Time For Adventure!

We were all teleported to a medieval town that most of us had been to before. Suddenly, somebody ran toward us: someone that I was familiar with. It was Bob the inquisitor.

"You… I've been… looking… all over… for… you." he said to me.

"To have… revenge." he answered, as he fell over and "died" again.

"Should we… do something?" asked Lilith.

"No," I answered, "from what I know about him, he'll be fine."

"Where do we go first, Jon?" asked Jason.

"Based on what I've been told," said Jon, "a secret passage is hidden in the Dovacath Archive and we just need to find it."

"I didn't know Dovacath had books." I commented, sarcastically.

"I didn't either." replied Jon.

"I… hope you're joking." I responded.

"I am." said Jon, "Now, does anybody know where we should go?"

"But you live here!" exclaimed Jason.

"Um… I've never been to the Archive because I don't read... often." answered Jon.

"What he means to say is he doesn't read at all." a familiar voice said.

"Cerise!" exclaimed Jon, as the woman appeared before us with her apprentice by her side.

"You two always seem to show up at the most random times." I commented.

"I wonder how this will all play out?" said Cerise.

"It'd be nice if you could take all of this seriously for once!" exclaimed Jon.

"Oh, but I am." she replied.

I could barely hear it, but I could tell her apprentice was laughing. I really couldn't shake the feeling that it sounded familiar. It was as if I had heard her voice recently.

"So, did you need something?" asked Lilith.

"Not really." she said, "I won't be going with you guys but I thought you should know the two of us will be doing our own thing."

"Your... own thing?" asked Jason.

"You've got the main part of the quest." said Cerise, "The two of us will be taking out any monsters we find, so there will be less you for you to fight."

"Is that all you have to say?" I asked.

"For now." she said, leaving with her apprentice.

"She never changes." said Jon, "She never helps with anything unless she feels like it."

"We have other things to worry about right now." said Harold.

"Well, whatever." I said, "We should start looking for a sign or something."

"Oh, that's right!" exclaimed Kevin, "We're looking for the Archive, aren't we?"

"Did you really forget?" asked Elijah.

Our entire team set off in search of the Dovacath Archive. It didn't take long to find it, but we immediately encountered a problem. There were several red locks and chains all over the entrance.

"What the heck are these!?" exclaimed Jason.

"Oh no." muttered Timothy.

"What?" responded Tom.

"These locks use specific password to work," answered Timothy, "we can either try to find who originally set them or enter every possible combination."

"So, what do we do?" asked Tom.

"How about… all the mediums stay here and work on the locks?" suggested Timothy, "While we do that, everyone else can explore town and gather information… or something."

"Why the mediums?" asked Eric.

"I think these locks are set by mediums." answered Timothy.

"Okay." responded Tom.

After these instructions, Jason, Harold, Kevin, Eric, Donovan, Elijah, Jon, and I left to wander around town.

"What should we do?" asked Eric.

"Stay the hell away from the courthouse!" exclaimed Jason.

"We should try Jason in court and execute him once we prove him guilty." teased Donovan.

"Focus, guys." I said, "Maybe we should see if there's anything that has to do with our quest?"

"Like what?" asked Elijah, "I'm not sure if there's going to be anything helpful until we can get into the Archive."

"Let's just walk around until something happens." I suggested.

We all wandered around the medieval town. After a while, we ended up walking outside of the edge of the town. There, we encountered purple dogs that we had seen on a previous quest. They were very ugly and few of them had a scar or two.

"Not these things again." I complained.

"Prepare to attack!" instructed Jon.

After that I threw a ball that I had in my pocket for some reason and said "Go, Pikachu!"

Suddenly, the area was silent.

"Ron," said Donovan, "what are you doing?"

"Well," I said, "these dogs look like Pokémon, so I guess I'm trying to fight fire with fire…?"

"You're an idiot." commented Kevin.

A health bar flashed above me and a small portion of it vanished.

"Um, I thought I wasn't going to have a health bar this time." I responded.

"Again… prepare to attack!" re-instructed Jon.

Jason drew his sword as Harold, Kevin, and Eric readied their bows. Donovan then somehow pulled pennies out of thin air. Everyone else just stood back.

Jason struck one of the dogs with this sword. At the same time, another one took an arrow to the knee. At the same time, pennies fell to the ground and soon Donovan was shooting them out of the palm of his right hand. Pennies ended up going down the throats of two of the dogs. Both of them ended up dying.

