Neese's Plan

Sola P.O.V.

My body aches beyond any words, along with the pulsating headache threatening to push my brain past the skull that contains it. I don't know exactly where I am or how long I have been out. Hell I don't even remember anything other than seeing my friends die, and telling them it's going to be okay.

Hmph, it's going to be okay, those words play on repeat in my mind. The words I spoke out knowing damn well they were nothing but a lie. I knew we were all going to die. Or at least I thought all of us were. A sharp pain of guilt strikes me like a match to a flame. I shouldn't be alive either. I should be dead like the others, I was their captain after all.  

" Good, you are finally awake." A man with a tall stature and slick back black hair enters the room holding a tray with bandages and medical tools on it. 

I don't pay him much mind, I really don't even feel the need to offer him a response at all. I don't know him, or remember if I should. At this point I really would rather be dead. I look to my right and watch him as he sits the tray down on a counter and slips on some gloves. 

"You can relax, I'm just going to clean and redress your wounds."  He says calmly. 

" Where am I?" I ask, looking at him. He still has his back to me undoing the packaging on some bandages, preparing them for use when he needs them.

" You are on our ship, we had left Caspia after our victory, but for some reason my lord wanted us to go back and look for survivors. 

It took a few days to dig through the  rubble and it started to look like a lost cause until we stumbled upon you. " He smiled as he came to my side. 

The man grabbed the scissors and began cutting away at the bandage wrapped around my head. After he unwrapped it completely he tossed it to the floor and examined my wound. Tilting my head from side to side, up and down. Holding it at various angles. 

" Well the good news is, your head injury is healing nicely and no sign of infection." 

Something tells me though, that means I probably have worse news coming my way he just doesn't want to tell me yet. Or maybe I am overreacting. 

" So, what is the bad news then?" I offer the question as if I already know the answer. 

He pauses and looks at my legs that are  covered with a white blanket and then looks back at me continuing on with dressing my wound. 

" The bad news huh?," He remarks. 

The man contemplates for a few minutes and clicks his tongue. 

" The bad news is, you are paralyzed. Quite sad really, Solarious would have preferred you in one piece."  He shrugs his shoulders like he didn't just give someone life changing news. 

I sat in the bed, every emotion washing through me, I was sad, I was lost, and now I am angry.  Clenching my jaw tight and wadding my hands into fist.  I look at him menacingly. 

" Who is responsible for this?" I say through gritted teeth. 

He looks at me confused. 

" You don't remember anything do you Sola?" 

" If I did, I wouldn't be asking, now would I?" I reply still with clenched teeth. 

His face rises in delight as if he had just won an award. This guy truly is strange, so strange that I wish I could kill him, or is it because I find his facial expressions annoying?  

" Why, dear Sola, allow me to enlighten you on recent events." He says sitting down beside me. 

He carries on the conversation starting from the beginning of the battle where my men and I were shot down out of nowhere by the Numirian cowards. It seems we were just out on the usual patrol when they came out of nowhere and attacked us. Lord Solarious was betrayed as a secret rebellion had been formed to turn against him. 

According to this man who says his name is Neese, neighbor turned on neighbor and a lot of the Caspian  people perished in the battle. In the end Lord Solarious had won but, not without mass casualties from the battle. 

" So when do we begin?" I asked him after he finished. 

"Begin what Sola?" He inquired with raised brows. 

" Getting me to walk again, if Lord Solarious seeks to go after them and wipe them into oblivion, I wish to be a part of it too, they killed my men. They must pay! '' I shout, determination and anger fueling the words I let flow from me. 

" I would say, now if you so choose, we do have the capabilities to restore your  legs and have you walking again in no time." He smiles wide. 

Meeting his eyes a brief moment of silence falls between us. I clench the sheet and I can feel my upper lip twitch from the building up rage that cloaks my whole body.

" Then what are we waiting for? Let's begin."  I replied. 

Neese P.O.V

There was an utter thrill that surged through me. When Captain Sola announced to me that she had no recollection of the events that led up to her being shot down out of the sky, I figured this would be the ultimate advantage of turning their one time comrade into a foe. 

What is even sweeter is that both shall die at the hands of the ones they used to hold as a friend. The vengeance on my past defeat by Z would soon be complete and show Lord Solarious that I am capable of being his right hand and at getting the job done. 

I approached Lord Solarious' war room and bowed my head as the door slid open upon my arrival. Waiting for permission to speak my heart beat rapidly at the fear he might decide to kill me after all and also at the excitement of my new plan I waa hatching. 

"Speak you rat." He spat out in a disapproving tone. 

I sucked in a gasp of air and hoped that the next words would save me from his unquenchable desire to kill and his wrath. 

" Lord Solarious, I bring you news of the prisoner, new I think would please you to hear." My eyes stayed low and watched the floor, I dared not look at him. 

I could see his shadowy silhouette on the floor shaped as if he had placed his index finger to his mouth. The contemplation of ending me right here and now or deciding to hear what I have to say. 

"Go on." He stated abruptly. 

Without hesitation I opened my mouth and spilled every bit of the conversation I had with Sola along with my plan to use her to kill the Numirian scum and those that have joined in their aid. The whole time I used every word very calculated and kept my plan as much in depth as I could. Anything lacking or falling short to please Lord Solarious would certainly mean my premature demise. And I was not yet ready to die, that is for sure. 

After I had finished, I waited for Lord Solarious to give me his blessing. This was a now or never kind of moment and it could go either way.  A 50/50 shot at either life or death. And boy was I wishing for the latter of the two. 

" Very interesting Neese, yes, I am quite pleased with the idea. What better way to bring more pain and suffering than at the hands of a one time friend." He cackled. 

He looked at me, his reptilian golden eyes piercing into my soul. Lord Solarious took three steps to me, resting his scaly hands on my shoulders. His touch both menacing and cold, brought goosebumps down my spine and washed through my body. 

"You have my approval, you may continue with whatever means you need to get Sola walking and be useful to me." He patted my shoulder and shooed me away with the flick of his hand. 

With relief shifting my heart from rapid and beating out of control, I was now calm and felt like I could breathe freely again. It was now my turn to make a move and get the payback I have been longing for.