When They Met

- Lilith's POV (4 Years Ago)-

I met "him" four years ago. However, it seems that he may have forgotten everything. As far as I know, he seems to believe that he first met me and my boyfriend, Jon, about one year ago during the "training" thing.

Four years ago, I was a defender in the Dovacath court. That year ended up being the last of my few years as a defender. Something crazy had happened that made me decide to quit. Anyways, I was in the defendant lobby waiting for Jon and the defendant to show up.

"Lilith!" came out of nowhere.

"Ah!" I responded, "You startled me!"

"I know." replied Jon when he appeared before me.

"You jerk," I thought.

"So, um… do you have anything?" asked Jon.

"I don't have a whole lot of evidence." I answered.

"Well, what do you have?" asked Jon.

"I have a letter that seems to be for the defendant and nothing else." I answered.

"Well, I'm not sure how far you'll get with that alone." responded Jon, "Have you even met with your client yet?"

"I… no, I haven't."

"He's supposed to be here now… Well, I did hear that he is a little shy."

Suddenly, there was a young boy who appeared before us that looked like a middle-school student.

"Hi," I said, "I'll be defending you today."

The kid was extremely quiet.

"I'll be… defending you." I said.

He was still silent.

"Um, do you even… speak English?" I asked.

"Y-yes." the boy answered.

"Could you please tell me your name and what happened?" I requested.

"My name is Ron," he answered, "and I don't know what happened."

"Great… nobody knows anything." commented Jon, "Well, that hasn't stopped us before."

"That was just luck." I said.

"You've done this at least twelve times already," replied Jon, "…I don't think it's just luck."

"Anyways… um… Ron, do you recognize this letter?" I asked, holding the letter up to his face.

"Y-yes." answered Ron, "When I went to check the mail yesterday, I found that. I-it was… addressed to me for some reason… but I have not… opened it yet."

Immediately after that, I tore it open and found what appeared to be some kind of threat. The letter said: "I am the most powerful. My powers of destruction are incredible. Some day, I will destroy all worlds. The magic gems will not ever be able to stop me. No hero will ever be strong enough. When all the worlds are gone, I will create my own to rule."

"Oh my-" I started.

"What is it!?" reacted Jon.

"…Did something bad happen?" asked Ron.

"Somebody's planning something big… and evil." I answered.

"Do you know who wrote it?" asked Jon.

"I-it's anonymous." I said, shaking a little.

"Times like this make me wish I had a magic gem like yours." responded Jon.

"Okay… let's see if we can think of what happened-" I started.

"The trial is about to start!" a voice interrupted.

"Crap, I'm not ready!" I reacted.

"Well, we better hurry in there." said Jon, "If we stay behind, a guilty verdict will definitely be passed."

That was when we all went inside the courtroom. We soon found out that Ron was being tried for sorcery. Specifically, he was accused of using a spell that caused acid rain. In the end, I was able to prove, that such a spell was never cast. I ended up pushing even further after that and proved that sorcery didn't exist. The inquisitor for the trial was in such shock that he suffered a heart attack. This is when his habit of "dying" at the end of every trial began.

I was glad to make it out of there alive. The trial itself began at six at night and dragged on for about nine hours. I was pretty tired after all of that work. However, I would not be able to rest just yet. Something interesting was going to happen.

"I'm so glad it's finally over." said Jon.

"We no longer have to worry about sorcery here." I said.

"This was all a joke, right?" asked Ron, "I… couldn't keep from… laughing at all the things… you guys said."

"Heh, heh." responded Jon, scratching the back of his neck.

"We can't rest just yet." I said, "There is one thing that needs further examination."

"…What are you referring to?" asked Jon.

"It is the letter." I said, "We need to learn more about its origin and what it means."

"You seem like you know who wrote it already, to be honest." responded Jon.

"N-no, I don't!" I reacted.

"You two are both weird." commented Ron.

"What?" I responded.

This case may have been over, but we still needed to look into that letter. Who it came from… I had an idea. However, I had to wonder… why did it exist? And who would gain from any of this!?