Accomplishing the impossible.

Z P.O.V.

Night after night we had one failed attempt after another. Time was running out on developing a working serum to present to the Numirian Elders. From one vial to another, we mixed and measured mine and Emily's blood together, still once we ran it through the simulator it was rejected. Our frustrations grew.

Nicole stayed working just as much trying to spread her time evenly between helping me and checking on her sister. Natasha may be stable still, but I will never forgive myself for what I have done. Nothing I do can atone for the wrongs made against the Android twins. 

A sting in my heart and a drop in my stomach occurs everytime I see her laying on that hospital bed. Not a day goes by where I hope she wakes up soon. And I wish so badly I could trade places with her. If I could take it all back I would. 

"Z, hey are you with me?" Emily's voice echos to me and draws me back out of my head. 

"Yeah, I'm with you, um, where were we?" I ask, trying to gather myself. 

" We were about to try our final vial, this time we added more of your blood than mine, with a hint of silver for an added kick."  She replied. 

I nodded and drew up about 1 cc of the new mixture and dropped it in the sample vial. Closing the lid on the machine, I hit the start button and we waited for the results. 

Our fingers crossed that this would work. My hands were shaky along with the beating of my heart from the rush of anxiety. Emily matched the same feeling as I had.  Nicole approached us from behind, placing a reassuring hand on our shoulders. 

" It will work this time." Nicole whispered. 

Sola P.O.V.

Left leg, right leg. Left hand, right hand. I chanted the words over and over in my head. As I balanced myself between two metal bars in an attempt to take a step. I have made some progress with my legs. A few days ago I couldn't walk at all, now I am taking small steps. But, it still isn't good enough. The thirst for revenge that ravishes my body never ceases. It drives me to keep pushing myself further. 

This process is taking a lot longer than I like, but I remind myself that the reward will be all the sweeter . When I feel all of them taking their last breath in my bare hands. The look on their pitiful faces as they try to beg for mercy. However they won't be shown mercy, not by me. That went out the window the day they destroyed my life and killed my comrades. No, all of them will pay, and they will do so with their blood. 

" Keep going Sola, don't stop." Neese growls. 

" What the hell does it look like I am doing Neese?!" I shout back annoyed.

" Being lazy, that is what it looks like. Are you losing your will already?" He smirks. 

Me lazy,  the  nerve of him to sit there and say I am lazy. It's been almost a full week andnI have made this much progress and he wants to call me lazy. I glare at him and grit my teeth.

" Focus on the task at hand, don't glare at me. You either want your revenge or you don't, and by looks of it, I would bet you really don't." He crosses his arms and shakes his head. 

I feel a heat rise to my face and I see red, my heart is beating out of my chest and my breathing has quickened. Tossing the bar to my left across the room I step towards Neese and grab him by the throat.  With a firm grip I squeeze as tight as I can and his face begins to change to a purple color. 

He uses his fist to hit my wrist, in a veiled attempt to loosen my grip. But I refuse to let go, he wanted to talk all that shit to me about not wanting vengeance, well he will be the first to go. 

" Release him immediately!" A vicious hiss circles from behind me. Knowing that voice all too well I do as ordered and then bow before Lord Solarious. 

" There will be time to kill later, but don't forget who the enemy is. Neese is useful for now. I can't have you murdering whoever you wish." He stands before me and I can feel his eyes piercing into my soul. 

" My apologies to you, Lord Solarious." I replied. 

" None needed, But, in case you hadn't noticed, it seems Neese was on to something, by talking to you the way he did." 

It takes those words from Lord Solarious before I realize I had actually walked, held weight on my legs and even managed to bow. I was stunned, I didn't know what to think or how to reply to him. The words had been ripped from my mind and all I could do was stay silent. 

" Good work Neese, now gather  yourselves and clean up this mess, and when you are done begin preparation for your journey to Numir."  He smirked as he walked away. 

Getting to my feet I turned and looked at a highly pissed off Neese who had his eyes narrowed straight at me. He gripped his neck, underneath his hand I could see swelling and bruising had begun to form. 

" I'm not one for apologies, but for what it's worth my bad, and thank you." I said as I was beginning to clean up my mess. 

I doubt he would have replied if he could even speak. The suggestive eye roll definitely gave off Fuck you, vibes and I couldnt blame him. Quite comical to me, being nearly killed for talking shit to someone only for it to be shown that was a form of them helping. At the same time though, he could've chosen a better way. 

After a few hours my violent mess was cleaned up and I had returned to my room to pack a bag. I didn't need much, I always traveled light. Maybe a few pairs of clothing and a blaster pistol. That would be all I needed. I hear a knock on my door and it opens. Revealing a still pissed off Neese with a single bag himself. He tilts his head back slightly and I follow behind him.

It all seemed so surreal, how quickly time had come and gone. A week ago Ibwas injured and paralyzed now I am walking and ready to fight. And once the bay doors of our ship closed, I grew even more excited. 

Neese took the pilot chair and started the engines. After a few switches and once the engines had gotten to full power we were officially off on our mission. 

" How long until we get to Numir?" I ask.

" It'll be a few days' journey even with the jump, this ship isn't exactly meant to do one jump after another." He replied with a slight rasp to his voice. 

I suppose shifters heal rather quickly. The thought he could even speak after having his larynx crushed is quite admirable. 

"What?" He mumbles glaring at me. 

With a shrug of my shoulders I leave my seat and walk around the rest of the cruiser. It really isn't anything special. A small vessel that could hold a squad of four and weaponry other than that it was an average battle cruiser. 

Still, one thing had bothered me though. If we were flying to Numir to attack it, why was Lord Solarious only sending the two of us? It made no sense to me really, but at the same time it feels shameful to be questioning the one person that saved my life. 

Nicole P.O.V.

The machine spun around and around, we waited for the simulator to finish running its test which felt like hours. As it came to a stop the small monitor of the machine lit up and the light above it turned green. Signaling it had finished the process. 

We all sucked in a breath of air and held it in. Bringing our eyes to the screen, there were the successful words sample successful. I believe we all released the breath we had captured all at once. Smiling and hugging each other. We had accomplished the impossible. 

" Finally" Emily gleamed with joy. 

" Good work to both of you." Z replied gently. 

Z never showed too much emotion, whether it be joy, sadness or anger. Throughout our journey together this is the most emotion I have seen her use in the past few months since Emily came along. I guess it's safe to assume that a human can unfreeze a heart. 

"Alright, now that we have concluded this concoction will work and be effective, we must develop it and have it ready to present to the elders." Z was back and refocused.

With no more time to lose, we got back to work and stayed focused on the task at hand. It seems after all the years of war, chaos, and terror, we were finally at that milestone of bringing all of this to an end.