and I fight til the very end. 

"Z please say you'll stay safe." 

"No." I say sternly and drop her hand from mine. 

"Emily I don't have time for feelings right now. And by now you should know that I am a fighter an avenger and that means when I fight comes to me I don't run and hide. Lycans aren't meant to be mere cowards. Lycans fight on and forge ahead until our death." 

"Z that's exactly what will happen, you are no longer immortal, remember? You will die!" She shouts tears falling down her cheeks. 

I have no choice but to turn off all emotion. 

"Then so be it," I replied, my words cold as ice and I walk away from her. 

Emily P.O.V.

I stood there in the hall as Z walked away from me. She had put her wall of ice and stone back up. Rebuilt to the very top and I knew there was no changing her mind. In fact it was stupid of me to even try to convince her to. Z has always been a fighter and a risk-taker there was no way that she would run and hide when it meant bringing Solarious down. 

'Well if  that's the case then...I guess I will be fighting too' I thought to myself and went to catch up with the others. And this time I won't let Z stop me or try to hide me. If she can go into battle and fight then I can as well. After all I am no longer the scared, weak and timid human that they found months ago. I have grown and I will show everyone what I am made of. 

When I get to the lab everyone is moving as quick as they can and efficiently. It appears Roland has put his worries and pride aside and is doing what SoZu had asked. 

"Emily, I'm going to need more blood samples from you." He tells me as he users me to the examining table. 

I roll up my long sleeve and stick my right arm out and wait to feel the small prick on the middle of my arm from the needle. Natasha brings me a pillow and I rest my back against it. 

"Take whatever you need." I tell Roland. 

He looks at me with pity in his eyes. 

"I'm sorry you have to go through all of this Emily."  He clears his throat. 

"Don't" he pauses at my word and looks back at me. 

"Roland, don't take pity on me. I'm not being forced and I know I don't have to do this. I want to do this. So please quit looking at me as the lone human and start looking at me as a fighter."  He can't help but smile and nod his head. 

"A very stubborn yet brave human girl Emily."

One by one Roland fills Vial after Vial of my blood and Natasha and Nicole begin the process of breaking down the samples and mixing them one by one. After all this time the one who has been after me, the one who killed my family was on our doorstep knocking as if he was the devil himself waiting for an answer. Little did he know that the door would open with a very unforgettable response.