A Normal Day

-Ron's POV-

I had done this millions of times. I was walking through the hallways of my high school on my way to my second class of the day: Biology. Once I got there, I saw one of my best friends, Jason Chevalier. I was bit older than him, but despite that, he was taller than me. He had a decent amount of black hair on top of his head, had brown eyes and wore glasses. As for me, my own hair was light brown and short. When it comes to my eyes, I've never been certain whether they're a blue-ish green or not, but people tend to say they're gray so I just go with that.

"Ron!" he said, "Pineapples is not a color!"

"Yes it is," I insisted, "look it up and you'll find what I have to say is true."

"Pineapples is not a color." answered Jason.

"Whatever." I said as I sat down in my seat.

"Did you do the assignment?" asked Jason as he sat down in his.

"There was an assignment!?" I exclaimed.

"Yeah..." replied Jason.

"Crap." I said.

I rummaged through my backpack, hoping to find the assignment.

"Is this it?" I asked, holding out a piece of paper.

"I think..." said Jason.

I let out a sigh as another friend of mine, Timothy Gates walked into the room. Like Jason, he wore glasses but he had green eyes and short blonde hair. Timothy had has face buried in his handheld gaming system and he sat down in a seat in the same row of tables Jason and I shared. It didn't take long for Jason to start going on about his favorite open world video game. I was only half-listening, though.

"...And that's why you should totally play it!" said Jason.

"I like the games with the Italian plumber." I responded.

Jason grabbed onto my shoulders and began to gently shake me.

"You need to play better games!" he exclaimed.

As Jason continued to gently shake me, our teacher, Mr. Bill walked into the room. The guy had short brown hair, a mustache, a small beard, and blue eyes. Not long after the bell rang, he started talking about evolution.

"Looks like we're in the joke unit." commented Jason, chuckling a bit.

I quietly laughed in response. The sound of our teacher's voice ended up fading after everyone in our class was given an assignment to work on. Timothy got up from his seat with his gaming device and walked over to where I was sitting. He pointed at the screen that he was gently shoving in my face. I could tell he was playing a murder mystery visual novel. I quietly laughed after I saw what the character on screen was saying.

After that, Timothy returned to his seat. Class continued with everyone working on their assignments. Just kidding, nearly everyone. Jason and I were screwing around instead of working. Although, I usually did manage to get more done that he did. We often joked about his seat having a "curse", making it so that whoever sat in it would not get any work done.

Eventually, the bell rang and everyone got up out of their seats. Jason and I also had the same third period, so together we walked upstairs. We went down the hallway up there for a bit and then we encountered some strange brown-haired guy with green eyes that appeared to be about our age. He was breathing heavily. I didn't know who he was, but it appeared he wanted to say something to us.

"Need... help. My world... in danger... dragons... might kill us." he said.

After this weird person spoke those words, he ran away.

"That guy must be on drugs." commented Jason.

The two of us went back to walking and made our way to our English class where we found our friend, Tom Fortune organizing desks. His own hair was a similar length to my own, but it was black and his eyes were a light green.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah." answered Tom.

"You have a Death Note?" I asked, looking at Tom's binder.

"Um, no." said Tom, "Why do you ask?"

"Well, you've got the word 'death' written on your binder multiple times…" I commented.

"If I did have a Death Note, a certain pop star's name would be in there." responded Tom.

The three of us laughed until the bell rang. After that, our English teacher, Mr. Bullard walked into the room. Unlike most of my teachers, he was bald but nobody really talked about his lack of hair on top. He also happens to be half-black and has green eyes. After everyone sat down in their seats, he began talking about analysis. Our desks were all put together in groups in I happened to be in the same group as Jason and Tom. But it's not like that fact matters when we didn't get to spend that much time in the classroom.

"We're all going to go down to the computer lab to get started on your essays." said Mr. Bullard, after he had been talking for about ten minutes.

Everyone started getting up and out of their seats, collecting their stuff.

"Another essay?" I said, "How many of these things am I going to have to write?"

"You're a good writer. You'll be fine." said Jason.

