Call to War

Z P.O.V.

"I love you."  

The words roll off her  tongue and pass her lips, as if they were drifting in the ocean and a wave had caught them. Looking at her, straight into her eyes, trying to peer into her soul. Those words had only ever been spoken to me by  one other woman, and now , just once more I hear  them from Emily. Little does she know that what she has done is  break down the hard brick walls I had built around my iced heart. She was the key to unlocking the giant golden lock with heavy metal chains I had created around it. Now, just one last time I am willing to give it my all again. 

Tears well in her beautiful eyes and her lip is a slow quiver. I want to say something else to her but Emily soon has me in a tight warm embrace. Her light skin toned arms around my neck. Her face was hidden on the side of my neck.

"I love you too Emily," I whisper slowly back to her. It's low and muffled as if a secret just to be shared between us both. Hidden deep within and away from the outside world. 


I don't know what time we fell asleep, all I remember is feeling her warm embrace, and her soft lips pressed just right against mine. She is sleeping peacefully, her head placed on my shoulder. Her beautiful light toned  face nestled in the crook of my neck. One arm placed across my waist holding me close. While mine is placed around her torso. Each breath is even. I can feel her chest rise and fall against me. 

For now, it doesn't seem as if the world is going to fall apart that all these dangers, all of these worries, here in this very moment cease to exist. I feel as if I am in heaven clinging onto an angel. One sent by my moon goddess, just for me. And I will walk through the very pits of fire and darkness to protect her. 

Solarious P.O.V.

All these worthless worms. Defying me, the nerve of them to think they can stand up to me. ME! A reptilian God. I shall show them all, one by one, what true torture. No, what true suffering is. Pain will be their greatest teacher, and their lesson will be that there is no stopping The Great Solarious. 

I focus my gaze on the purple highlighted background of the next galactic system I will  conquer, The easiest one out of them all to fall.  And to begin my great conquest. The first stepping stone to show them just how powerful I am. And with specimen X in the palm of my hand, along with a defenseless weak planet, this take over will be more than simple. 

I continue to let my thoughts wander, going through every motion. Picturing every death, every defeat that these weak little bugs will feel. Their corpses lining their city streets. Buildings collapsing all the way around. The flames of hell bursting through windows, scorching the green grass that roams the landscapes. 

What a magnificent scene it shall be when it all plays out before my very own eyes. They think that the simple death of Roland and the minor defeat at Numir will be my undoing. They are sorely mistaken. 

"My lord," Neese greets me with a lowered head. 

" What peasant?" I  reply with a lingering hiss. 

I can see his body start to quiver before me. He knew he had failed me on Numir. While Roland would have been killed at any time, I still needed that pesky incell human out of my way. 

Shaking his failure from my mind for now I return all of my razor sharp focus back to Neese. 

"The army is assembled, when you are ready, just give the order." 

" Can they withstand the Numirian army with their unique abilities?" It comes across as a question, but my tone is more of an order that my army had better be able to. 

"Of course, sire."  Neese replies confidently. 

Satisfied with his answers I turn back to gaze at the beautiful vibrant Galaxy before me. Within mere days this will belong to me. All of Caspia will be in my grasp. The perfect focal point for the beginning of my rule. 

" Set our course  for Caspia." 

With a swift nod, Neese scurries away like a rat caught in a kitchen with the light on. Quickly removing himself from my presence. It's been so long since my last invasion of a Galactic system. I crave the rush of hearing them scream and beg for mercy. The energy that it gives me, a high that cannot be contained. I relish in it and soon very soon those pains in my ass with their incell human will know suffering. A sneer plays across my scaly lips. The joy that I feel as people fall or bow before me. 

Numir Elders P.O.V 

(Note: This POV is all of the Elders' thoughts together. When the individual speaks then it will be stated who is talking.)

There's a shift in the cosmic energy of the universe. A charged magnetic pulse that vibrates throughout us. The calm peace of the Galactic channels has been disrupted. Different beings are crying out in despair. So….so much suffering.  

"It would seem that Solarious is back." Oceania says wistfully. 

" Unfortunately the time has come, we cannot ignore this problem any longer." SoZu adds sternly. 

"War has been waged, we have sat idle too long. We are needed, he cant be allowed to conquer anymore systems."  Arain sighs. 

Well agree that our mistake of not stopping him sooner the first time around won't be repeated.  When Solarious first attacked the already conquered systems, we didn't offer a helping hand. We kept to ourselves in hopes of peace for our own people. But now we realize how gravely mistaken we were. He wont stop. Solarious will come for us all and he has already proven that to us. 

Focusing our minds together, we send a link to General Adkins. 

'The time has come General.'

General Adkins P.O.V.

It seems like I had just closed my burning eyes for rest ,after everything we had been through. With everyone now safe and Z back tk her normal self. I had thought we could relax now.  But, of course in the typical kind of life knows how to keep swinging at you kind of way, all of that thinking and hopefulness comes crashing down within seconds of the Elders voices linking me un unison. 

'The time has come General,' all of their voices hold a hint of stress and worry. 

Those five words startle me awake and any feeling of being exhausted has now been wiped away clean from my body. Sitting upright on the mattress I tossed the blanket aside. 

'On my way Great Elders' ' I link back. Running full speed to their chamber. 

Bursting through their doors I bow my head out of respect. I already have a pretty good idea of what they want. The time has come to fight against that bastard Solarious. And oh the joy I will feel when life vanishes from his eyes by my very hands. 

"Rise" Sozu commands. 

Doing as he says, I look at the four of them, my arms placed comfortably behind my back and my fingers interlocked. 

"General, you have been summoned here, because we have urgent news." Gia begins. 

"Solarious has started an invasion on Caspia. It would seem that he has finished his preparations." Arian adds. 

" Caspia? When did this happen?" I reply with my voice shaky.

" We are not sure when it began, it couldn't have been too long before we felt the balance shift and heard their screams." SoZu says the words casually unbothered by the suffering of innocents.

Anger begins to course through my body. My jaw is clenched tight and I can feel my ears beating to the pounding of my heart. This shouldn't have happened. This should've been stopped long ago. 

"General-"  Oceania attempts to address me but before she can my mouth shoots off as a speeding bullet. 

" How dare you! Look at what your peaceful mindset has done! If he had been stopped years ago none of this would be happening now! The blood of these new innocents is on your heads! And any soldier that dies as well!" I hold nothing back, I spew every word like venom at them. 

If they had let me face him years ago when he first began taking over Galaxies, he would be dead and there would be peace. Specimen X wouldn't exist and Emily would have been safe and enjoyed her mortal life. And now the poor women and children of Caspia will suffer the torment so many have already felt. And the Numirian people could have stopped him. 

"Silence!" SoZu booms shaking thw whole room. I lower my head in defeat. 

" We are aware of how mistaken we were. That mistake will not be repeated twice. General, you will gather your army that was created along with our guest and go stop Solarious and end him."  SoZu  is harsh with his words. 

All I can do is nod my head and bow. Finally I get what I have wanted for so long, what I have waited for. Solaruous' head will be my trophy.