The Secret Of The Dovacath Archive

"Perfect timing." said Tom, "We just finished messing with the locks."

All of the locks were in a neat pile on the ground. Our entire team, including our newest member, went inside. We were greeted by such a small amount of flooring that Kevin quickly fell off.

"Well," I said, "he was brave. However, now there will be some peace."

"Hey, shut up!" exclaimed Kevin.

Looking over the edge, we saw that Kevin was hanging on to something.

"Somebody help me up!" he demanded, "I can't go like this!"

"Why?" I asked.

"I can't go without clearing my browser history!" answered Kevin.

"We didn't need to know." responded Donovan.

"And… we're not in alternate dimension yet!" said Kevin, "If I die here-"

"Nobody can say what can happen to you if you die anywhere." said Jon, "Things could get a lot worse as long as each world is merging like this."

Jon got down on his knees and reached for one of Kevin's hands. He didn't have any trouble pulling Kevin up.

"So… why are we here?" asked Jean.

"According to Jon, there is a hidden passage somewhere in here." answered Timothy.

That was when I got an idea of where the passage might be located.

"Everyone," I said, while pointing, "down that row of shelves!"

We all walked in a single-file line. A few of us moved our eyeballs around, looking at titles of books. Kevin began pulling books off the shelf and throwing them to the ground as we walked by.

"Kevin! What the hell are you doing!?" exclaimed Timothy.

Kevin ignored him and continued to pull books off of the shelf. Once it was empty enough, he reached his hand into the shelf and pulled a switch. At that end of the row, a door suddenly appeared.

"You're welcome." he said.

"To the door!" exclaimed Jon, leading us over.

"Seems like there is complicated puzzle here." commented Jon.

"Let me take a look." I said, getting closer.

On the door was a set of squares I had to move to reveal a picture. When I was done, it not only revealed a picture, but a complicated math problem.

"I… can't do this." I commented.

"Elijah," said Harold, "you're Asian. Why don't you try?"

"I don't know how to do it either." responded Elijah.

"Some Asian you are." commented Harold.

"Whoa… guys, stop with the racism." I said.

"I'll do it." insisted Erica, walking up to the door.

Two minutes later, the problem was solved, but a new puzzle was born. Walking up to the door, Donovan realized what had to be done. There were several shapes on the door and he had to press a shape that accurately fit a description. After five minutes, the final puzzle was solved and the door opened, revealing a long set of stairs going down.

"These stairs better not be endless." muttered Timothy.

All of us began our journey down the stairs unaware of what was at the end. After several minutes of going down stairs, we reached a long hallway. At the end of the hall was a door and on the other side was something we weren't expecting to see.

It looked like a gym from a school. The biggest difference was how dark it was. We also saw these knight-like figures wanting to do battle with us.

"Something must be here if they're trying so hard to guard it." I said.

"Ron," said Donovan, "under these conditions, we could play a friendly game of Dodge-ball... with our weapons."

"Let's do it." I said.

We ran toward the knights and they began to run toward us. Jason pulled out his sword, Donovan pulled out his pennies, and our archers prepared their bows. Suddenly, arrows were flying across the room and kept coming close to hitting our team. I was lucky to dodge them all at that point. Jason then swung his sword all over the place and it almost hit me!

"Watch where you're swinging that thing!" I reacted.

"That's what she said." commented Harold, snickering.

"I wish you'd keep those comments to yourself." I responded.

"Just go back to spending time with your lover." said Harold.

"We are not lovers!" I exclaimed, "I am not gay!"

"Keep telling yourself that." he said.

"You-" I started, but couldn't finish because an arrow hit me in the shoulder.

"Aungh…" I said, "Jon! Quick! Play the song!"

"What?" responded Jon.

"The song of healing!" I said.

"Um… I don't think a song will heal you." responded Jon.

"Nnngrrk." I reacted, in frustration.

Suddenly, I was surrounded by knights. I then ripped the arrow out of my shoulder and threw it.

"Mmmf!" came out of my mouth as I tried not to swear.

The knights got closer. It was at that moment that I used my catch phrase and several cats appeared and began attacking the knights. Suddenly, I fell to my knees, breathing heavily. The next thing I knew, there was a knight right in front of me.

"You're welcome." said Elijah, messing with his wristwatch.

I got up, and saw that we had defeated all of the knights. We then walked to the other side of the gym as I held on to my continuously bleeding shoulder.

"Here, use this." said Lilith, giving me some cloth, which I used to wrap around my wound.

We soon found another door and on the other side, we found a green gem.

"Alright," said Jon, "now we have three left."

"Where to next?" I asked.

Jon pulled out a notebook, opened it, and said: "The next gem is located in Mirai. Let's go."

"Is Mirai even going to be okay?" I asked.

"Considering the state of your world, I'd say probably not." responded Jon.

"We have to hurry." said Lilith.

When everyone went quiet, Jon blew into his whistle.