Back To The Future

-Lucas' POV-

I had to bring the unfortunate news to them. Both of my sisters needed to know… that our father had died. Both of them had left earlier on some kind of quest. The two had left me behind… again.

Though, I guess it is because I locked myself in my room for several years. Our family was somewhat normal in the past, but things changed when Lilith left. Long before that though, our father got married to a spirit medium and had three children. First was Erica, second was Lilith, and the last was me.

Our mother disappeared when we were young. We were told that she died, but I don't know how true that is. Anyways, I never had too many friends outside of our small family, so I usually spent a lot of time with Lilith. I couldn't really spend time with Erica because she always seemed to be busy with something somewhere else.

Eventually, Lilith left without telling us why. We found out when she returned last September, though. Before her departure, Lilith fought with Erica a lot. I used to blame her for causing Lilith to leave. After Lilith had left, Erica remained angry and I decided to stay locked up in my room.

I looked all over my hometown of Mirai and I couldn't find the two of them. I was wandering around for what felt like hours. Eventually, I gave up on my search and sat on a dark brown wooden bench in a nearby park. When I sat down, I could feel a slight breeze and could smell the recently-cut grass.

After some time, I saw my two sisters with a large group of people and I immediately ran toward them.

"Lucas?" responded Erica.

"I-it's about Dad… he-" I started.

"What happened!?" exclaimed Lilith.

"He… was murdered." I answered.

"Who did it?" asked Erica, somehow staying calm.

"Our… our uncle did it." I answered.

"Who are you referring to?" asked a guy who was holding on to Lilith's hand.

"Our father had a brother." I answered, "Unfortunately, he was corrupted by darkness."

"You mean-?" started Lilith.

"Yes," I answered, "and from I know, he has given directions to some young kid… named Miles."

"How do you even know this?" asked a guy who had hair of two different colors.

"I am very capable of research." I replied.

"It seems he's not lying." muttered a random guy in the group.

"I'd like to come with you." I said.

"Lucas," said Lilith, "you're too young and I couldn't-"

"I don't care!" I responded, "I want to go with you."

"Just let him come with us." said a guy petting an orange cat.

"Ron," said the guy with the two-colored hair, "where the hell did you get that cat!?"

"Fine," said Lilith, "you can come with us."

"Before we continue," said Ron, "we should introduce ourselves so that nobody is confused."

-Ron's POV-

We introduced ourselves to the brown-haired boy whose eye color matched both of sisters and then we set out.

"Should I assume that you have no clue where this next gem is either, Jon?" I asked.

"Um… not really?" answered Jon.

"What do you know about the next one?" I asked.

"It's orange." answered Jon.

"Sounds kind of like the thing in my basement." commented Lucas.

"We were never allowed to touch that." said Lilith.

"But what if it's the gem were looking for?" insisted Lucas.

"Only one way to find out." said Jon.

"This way." directed Erica.

We followed her to a large blue house. Erica pulled out a key and unlocked the front door. After entering, we followed her down a set of stairs. Kevin was the only one of us to trip and fall.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Shut up, Kevin." he said as he got up.

"Kevin," I said, "that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me!"

After a few twists and turns, we found the door that the gem was supposed to be behind. It was locked.

"I'll handle this." said Donovan, who began blasting pennies at the door.

"How is that-?" started Jason, who didn't finish his sentence because the pennies actually worked somehow.

We all went inside. Unfortunately, we didn't find anything.

"That's weird." commented Lucas, "it's usually right here."

"Our father was usually the only one to come in here." said Lilith.

"This is really confusing." said Lucas, "But rather than trying to figure out who took it, we need to find out where it ended up."

"When was the last time any of you came in here?" asked Timothy.

"I can't remember." answered Lilith.

"About four years ago." was the answer that both Lucas and Erica gave.

"Four years ago?" I responded, "I think… something happened."

"You remember yet?" asked Jon.

"Nope!" I answered.

