Into The Future

"What does 'CH-15' mean?" I asked Jon when we got to his house.

"Well," Jon answered, "it's a code name for my dimensional portal, the 'C' for… I forgot. The guy who was helping me knew."

"Who?" I asked.

"He was supposed to help me finish the portal, but he didn't make it." continued Jon, "What a jerk."

"Would it be right to say that he is probably dead?" I thought to myself.

"Are you guys ready?" asked Jon.

"No, please no!" shouted Kevin, "I'm not gay!"

"Wh-what are you- you- what is wrong with you!?" shouted Jon, "I was asking who was ready to go in the portal."

"Yes." most of us said in unison.

"Rules are pretty similar," said Jon, "You die in this other world and you'll appear back here! Before we head in, we should review our powers as well. Ron will bring us cats, Jason is a knight, Harold and Kevin are archers, Tom and Timothy… oh, and Lilith are spirit mediums, David can control weather and I can teleport to any location that I want."

After all of the review and instructions were done, we all went into the portal. On the other side was a cliff, very close to the portal's exit. We all managed stay on… except for Kevin. He fell right to his death!

"That didn't take long." commented Tom.

"Well," I said, "he did once tell me that he'd rather be with Jesus than with me."

"Except-" started Timothy.

"I know." I said, "He will be back in Dovacath.

"Where are we?" asked Harold.

"In another dimension." answered Jon.

"We know that!" replied Jason.

"I'm sorry," said Lilith, "but Jon can be a bit of a dick at times."

"Okay," I said, "well, everything looks so… advanced here."

This world looked years ahead of our own. It was as if, we had actually travelled through time and were suddenly in the future.

"So, what's our mission?" asked Timothy.

"Well," Jon answered, "we have to somehow get those two guys who somehow got stuck here."

"Why were they here?" asked Tom.

"Well," answered David, "they ended up finding a portal in Dovacath and went in. Unfortunately, it disappeared before I could catch up to them."

"How did you even know it led here?" I asked.

"I described what I saw in the portal to Jon and he said there was only one place they could be." answered David.

"Okay," I said, "but other than looking for these two guys that are trapped in this world… do we have a freaking mission!?"

"Calm down," said Jon, "there is evil lurking in this world... one that can only be stopped when we find three magic gems."

"Magic… gems?" asked Jason.

Yes," answered Jon, "there's a blue one, a red one, and a yellow one. That's all you need to know about them... because… I don't know where to find them."

"Are you kidding me!?" exclaimed Tom.

"Calm down," said Jon, "I don't know where to look… but Lilith knows where to find the blue one."

"It's in the courthouse of the town ahead." she answered.

"Oh no," said Jason, "I'm starting to get a little tired of all this court crap!"

"Wait," said Timothy, "how do you even know this?"

Lilith stood still not saying a word, as the world turned dark before Timothy and Tom. It was clear to them that Lilith was lying.

"I know you're hiding something," said Timothy, "you're lucky that I don't have enough information to force it out of you."

"This is an invasion of privacy." commented Lilith.

"You have the same power, you hypocrite!" exclaimed Tom.

"So… Lilith," I said, "could you lead the way?"

Nine people were now following Lilith and soon we were on a large metal bridge with no railing on either side.

"I know this is a stupid question," I said, "but are we there yet?"

"No," answered Jon, "it's going to take a while."

"I'm bored." said Tom.

"I'm starting to get tired." said Jason.

"I'm starting to get tired as well." responded Timothy.

"Hopefully something interesting will happen soon." added Harold.

"Children!" shouted Lilith, "Do not make me turn this group around!"

"This is just great," I said, "We're going on a quest with my mother…"

"Ron," said Lilith, "I will make you walk to our destination alone if you don't be quiet! Do you understand!?"

"Y-yes, master." I answered.

After our argument, we had reached the end of the bridge. Passed some hills, we could see a town.

"We're getting closer," said Lilith.

We kept quiet for a while and then I made the mistake of opening my mouth again.

"How much longer is it going to take to get there!?" I complained.

Then, I feared what would happen next.