Welcoming The Heroes

When I woke up, I hoped that I had been dreaming. When my eyes finally opened, I saw Jason in my room, wearing a suit of armor and holding a sword.

"Ron, we need to meet with everyone else in an hour." He said.

"Everyone else?" I asked.

"All of the other heroes." Jason answered, "We'll be in the building across the path from here."

I got up and prepared myself. I wasn't sure what a "cat commander" needed, so I was mostly ready. Jason had his sword and metal armor, while Harold was wearing leather armor, holding a bow and a stash of arrows. I had nothing on me.

"Are you going to go with no armor?" asked Jason.

"I didn't know I had any armor to go with." I replied.

"All of our 'abilities' will be explained in our meeting." said Harold.

"Well, that's helpful since I have no idea how a 'cat commander' is supposed to use their powers." I responded.

The three of us went outside and across the path. After that, we went inside another building. Inside, I saw more people that I recognized. I saw Timothy, Kevin and Tom, but I also saw some other people that I had not seen in a little while: Hunter Beam, Eric Duck, and Daniel Arbeit. I had no idea who joining us, but it was clear that working with these guys would be interesting at the very least.

Hunter had the lightest hair out of the three and green eyes. Eric's hair was brown like Hunter's but it was darker and messier. Both Daniel and Eric had dark blue eyes but Daniel's hair was black and short but he had enough to cover his ears.

Among those people was the guy who I believed was on drugs. He immediately walked up to me.

"My name is Jon Hicks." he said, "My world is in danger."

"Does this mean that you're the one that brought us here?" I asked.

"Yes," he answered, "I brought you all here because I cannot save this world on my own."

"So you're the creep that's been stalking us!?" I exclaimed.

"It's not stalking." he said, "We're providing for you guys."

"'We're'?" I said, "What do you mean by that?"

The room went silent. I looked around and noticed something, there was some hooded figure just standing in the corner. Something about their presence felt familiar to me, but I just wasn't sure what it was.

"Before we do anything," said Jon, "I need to explain your roles. Ron, you already know yours but the power is triggered by a three word sentence; I'm sure you know what it is. Jason is a knight and Harold is an archer. Kevin is a farmer, Eric is another archer, Hunter is an assassin and Daniel is our… shovel person. He gets the power of using shovels."

The room became silent again.

"Lastly, we have our spirit mediums, Timothy and Tom." he said, "But because both of them are male, they won't be able to channel spirits. However, they can still communicate with a dead people at their graves if they wish. They also carry something a magical item that will tell them if somebody was lying."

"What was he saying?" asked Eric.

Jon, though frustrated, repeated everything he had previously said about our powers.

"What did you say?" asked Eric.

Jon repeated what he said again.

"What about cars?" asked Eric.

Jon was very frustrated. I looked back in that corner and I could tell, the hooded figure was laughing. In my mind, I was trying to figure out if I knew that person.

"Just… forget it." he said, trying to keep himself from committing murder, "Anyways, now that we're all together and most of us know our abilities, it's time I reveal what our task is."

"What's my ability again?" asked Eric.

"Are there any more questions before I continue?" asked Jon.

"I want to be an archer!" exclaimed Kevin.

"Were we all destined to save this world or something?" I asked.

"No," Jon answered, "You were all chosen randomly which was probably a bad idea."

"After all that crap about us being the chosen heroes, you're telling us we were just chosen randomly!?" I exclaimed, "I'm even more disappointed now."

"Anyways," Jon said, "it's time you all hear what our task is. There is a legend about a dragon's skeleton buried under Dovacath. If its remains are uncovered, it will bring nothing but destruction. This legend… is true, because just three years ago…I fought that dragon."

-Jon's POV (3 Years Ago)-

I was and always have been a teleporter, a person who uses some kind of magic to teleport from one place to another. That much should have been obvious. However, I must use a specific tool: a magic whistle. I always had my whistle on me. This day was no different. I was walking through Dovacath, afraid of a darkness that would free the dragon.

