The Awakening

When I woke up, something was very off. Somehow, I wasn't wearing my pajamas, but I was wearing what I had worn to school previously. I wiped my eyes and then was shocked to see where I was. I was in the middle of some forest. That would explain why I was feeling a bit cold. I couldn't hear any of the noises from home. All I could hear now was the sound of wind and flowing water.

"Am I dreaming?" I thought, giving myself a pinch, "No, this feels too real. This can't be a dream… so where am I?"

I looked around trying to figure out my surroundings and then stood completely still lost in thought until a voice brought me back to reality.

"You finally woke up." it said.

"Who are you!?" I exclaimed.

"You need not be concerned with who I am." the voice responded.

"Where the hell are you!?" I asked.

"My location is not important." said the voice.

"What do you want!?" I exclaimed, "I haven't done anything wrong!"

"I know that.�� it said.

"Then why?" I asked, "...Why am I here?"

"I brought you to this world because you are one of the chosen heroes."

"What are you talking about?"

"I chose you and a few others to save this world because I cannot do it on my own."

"Wait… this 'world'? What does that even mean?"

"You are no longer in your own dimension. You are in another one because I cannot save it myself."

"Please… show yourself!"

"Now is not the time."

"Why me? How am I a hero? Why was I even chosen?"

"In time, the answer will be made clear."

"Is that so? Or is that just an excuse for you to never tell me?"

"All you need to know is you're one of the heroes chosen to save this world."

"I… need more information about this."

The forest had gone silent after that.

"Now you're done talking?" I said.

I didn't get a response.

"What the hell is with you!?" I exclaimed, "You pull me to this world against my will to fight for you and you tell me next to nothing!?"

I realized that nobody was going to answer me, so I angrily kicked the dirt on the ground.

"So I'm stuck here, huh?" I said to myself.

"I looked up at the sky, thinking about everything I had been told.

"Seems I'm far from home and I guess I have to do something here." I thought to myself, "Perhaps if I manage to save 'this world', I will be able to go home. Although, I am kinda curious about whoever these other 'heroes' are."

I walked through the forest a bit until I found a path. I walked down this path, eventually reaching a town. In front was a sign with the town's name: Dovacath.

"How do you even pronounce that?" I asked.

I looked around the town which appeared to be something medieval-themed.

"I really don't belong here, do I?" I said to myself.

I went further into town, walking around until I found a person that looked like Jason.

"Is that… Jason?" I though, "What's he doing here?"

My curiosity made me immediately run over to him.

"Ron!" he exclaimed, "You're here!"

"Didn't think I'd be seeing anybody I knew here." I said.

"This has to be some kind of dream, right?" asked Jason.

"I don't know. I don't feel like this is a dream." I said, "It feels too… real. Although, going to bed is the last thing I remember doing before coming here."

"So you don't know how exactly you got here?" asked Jason.

"I just went to sleep." I answered, "I don't know exactly what happened."

"Let's put that aside for now." suggested Jason.

"Okay." I said.

"So… what are you?" asked Jason.

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"The voice I heard earlier told me that I was a knight." said Jason, "I don't have my sword or armor with me right now, but I could go get them."

"I wasn't given a title or anything." I said, still feeling upset that the mysterious voice barely told me anything.

"You weren't?" responded Jason.

"No, I was only told that I had been brought here to help save 'this world' and nothing more." I said.

"Oh, crap!" the voice suddenly said.

"Who goes there!?" exclaimed Jason.

"I'm the same voice the two of you should have heard earlier." it responded.

"What is it this time?" I asked.

"Well, I forgot something." the voice said.

"You… forgot something?" I responded, "What kind of magical voice forgets things!?"

"There's more than one hero! How am I supposed to remember all these things!?" exclaimed the voice.

"Great, I was dragged to another world by some magical being that doesn't know what they're doing." I complained.

"Shut up!" the voice responded.

"You're arguing with a voice that has no body." commented Jason.

"Anyways, Ron," the voice said, after what sounded like them clearing their throat, "you are a cat commander?

���Cat… commander?" I responded, "What the heck is that? And how do you even know my name?"

"How I get my information is not important." the voice replied.

"You stalk me and expect me to listen to you!?" I exclaimed.

"What is important is that you have to the ability to call cats and do many cat-related things a normal human cannot do." said the voice.

That bastard completely ignored what I just said!

"I can't believe I get such a lame power." I complained.

"It's funny that you of all people thinks its lame." commented the voice.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"It sounds like it's more than just getting cats to show up." said Jason.

"I guess it sounds a bit less lame like that." I responded.

"Well, I guess that's everything." the voice said, "I must take my leave."

The voice went away after that.

"Well, it's getting late." said Jason, "How about coming to my place?"

"Well, I probably haven't even slept that long." I said, "Wait… you have a place here?"

