The Last Gems

That morning, we were at the park in the center of town. Lilith wasn't joking when she said that there was a large fire the night before. Trees had become very scarce in the area. We also saw glowing a yellow gem, heavily guarded by purple dogs of different shapes and sizes.

Jason drew his sword and Harold readied his bow. Cameron prepared to throw rocks and David pointed at the sky. Tom, Timothy, and Lilith readied their magical items.

"I LIKE CATS!" I shouted.

Cats and rain fell from the sky and stray bolts of lightning started to strike the dogs. Jason then ran into the swarm of dogs and swung his sword all over the place. Harold started to shoot his arrows at them as well. Rocks flew through the sky along with white stuff, or spiritual power from the mediums. Lightning, cats, a sword, arrows, rocks, and spiritual power flew through the air. Soon, all the dogs were dead and a voice came from behind us.

"Did you kill my dogs!?" it shouted.

We turned around and saw the guy we saw on our last adventure: the one that said he liked trains a lot.

"Heh. You guys… You will not stop me," he said, "I will definitely win."

"The kid that likes trains!" exclaimed Jason.

"My name is Miles," he answered, "Don't forget it."

Then he ran off extremely fast.

"Miles?" I responded, "Does anyone else think that he might actually be a two-tailed fox?"

"Are you serious?" asked Timothy.

"Well," I said, "this guy doesn't seem like the type to play chess…"

"Is he… the evil hiding in this world?" asked Harold.

"If he's not on drugs." answered Lilith.

"Where should we go next?" I asked.

"Follow me." suggested Lilith, "I think I can help."

After grabbing the yellow gem, we followed Lilith around town for a while and soon found Lilith's sister.

"What do you want?" the prosecutor asked.

"The red gem," responded Lilith, "where is it located?"

"Do you really believe in that myth?" her sister asked.

"Erica, the end is closer than you think." replied Lilith.

"Whatever," said Erica, pointing in the general location that we had first appeared in this world, "You might be able to find it away from town… at the volcano."

"T-thanks." I responded nervously, before leading the party to where we first arrived.

We walked alongside the edge of the cliff, around a foot away from the edge. We heard something from below soon after.

"Um… could somebody please help me?" said a voice that sounded a lot like Kevin, "I've been hanging here for hours!"

"Harold," I said, "do your thing."

"I'm on it." he said and then he shot Kevin with an arrow.

"Not quite what I meant… but okay." I said.

After that, Kevin fell again and we were pretty sure that he had died. We then just continued as if nothing happened.

"We're almost there." I said.

It was at that moment that we were stopped by Miles and more purple dogs.

"You will never defeat-" he started, but wasn't able to finish because he had just got hit with one of Cameron's rocks.

"Dogs! Attack!" he then said.

The dogs ran toward us and I called for cats to appear and got something better than I had expected. I got a ninja cat that immediately started to kick ass.

"Wow… that's one tough cat." I muttered.

Everyone who had magic powers started using their fists and feet. Harold just used his bow and Jason used his sword. Soon, all of the dogs were dead and the ninja cats vanished.

"You don't know when to give up." said Miles, "I will make sure that you do not collect the final gem. I LIKE TRAINS!"

We all barely escaped a train that came out of nowhere. Miles kept summoning trains and we kept dodging them as we ran toward him. I looked up in the sky at that moment, planning my next move.

"Alright," I said, "I like cats!"

Suddenly, a HUGE blast of cats came in from behind me and Miles drowned in the flood of cats. When the flood disappeared, Miles was gone and we went forward.

"Alright, guys," I said, "time to-"

I looked behind me and saw that two members of our party had been murdered. Tom and Timothy were on the ground, soaked with blood. Each of them was holding a key in their hand. I grabbed the keys and instructed the rest of us too keep going. We soon made it to a volcano.

There was a large door with two keyholes. Then, we used both keys and went inside. At the entrance, there was a person who was tied up. Up close I could see he had extremely brown hair, his eyes were covered by transition glasses and he had a few freckles on his face. Jason quickly rushed in and got to untying him. That was when I knew that Jason had already met this guy somewhere.

"Dexter," said Jason, "who tied you up?"

"He… was fast… and likes… trains." answered the guy who was tied up.

"Why?" asked Jason.

"I almost killed him… with my wrench and he tried to attack me." answered Dexter, "Unfortunately, he tied me up here."

"We should keep going." said Harold.

We continued to walk and stood before a strange door, unlike anything we had seen before.

"Any ideas?" asked David.

"Throw a rock?" suggested Cameron.

"Sounds fun… but no." I answered, "Actually, I think that we may already have the key to this door."

"Ron," said Jason, "are you saying that you've solved the puzzle already?"

"It could only be Dexter." I answered.

"What is that supposed to mean?" asked Jason.

"He knows how to unlock the door." I answered, "Remember, he tried to kill Miles using a wrench."

"Are you saying that he can use his mechanical skills to unlock the strange door?" asked Jason.

"Yes," I answered, "his skills will be necessary."

"Um, guys?" said Dexter, "I already unlocked it."

"Wh-when?" I responded.

"While you two were talking." he answered.

"Oh." I replied. "Anyways, let's continue to go forward."

We went into the strange door and we saw more purple dogs. They were guarding the red gem. Harold then readied his bow, Jason drew his sword, Cameron readied his rocks, and David started to make clouds with his hands. Lilith just stood back and I summoned cats into the area. Rocks hit the dogs in their faces… and other places. Jason was swinging his sword and arrows were soaring through the air. Clouds also traveled through the air, their lightning striking the dogs.

We just kept going, spamming the purple dogs with same attacks over and over. Soon, Lilith joined in by channeling a murderous psychopath. The murderous psychopath rushed into the middle of the fight and beat the crap out of the dogs and then she ran toward Dexter when all of the purple dogs were dead, as if she was going to kill him. I immediately came up to her and punched her in the face, hard enough to make her fall unconscious.

"Ron," said Jason, "you just hit a woman!"

"No," I said, "that was the spirit severing technique."

After five minutes, Lilith got herself up; the spirit had left her body at that point.

"That should bring everything to a happy ending… for now." I said, "We have all three of the magic gems."

"Okay," said Jason, "let's go back to our base and together we'll figure out where and when to use these gems."

All of us then left the volcano and saw the police of Mirai surrounding the bodies of Tom and Timothy. Before we knew it, a cop came toward us and took Dexter away.

"Goddammit." muttered Jason.