This Quest's Heroes

-Ron's POV (Present)-

I was at school… again. Jon was there as well. However, he wouldn't tell me why. When I confronted him, I had to use a skill that I had learned not too long before them. I guess playing video games CAN be useful! The atmosphere around us had changed. In my head, I was imagining what I saw in a game, which made things far more interesting.

"Okay… shouldn't be too hard." I muttered, "Now, what should my first attack be?"

I paused for a few seconds.

"First… I should just get to the point." I said quietly.

"What's going on?" asked Jon, noticing the change in the atmosphere.

"Welcome to hell!" I answered.

"Ack!" responded Jon.

"You must tell me why you're here!" I demanded.

"I got a j-job here." he responded.

"OBJECTION!" I shouted.

"Ack!" responded Jon, "Don't be so loud!"

"What do you even do here?" I asked.

"I'm a janitor?" responded Jon.

"Hmmm… you don't seem too sure about that." I commented.

"I'm kind of… new here." he said, and then shouted, "Just leave me alone… I don't have any information for you!"

I stood still and waited a few seconds for him to say something else.

"Please don't pry." he continued, "I'm doing this for Lilith."

"This could be a very important thing to remember," I thought before saying out loud, "How long have you been here?"

"Only twenty minutes." answered Jon.

"Why'd you come here?" I asked, "Anyone you trying to impress?"

"Not at all." answered Jon, "I just needed an extra job."

"Yeah… no." I said, "You said that whatever you're doing here is for Lilith!"

From the look on Jon's face, I could tell I was on the right track. It seemed that he was starting to sweat too!

"I should probably ask about the situation," I thought.

"Whatever you're doing here must be important." I said, "It's most likely some kind of emergency."

"Relax," responded Jon, trying to hide the fact that he was nervous, "it's not like any of you are at risk of d-dying or anything!"

"Should I take that as a confession?" I responded.

He was definitely getting even more nervous. However, it wasn't enough to make him crack.

"Don't be ridiculous!" exclaimed Jon, "Anyways, it's all my business and you need to stay out of it!"

"He's started to get worked up and he's covered in even more sweat. I should just calmly 'wait and see' what happens next," I thought.

I just stood still and waited for Jon to cool down.

"Please understand, Ron," said Jon, "I'm going to be doing this alone. I don't need any of your help with saving everyone right now."

"Sounds like a useful clue," I thought.

"Are you here to help somebody?" I asked.

"I just needed a job," answered Jon, "that's all."

"So you're saying that you have no reason to be here," I said, "is that really true!?"

"Ack!" exclaimed Jon, "Y-yes… I-I'm not lying!"

"You're a poor liar."

"What do you mean?"

"I know exactly why you're here!"

"No, you don't!"

"Jon, you told me earlier that you didn't need help saving everyone. Therefore, you're here because people are in serious danger!"

"Ngh… dammit! Nobody was supposed to know!"

At this point, I knew that I had won.

"Checkmate." I said.

After that, the heavy atmosphere disappeared and our surroundings looked more clear. It was definitely a normal-looking second floor hallway of my high school. Everything was the way it should be… almost.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Ungh… I… I… didn't want to alarm you," answered Jon, "but I guess I must tell you. This world… could be destroyed soon."

"What!?" I responded.

"It's not just this world," said Jon, "it's all of them! An unknown force is causing all the worlds to mix together. I don't have a solution to this problem yet and I don't know what we'll have to do at all. For all I know, we could have to collect seven crystal stars, collect eight musical instruments-"

"Really?" I responded.

"Nah, I'm just messing with you." he said.

"At a time like this!?" I exclaimed.

"Don't worry about it right now," responded Jon, "I'll tell you as soon as everyone is together."

"Ron!" then came from behind me.

"Jason!" I responded, turning around.

Jason was with Harold, both of them looking extremely concerned.

"What's going on?" asked Jason.

"All of the classrooms are empty!" exclaimed Harold.

"Plus, I'm pretty sure it's not the weekend!" reacted Jason.

"Each world is being destroyed… Pieces of each world are coming together to 'make' a new one." I responded.

"Hmm… interesting." said Jon.

"What is it?" I asked.

"This lines up with the letter from four years ago." answered Jon, "Do you remember, Ron?"

"No." I answered, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Ron," said Jon, "you were… in Dovacath four years ago."

"I was?" I reacted.

"Wait," said Harold, "you knew him before the training?"

"I'm really confused right now," I said, "I don't know what Jon is talking about."

It was true I had no idea what he was talking about, but there was something nagging at the back of my mind.

"Yes," answered Jon, "something happened four years ago in Dovacath. He was on trial for sorcery."

"Enough with goddamn court!" exclaimed Jason.

"Um… can I continue the story without any rude interruptions?" responded Jon.

"Um… sorry?" replied Jason.

"Anyways," said Jon, "I do have something to prove it."

Jon pulled a letter out of his pocket. I scanned the letter and as soon as I did, everything came flooding back to me.

"The threat… was far from a joke." I said.

"So, it seems that we have somebody trying to be some kind of god…" said Jon, "This can't be good."

"…Some kind of god, huh?" I responded.

"Anyways," said Jon, "the events foretold in this letter are actually happening. Such a thing cannot be denied."

"This is going to be difficult." I said, "Well, Jon, why don't we go gather those who remain into one of the classrooms?"

Jon did as I had asked him to do. All of us met up in the empty classroom of a teacher I had for English when I was a freshman. In the room were myself, Jon, Jason, Harold, Timothy, Tom, Kevin, Lilith, and Erica. There were also three more who weren't involved in our previous adventure. They were Donovan, Elijah and Eric who was with is during the training.

There was a long introductory speech given by Jon. He told everyone else the situation and explained what everyone's power was. I had the ability to call cats into battle, Jason was a knight, Harold was an archer, like Kevin and Eric, Donovan could perform amazing tricks involving pennies, Elijah could freeze time at certain moments as well as choose who could see time frozen with him, and Jon could teleport using a magic whistle. Lastly, Timothy, Tom, Jon, Erica, and Lilith were all spirit mediums. However, only the girls were able to have their bodies possessed by ghosts, but all of them were able to communicate with the dead.

"Our mission is to collect four more magic gems and take them to the door of one thousand years." instructed Jon, "A certain blind lady gave me these instructions. She's also the one that provided us with shelter last time. Now, our quest must begin. I'll take you all to where the first gem is located."

After he was done talking, he blew into his whistle.