First Night In Mirai

-Jason's POV-

After the court case, I was glad to be out of there. I really don't like suits and I'm not big on politics. I'm not a huge fan of lawyers or court in general. Yet, we've had to keep going through this and I even lead the defense in a trial. At the very least, I was glad to have a bit of a break from it, even if it might have been short.

My next challenge would be to survive. Our group's morale was lifted, but not mine. I was worried about where we were going to sleep and what we were going to eat.

"Jason, come look at this!" yelled Ron, "Harold was punching down a tree floating in mid-air!"

"How?" I said, "You know what? I don't want to know!"

Also, we couldn't just camp out like we did before. We needed to find some money and feed ourselves. It took a while but after about six hours of scrounging around in the city, we found nothing is disgusting and most of it is resourceful.

Unfortunately, it was bad for us because we weren't sure how to use our newly gathered materials. But in all darkness, there is a light. As we headed back to where the courthouse was, we saw a note and a strange seal.

It said: "Congratulations, heroes. However, there is still much more to be done. There are secrets that have yet to be found."

I held up the strange metal seal and it shifted into a door and opened. Inside, there were several rooms, all customized to suit our needs. All of the rooms were extremely high tech with holographic computers and our own personal armor of futuristic clothes. They also came with weapons.

In the center of the tower were nine blue seals with one missing. Each had the power to take us to this hidden location. The western-most area had a dining room with a cook robot that could make just about anything edible…

In the eastern-most wing was a large meeting room with lots of tech stuff and one large super computer, which I believe was named Karen. All of us had decided to go spend some time in the meeting room before we would all get to sleep.

"Has anyone noticed that Jon vanished after the trial?" asked David.

"He's probably going to touch himself." said Cameron.

"Stop." interrupted Ron, "I believe the answer should be obvious."

"He's playing with his junk." said Cameron.

"He's not a pathetic excuse for life," I said, "He's probably looking for his girlfriend."

"Hey, guys," said Tom, "I wonder who's going to hell next?"

"You mean who's going to die next?" asked Timothy.

"Yes," answered Tom, "We've gone quite a while without losing somebody."

"It could be one of our bravest," said Harold, "or dumbest."

"Guys, please don't talk like that." said Ron, "You're just going to jinx the whole thing."

-Jon's POV-

I was wandering alone in the dark, in the town of Mirai, which was probably connected to Lilith's secret. I was a little scared, so I held my teleporting whistle as tightly as I could. I didn't know where to look, but something soon occurred to me. If I was to talk to the prosecutor we dealt with, she could probably help me find Lilith, assuming she'd talk, anyways. It didn't take long to find the mysterious woman who for some reason was wandering around late at night.

"Excuse me, miss," I said, "could you-"

"What do you want?" she asked softly.

I was surprised that she wasn't acting all pissed off like she was in court.

"I was wondering you could help me find Lilith," I answered, "since… you seem to know her."

"Let me ask you something." the woman said, "How do YOU know Lilith?"

"Well… y'see… I-I'm her boyfriend." I responded nervously.

"Oh. Well, 'he' might be a little upset about this." she muttered with a smile on her face.

"Um… 'he?'" I responded, "What do you mean by that?"

"Don't worry about it," she said, "Anyways, if you really want to find her, try checking the park in the center of town. There's a good chance she'll be there."

I decided to go check where the prosecutor had suggested. I arrived in an empty park full of tall trees. I wandered around a for a bit and soon a surprise appeared before me. Some of the trees suddenly caught on fire and it started to spread!

"LILITH!" I shouted, "LILITH!"

I got no answer and I got another surprise when I looked up. There was a bright red dragon with yellow eyes in the sky that had become so dark it was hard to see. I ran through the park that was now filled with fire. Soon, I found Lilith, who was up a tree. I then blew my whistle and appeared in front of her. I probably should have planned better, because I only scared her and she fell to the ground!

"Um… sorry!" was all I could say.

It was at that moment that I noticed the dragon's flames coming toward me. I blew my whistle again and appeared at ground level and then grabbed Lilith's hand.

"Why were you even up there!?" I asked.

Unfortunately, I got no answer from her. I just started running and she ran with me.

"Go find the others." I said.

"Wh-what are you doing?" she asked.

"I'll stay behind and kill the dragon." I said, "Just go. A woman from here told me about an invisible shelter near the courthouse. Just get passed the metal seal and you'll find everyone else."

"N-no, you'll-" she started.

"It's okay," I said, "I'll be able to return soon. Just trust our heroes; they'll save this world… or should I say… your world? Now, just go and I'll kill the dragon."

After my short speech, I ran off into the burning park. I pulled a knife out of my pocket and used my whistle. I was suddenly on top of the dragon and I sliced its neck. It was at that moment that I fell into a sea of flames.

-Ron's POV-

Our meeting went on for what seemed like forever, so I just had to wonder when the heck we would actually get to sleep. Our chatter was pretty much everlasting. It started by us talking about our plans for the next day but it somehow turned into us talking about movies and video games.

"Guys," I said, "we've been talking for a while- I hear footsteps outside, so I'm going to check it out."

I walked to the entrance and saw that somebody was opening the seal, and then Lilith walked in.

"Oh," I said, "it's just you. Um, how'd you find us? And where's Jon?"

"Jon… died." she answered, "He told me about this place before then."

Then, I took her to the meeting room and both of us were a little surprised by Timothy.

"I've been waiting for you, Lilith." he said.

"What do you mean by that?" she asked.

"We're going to get the truth from you right now!" added Tom.

The area around three of them suddenly had a dark atmosphere and it creeped the rest of us out.

"We know you have some kind of connection to this universe," said Timothy, "and it is related to somebody here."

"Your connection is with the prosecutor we went up against today." added Tom.

"We already know that." I said.

"Shut up and let us do our thing," said Timothy, as Lilith started to sweat, "Anyways, we don't really know much about this connection."

"However, we do know that there is some kind of grudge between the two of you." said Tom, "As for what the cause of this grudge is, could it be… a sibling rivalry?"

"You have no proof that she is my sister." responded Lilith.

She didn't sound very convincing.

"I think it's safe to assume we're on the right track." replied Timothy.

"Um… what's going on?" asked Cameron.

"Using their spirit medium powers," I said, "they can see when people are lying and if they have enough evidence, they can get the truth out of whoever they're talking to."

"We have a theory about why we're here." continued Tom.

"What?" asked Lilith.

"It's very simple," answered Timothy, "You are not from Dovacath, which we have learned from Jon. And after everything that's happened, we can assume you and that prosecutor are related… which implies you are from Mirai.."

The atmosphere went back to normal but Lilith was still sweating.

"…And that's the truth that you were hiding." said Tom.

"I… all of what you have said is true." she answered, seeming a little upset.

"Why'd you leave and come to Dovacath?" asked Timothy. "Because I knew." she answered, "I knew that there was a person in the shadows who would come out soon. There were a few signs I found and I… did a bit of research. The people in this town didn't believe me and I knew that I couldn't rely on the people of this world. That's why I had to go to another. The other world I went to was where I met Jon and then all of you. I also had to go because one of the gems that we are looking for was there, but I seem to have lost it here in this world. Anyways, that is why I was in Dovacath. I may have pissed a few people off by leaving, but I just don't want my world to be destroyed."

"Which gem was it?" asked David.

"The yellow one." answered Lilith.

"I think we all now understand the situation a little better," I said, "Now we know why you're here… why you're here with us now. Tomorrow, we will look for the remaining gems. Some of us may die, but that will not stop us from our quest. Anyways, I've had enough talking for one night. Why don't we all get some rest?"