Searching For The Blue Gem

"Ow," I said, "that really hurt!"

"You asked for it!" responded Lilith.

"Did you have to throw a freaking ROCK at my head!?" I exclaimed.

"Yes." answered Lilith.

"I think I may have brain damage now," I replied, "and it's your fault, you-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" interrupted Jon, "Now is not the time to fight! We need to focus on the blue gem."

"Yeah," I said, "we better do it before I get another rock to my face."

"Ron," said Jason, "are you feeling alright? What's two plus two?"

"Twenty five… minus twenty one," I answered.

"No, it's- OH!" responded Jason, "Why couldn't you have answered that normally?"

"Must I explain all of my actions?" I replied, "Hay un gato blanco en mi casa, se llama Garfield y él es muy bonito."

"What are you doing?" asked Jason.

"I'm practicing Spanish." I said, "Because I felt like it."

"Are you sure you'll actually use it in the future?" he asked.

"Hey, Ron," whispered Tom, "what do you think Lilith is hiding from us?"

"Well," I answered silently, "she knows where the blue gem is and won't tell us where or how she got the information. My guess is that she has some kind of connection to this place."

"What if she hears us?" asked Tom.

"Don't worry," I said, "I know mediums can read minds but I don't think they can hear us from so far away."

"This town is pretty far." commented Jason.

"So," I asked, "who do guys think will die next?"

"Should we really be discussing that?" asked Harold.

"Ron," Jason said, "too much fourth wall breaking will make the man outside the pages angry."

"Um… what?" I responded.

"Oh… nothing." replied Jason.

"This is kind of boring," I said, "Does anybody want to throw rocks?"

"You just want revenge on Lilith, don't you?" asked Harold.

"Um… no," I said, as I finished writing a note attached to a rock that read: "YOU BROUGHT THIS ON YOURSELF, LILITH!" and dropping it.

"It won't take much longer." Lilith informed us.

After what felt like an hour, we reached a town. There was a sign at the entranced that read: "Mirai".

"Isn't that the Japanese word for future?" I asked.

"I believe so." said Jon.

"So this place knows they're in the future, huh?" said Jason.

"Isn't this normal?" responded Lilith.

"This is normal?" asked David.

"Maybe for this world..." commented Timothy.

"Knowing she's hiding something is bugging me." responded Tom.

"I guess we just have to wait a bit longer." suggested Timothy.

"Well," I said, "we're here. Why don't we continue and find the courthouse?"

All of us continued to walk with Lilith leading the way.

"Why are we going so slow?" asked David.

"Lilith," I said, "why are you dragging your feet?"

"Lilith," said Jon, "could you please walk a little faster?"

"I… I… uh," said Lilith, "um, I…"

"I don't want to hear any excuses," said Jon, "You already took us this far. It's too late to turn back."

Eventually, we had arrived at our destination, the courthouse. We went inside, hoping to soon find the blue gem. Inside the building, the walls appeared to be made out of metal, robots scattered all over the place in the first room. It was very scintillating to look at.

"This looks much better than the Dovacath Courthouse." commented Jason.

"Follow me." commanded Lilith.

We all followed her as she went into another room. It looked just like Dovacath's courtrooms, but scarier. For example, the walls were made out of metal, rather than wood. There was an abyss about six feet behind the witness stand as well. Above that abyss was a large metal cage.

"It's in this room." said Lilith.

"Alright," I said, "it's time to-"

I was interrupted by a rock meeting my face.

"OW!" I exclaimed, "What the hell was that for!?"

"I didn't do it!" exclaimed Lilith.

"Who's there?" asked a voice.

A shadow came out of the darkness and turned into a man with light brown hair and blue eyes. His name is Cameron Harlow and he was in the same grade as me and my friends.

"Oh, it's you guys." he said, sounding a little disappointed.

"Okay," said Lilith, "now we just have one more person to find."

"Cameron?" I said, "…Well, since you're here, we should fill you in. We are currently looking for a blue gem. Would you know where we could find it?"

"Yes," he answered, "I just found it in this room."

"That's it!" exclaimed Lilith.

"You're not going anywhere!" came out of nowhere.

"Hurry up!" commanded Lilith, very impatiently, "Let's get out of here! Now!"

Why are you in such a hurry to leave?" asked Timothy.

"I'm-" she started.

"That's enough, Lilith." interrupted the same voice.

Next, we saw a woman walk out of the darkness. She was close to the same height as the Lilith. She had the same purple eyes but her hair was dark brown and a bit longer.

"J-j-" started Lilith.

"Shut up, Lilith." commanded the woman, "You are not going to be getting in the way of my job."

"Lilith," I said, "do you know her?"

"N-no." she answered.

"She's lying!" exclaimed Tom.

"I am here to make an arrest." said the mysterious woman.

"I feel like Kevin would make a prison joke if he was still alive." I muttered.

"The one with the rocks shall be taken away… for murder!" said the woman.

Next, the woman took off with Cameron.

"Lilith-" I started, and then I realized that she took off too.

We could have increased our party but Cameron was taken away and all we could do was watch. Now we were left with a few mysteries: who that woman was, why Lilith Ran off, why Cameron was arrested for murder, and what the hell was even going on.

"What… just happened?" I asked.

"I'm… confused." commented Jason.

"…and pregnant." teased Harold.

"What was that!?" exclaimed Jason.

"N-nothing." answered Harold, trying to keep a straight face.

"I don't know what's going on." said Jon, "Why doesn't she tell me anything anymore?"