"Um… Elijah?" I asked, "You control time, right?"

"No, I'm not going to do it… yet." answered Elijah, "Besides, wouldn't it be cheating if we did that just so we could win?"

"Is that why?" I responded.

"No." answered Elijah, "There's a limit to how many times I can do it. I don't want to waste it here."

The next thing I knew, Jason's sword cut through seven dogs in one strike! Right after that, one of Harold's bows took eight out at once! These actions were followed by Donovan's endless pennies that continued choking the dogs. That was when I decided to join in.

"I LIKE CATS!" I shouted.

A ninja cat appeared and attacked the dogs. The cat was able to knock twelve out at once! Eventually, all the dogs seemed dead and the cat vanished. Unfortunately, one got up immediately.

"I got this." said Eric, preparing his bow.

Suddenly, the dog grew to about forty feet tall and turned green.

"Does anybody need brown pants now!?" I asked loudly.

All of us began to back up. Jason then threw his sword and struck the dog in the foot. Eric shot at the dog and an arrow stuck in its lower left leg. Our attacks did no good. The only thing we could do was continue walking backwards until we were stopped by a large, tall and wide tree.

"Normally," I said, "somebody would make an awkward confession here, but I don't think we have enough time!"

We didn't have room to run and the dog was extremely close. It didn't seem like any possible escape routes existed either. Suddenly, the dog was hit in the side with a golden sword, which caused the large monster to fall over. The dog was now dead because somebody had come to our rescue. It was a girl about our age with long brown hair that reached her shoulders and silver eyes, wearing golden armor.

"She's hot." commented Kevin.

"Is that seriously all you can say!?" responded Harold.

"Come with me if you wanna not die." she instructed.

"Who are you and why are you helping us?" I asked.

"My name is Jean," she answered, "and I've been looking for you because I kind of owe you."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I replied.

"You don't remember?" she responded, "Jon, do you remember me?"

"Whoa… I have a girlfriend." reacted Jon.

"No! That's not-" started Jean.

"I'm only messing with you." Jon interrupted, "And… no, I don't remember you."

"Well, that's unfortunate." commented Jean.

"Where are you taking us?" asked Donovan.

"Well, I was going to take you guys back to Dovacath but then I remembered that… I don't know… where I am…" answered Jean.

"Great." muttered Jon.

"Ron!" said Kevin angrily, "This is all your fault!"

"My fault!?" I exclaimed.


"Whoa… crap." commented Jason.

"…And you're ugly!" said Kevin, looking at Jason.

"I question my friendships sometimes." I said quietly, trying not to cry.

"You have no room to talk!" exclaimed Jason, "You're one of the assholes who keeps making fun of me!"

I looked around, while hoping to find an opening in the conversation. Unfortunately, as expected, I didn't. I only found trees. We were surrounded… by trees.

"It's because you're gay and stuff!" exclaimed Kevin.

"I'M NO MOOD TO DEAL WITH YOUR CRAP!!!" Jason. shouted.

"Jason, calm down." requested Harold.

"No, you shut up!" commanded Jason, "You're not an innocent at all!"

"Guys, quit fighting!" said Jon, trying to step in.

"Go away, Jon!" exclaimed Kevin, "You're the one that forced us on these quests1!"

"F-forced!?" exclaimed Jon.

A few seconds later, Kevin, Jason, Harold, and Jon were wrestling each other. Everyone else watched, not saying a word.

"EVERYBODY, STOP!!!" I exclaimed.

The fight stopped.

"Guys," I said, "I was thinking about it yesterday… the fact that we're friends… it made me want to puke."

"Are we really that bad?" asked Jason.

"Nah," I said, "I just needed to break up the fight."

"But you got us lost!" exclaimed Kevin, "What are-"

"The answer has been here the entire time," I said, "we've just been overlooking it."

"You're bluffing." said Kevin.

"I'm telling the truth." I responded.

"Get on with it!" demanded Eric.

"Because you dumbasses got caught up in that fight a little bit ago, you forgot something." I said, "Jon has teleportation powers… so all we need to do is teleport out of here."

"Took you guys long enough…" said Jon, as he blew into his whistle.

"Now," I said, "to the Archive!"

"I didn't know you could read." commented Harold.

"Shut up!" I said.

All of us headed toward the archive, where we'd find Tom, Timothy, Lilith, and Erica.