"Thanks." I responded.

"Let's go." said Tom.

The three of us went out into the hallway on our way to the computer lab. As we walked, we talked about a popular multiplayer game involving mining and crafting. In the middle of our conversation, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Surprise!" exclaimed the person it belonged to.

"Dang it. I forgot about you, Kevin." I said.

This guy with a lot of blonde hair and blue eyes that also happens to wear glasses, is Kevin Brinkerhoff and we have a bit of an interesting relationship. We tend to act like we're gay for each other even though we're both straight.

"How could you forget about me? In P.E., you're always trying to grab my balls!" he exclaimed.

"…Basketballs." I said, letting out a cough after I got the word out.

"That doesn't make it sound any less weird." commented Jason.

"Oh, you shut up." I said.

Everyone made it to the computer lab and we all found somewhere to sit. All of the students present logged on to their accounts, opened a word processor and get started writing. I did the same, but found myself just staring at it.

"Where do I even begin?" I said to myself.

"Do you even know what we're writing about?" asked Jason.

"Am I supposed to?" I asked.

Jason let out a sight.

"Heh." I responded.

"Whatever you do, don't write about touching my balls." said Kevin.

"I wasn't going to do anything like that!" I exclaimed.

After that, everyone shut up and got to typing away on their keyboards. When the bell rang, everyone left. The next thing on my schedule was lunch, so I went to the cafeteria with Jason.

"I haven't been doing much in that game lately." I said, after we had gotten our food and were sitting at a table.

"You know, the two of us should play a game online sometime." suggested Jason.

"Yeah, that would be nice." I said.

"The two of us could go on an epic adventure together." said Jason.

"An adventure, huh?" I replied, "That'd be interesting."

"In the game, not in real life." said Jason.

"Yeah, I know," I said, "but wouldn't it be cool if we could go on a real adventure?

"Yeah, that would be fun, but this is real life, Ron." responded Jason, after pausing to think, "I doubt anything like what you're imagining could happen.

"What if I write it?" I suggested.

"You want to write a story?"

"I could if I wanted to."

"You haven't finished any of the things I've seen you write."

"This time will be different. I swear!"

"Are you sure about that?"

"I think I can do it, so I'll try."

"What kind of thing are you going to write?"

"I'm thinking some kind of fantasy adventure. I'd also like to get some others involved with this."

"You going to talk to them about it?"

"I'm considering."

"That sounds like a good idea."

"Thanks, I came up with it myself."

The two of us stopped talking and just ate. When the bell rang, we went to our next classes and finished up our day. When leaving my last class, I was by himself and by the front door of the school, I encountered that same strange person from earlier.

"Please help… dragons… might… destroy… my world…" he said.

Convinced that this person was on drugs, I just headed out the door.

I left the building and headed in the direction of my house, having to cross train tracks not far from the school. After a fifteen to twenty minute walk, I make it home. As soon as I got inside, I went downstairs and sat down at my desk. I pulled out my homework and worked on for a bit and then went to my room to play video games, only stopping to eat dinner.

"What are you playing?" my older brother, Justin said as he walked into our room after dinner.

Despite being older than me, I was beating him in height by like an inch. His hair was a similar length to my own but it was a darker brown. His eyes were a similar color and he was wearing glasses.

"None of your business." I answered.

"Don't be like that." he said.

"Die." I responded.

"Geez." he said.

"Oh, Justin." I said, "What are you doing here?"

"You know this is my room too, right?" he asked.

"It is?" I said, "Since when?"

"Since always!" exclaimed Justin.

All I could do was laugh.

"You jerk." commented Justin.

"Oh, wow. Is it that late already?" I said, looking at the clock in our room.

"Our parents wouldn't be happy to see you up this late." my brother said.

"What will they say when they see you're up this late?" I asked.

"Let's just go to bed." suggested Justin.

"In your own bed this time." I said.

"I never got in your bed!" responded Justin.

"Whatever." I said, "Goodnight."

I turned our game console off and climbed into the top bunk of our bunk bed. It didn't take me too much longer to fall asleep.