"Yeah, Harold and I were told to spend the night in that house." said Jason, pointing to a house.

"So… Harold's here too? What is he?" I asked.

"Harold is an archer." answered Jason.

"I see." I responded.

Harold Hill, like Jason is someone I met my freshman year of high school. He's from India, so his skin's a bit darker than ours, and then he has short black hair and brown eyes. English isn't his first language, so he would sometimes mispronounce words because of it, but it was very rare for him to do so. Things went silent as Jason and I walked toward the house.

"So… I guess we have to fight to save this world?" I said.

"You nervous?" asked Jason.

"Yeah… we were just normal high school students this morning and now we have this huge responsibility." I responded.

"I'm nervous too." said Jason, "I've never had to do anything this big before."

"Well, if both of us are here together, it shouldn't be that bad." I said.

"Do me a favor and don't die." requested Jason.

"I wasn't even thinking about that… but what if some of us do die?" I replied, now feeling even more nervous.

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that." responded Jason.

We made it to the house and went inside. It was a nice wooden house, lit and warm because of a fire going in its fireplace.

"Harold!" exclaimed Jason, "I found Ron!"

"What took you so long?" asked Harold, turning his head from the chair he was sitting in, "Did you get pregnant again?"

"I told you I can't get pregnant!" yelled Jason, "Also, I found Ron!"

"I heard you the first time." replied Harold.

"So you're here too." I said.

"I guess I am." responded Harold.

"Why do you think we were brought here?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" responded Harold.

"We're not cut out to be heroes." I said, "Why were we chosen for this?"

"That kind of mentality will get you killed!" yelled Harold.

"What are you saying…!" I responded.

"If you believe you're not meant for this stuff, you're not going to make it through battle." said Harold.

"You honestly expect me to be just suddenly be okay with all this?" I asked, "I was living a normal life until I was dragged here!"

"Is it really so bad being in a reality different from our own?" asked Harold.

"I don't know." I said.

"Weren't you the one that said you wanted to go on an adventure?" asked Jason.

"I was expecting to write it, not literally experience it!" I responded.

"And now you're here and if you want to go back, you have to fight for this world." said Harold.

"But I never wanted to fight for a world I've never been in." I complained.

"There must have been a reason that we were the ones brought here, right?" asked Jason.

"It wouldn't do us any good spending all night trying to figure it out." said Harold.

"You're right." responded Jason.

"So what is Ron?" asked Harold.

"I can command cats, apparently." I answered.

"Of all the powers you could have, you get cats!?" responded Harold, laughing.

"At least mine is magical." I responded.

"Ours are like that too." said Harold.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I don't run out of ammo and Jason's sword never breaks." answered Harold.

"Is that so?" I responded.

"I'm a little worried about tomorrow if I'm honest." said Jason.

"I think everyone's nervous." responded Harold.

"Oh, yeah!" I said, "Have you guys met any of the other heroes?"

"We have not." answered Harold.

"I've only run into you and Harold." said Jason.

"I wonder who those other heroes are…?" I said.

"We'll find out tomorrow." replied Jason.

"Are we going to bed now?" I asked.

"Yeah." said Jason.

"How do we even know what time it is here?" I asked.

"This world has its own form of clocks." answered Harold, pointing at clock-like device on the wall.

"Oh." I said.

"You can sleep in there." said Jason, pointing to a room at the end of the hallway.

"Okay." I said.

I headed into the hallway and went into the room.

"As long as you're here, we'll provide you with things you need." the mysterious voice suddenly said.

"You know this is where I'm going to be sleeping." I said, "It's kinda creepy if you're watching me."

"I'm only here to give you important information." the voice responded, "I have no interest in watching you sleep."

"What do you want to tell me, pervert?" I asked.

"You'll be able to clean yourselves off when you need to and we've provided extra clothes." the voice said.

They continued to ignore my comments. After the voice stopped talking, I found a bag next to my bed and unzipped it to find several clothes from back home.

"How the hell did you get my own clothes!?" I exclaimed.

"It's one of this world's biggest mysteries, isn't it?" the voice said.

"Don't dismiss it as a mystery!" I exclaimed, "This is disturbing, you know!"

The voice didn't even respond to the words I was shouting. Suddenly, Jason knocked on the door.

"You alright in there, man?" he said, "We're going to sleep now. Try to keep it down."

"I'm fine." I said, "See you tomorrow."

Jason walked away and headed to his own room.

We were dragged to this world against our will and given magical powers which I had yet to test out. And then there was the fact that the mysterious voice knew who we were and how did they even get my own clothes here? I was at least grateful I wouldn't have to wear the same thing the entire time, but this was still weird. Something about this just didn't feel right. I went through the bag of clothes and pulled out pajamas that I changed into before climbing to bed and going to sleep.