The dragon's remains were fifty years old at the time. All of us in Dovacath believed the uncovering its remains would bring it to life. That day, somebody actually brought it back. There was a huge hole in the ground, from which a huge black dragon escaped.

I realized I could use the sword I always had at home but never used because I never really needed it. I ran to my house, went inside, and grabbed the sword before leaving.

Once I got outside, there was a massive fire surrounding Dovacath. I ran toward the dragon, but I couldn't catch up. Luckily, I had the whistle. I played a song on my whistle and then I teleported on top of a building. I was standing underneath the dragon at this point. I quickly raised my sword and tried to get the dragon in the heart, but my attack unfortunately missed. The dragon then got away from me.

"You're not much of a fighter, are you?" a familiar voice said.

I looked up to see my cousin, Cerise Atwood. She was always a lot better than me at this kind of stuff. To be honest, she was always kind of like a ninja. Like usual, she was wearing a dark jacket with her hood up, covering her neck-length light brown hair but her red eyes were visible and I could feel them burning into me.

"I never asked for your help." I said.

"I never asked if you wanted my help either." she said.

After that, she jumped from building to building, heading for the dragon.

"Guess I should go after her." I said.

I got on my whistle and teleported from rooftop to rooftop. I caught up to Cerise as she threw knives at the dragon. I jumped off the room of the building I had just teleported to and managed to stab the dragon in the heart. I then quickly blew into my whistle and teleported to the ground where I watched the dragon that had just turned into a skeleton fall to the ground.

"Killing my prey, huh?" said Cerise, coming up behind me.

"I was here first." I said.

"Hmmph, whatever." she said, "At least it's dead."

"Oh, uh... thanks for your help." I said.

She didn't respond because she had completely disappeared. I let out a sigh, but I was happy that the fire was gone and that the town of Dovacath could be happy once again. I soon left and I hid, because I did not care to receive any kind of reward for saving the town. Unfortunately, I am afraid that this same darkness will come back to our town someday.

My fear of it happening again grew over the years. I found out that the dragon was going to be at least fifty times tougher if re-released. I knew I wouldn't be able to save Dovacath on my own, so I searched for recruits and nobody in Dovacath seemed trustworthy. I used my whistle to teleport to another world, where I randomly selected several heroes. The first one was definitely a good choice.

-Jason's POV (1 Day Ago)-

School was over for the day and it was raining. I went home and in front of my house was a bunch of gardening tools my mother had moved around. I did not see a brick that was sitting on the ground. I tripped and fell into a puddle. I put my hand out to catch myself, but gravity changed. Suddenly, I was standing by a puddle in a forest and I heard a voice calling to me.

"Do not leave, noble knight," it said, "you have been brought here for a reason. Collect your weapons from the Dovacath trader and all will be revealed."

I went down a rugged dirt path and found the town of Dovacath. I went inside the town and headed straight for the trader's shop. Inside, I saw that the trader was being robbed. I then saw a sword on the floor, so I picked it up and swung into action and cut down a chandelier. My actions ended up trapping the robber.

The trader was very grateful. I got to keep the sword and I was given a metal suit of armor that shined brightly. That day, the trader introduced me to someone who gave me a nice wooden house that I could stay in during my time in Dovacath. People I knew began to show up in the next several days, including Harold who ended up staying in the same house. Much later that same day, Ron showed up and I brought him into my house.

-Jon's POV (Present)-

"So that's our goal here." I said.

"Wait, what's our goal?" asked Eric.

"I'm tired of repeating myself," I said, "so I'm done."

"That's an interesting story about the black dragon," said Ron, "but I think you should save your racist stories for another time."

"Anyways," I said, "there is a group of people known as the 'Dragon Assassins'. All that I know is that they work for the darkness that is going to free the dragon again. We must find out what they're up to."

"Um… are you on drugs again?" asked Ron.

"I'm pretty sure no one here has been doing any drugs…" I said with my face buried in my hands.

"Um... who is that over there?" asked Ron, pointing to the hooded figure in the corner.

"Ah," I said, "my cousin found herself an apprentice."

"An apprentice?" he said.

"Don't worry about either of them..." I said, "They're interesting characters, to say the least."