"Said with such certainty." commented Donovan.

"Four years ago… orange gem… trial… I don't think… I think I remember something!" I said.

"Suddenly, it all came flooding back to me. The day that I met Jon and Lilith… and Jean as well. I also remembered Miles. This plan to destroy worlds had begun four years ago.

-Ron's POV (Four Years Ago)-

The trial had just ended with a "Not Guilty" verdict. At the time, I thought it was all some kind of sick joke. We went outside the courthouse and continued our discussion there.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"You're in Dovacath." answered Lilith.

"Dov-what?" I responded, "Please tell me what the fudge is going on here!"

"I had to clear you of suspicion." answered Lilith, "You're welcome, by the way."

"I-I can't-" I started.

Soon the ground began to shake. It wasn't long before a shadow appeared in front of us.

"Time to die!" said the shadow, followed by a sick and twisted laugh.

"I didn't do it!" I reacted.

"The prophecy states that all worlds will one day be saved by you people and I'm here to prevent all that from happening." answered the shadow, who soon stepped out of the darkness, revealing that he was only a young kid.

"This guy looks familiar to me," commented Jon, "and I'm not sure why."

"My plan to frame this kid for murder didn't work." said the young person, "I forged a couple pieces of evidence to incriminate you. Now, I'm just going to have to kill you!"

"Kid-" started Jon.

"My name is Miles," interrupted the kid, "address me as such!"

"Miles..." muttered Jon.

Miles pulled out a double-sided glowing sword and tried to attack us. We all kept dodging his attacks. We managed to make a run for it, but we ran into a dead end.

"Anyone want to confess something?" asked Jon.

"You guys are weird." I said.

"You already said that!" exclaimed Jon.

Miles got closer and prepared to strike, but had to halt. A golden sword had been thrown down in front of him.

"Who the hell threw that!?" exclaimed Miles.

"I did." said a voice.

A girl wearing golden armor appeared and grabbed her sword, then struck at Miles.

"Who are you?" asked Jon.

"My name is Jean," she said while sword fighting with Miles.

"How the hell am I not breaking your sword!?" exclaimed Miles.

"Gold." responded Jean, "The highest rank a knight can get."

Suddenly, an orange gem fell off of Miles' person.

"That's-!" exclaimed Lilith.

Jon pulled out a knife and ran toward Miles. He managed to cut Miles in the arm.

"Mmgrrk!" exclaimed Miles, reaching for the gem. He picked it up and then looked directly at Lilith.

"That's right." he continued, "I stole this from your father."

"Give it back!" Lilith shouted.

"Ha ha," he said, "you're not getting it."

Next, he pulled a cape around himself and vanished, along with the gem. After that, the four of us made a promise to meet again one day. We would track him down and take back what he had stolen. However, we wouldn't meet again for another couple of years. Jean would have to wait a bit longer for our reunion.

-Ron's POV (Present)-

"That's what happened." I said.

"Wait a minute," said Jason, "why didn't you actually get the gem back?"

"I think we all forgot about it." I answered.

Right after I finished speaking, we heard a bit of rattling and suddenly, an orange gem appeared.

"Where'd that come from!?" exclaimed Tom.

"Looks we got lucky." said Lucas.

"But… this makes no sense." commented Jon.

"Yeah," said Lilith, "Miles took that with him. Why is it suddenly here?"

"Maybe… Miles came back here at some point." I suggested.

"But why would he do that?" asked Erica, "And why the hell would he even return the gem?"

"If he had a reason to take it," said Jon, "why would he need to take it back?"

"Perhaps… he's planning something?" I suggested.

"I'm… confused." said Harold.

"He's probably trying to confuse us." I added.

"Guys," said Jason, "no matter the reason for why it's suddenly back here, we can't waste our time thinking about it!"

"Jason's right." I said, "We need to look for the next gems."

"Where are we going next?" asked Eric.

"An interesting place." said Jon, blowing into his whistle.