One Rough Night

-Ron's POV-

We appeared in a town that looked it had been celebrating something. The sky also started to get dark.

"This place kinda looks like a town I've seen in a game." I commented.

"To be honest, I can't really remember what this place is called." said Jon, scratching the back of his head, "Anyways, we need to get some shelter tonight. I'll teleport us to the nearest-"

"What is it?" asked Lilith.

"My whistle!" exclaimed Jon, "I-it's gone!"

"But you just had it, didn't you!?" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, I did." said Jon, "But I don't know how it's suddenly gone!"

"Maybe you lost it?" suggested Harold.

"That's highly unlikely." responded Jon, "I wouldn't just 'lose' my whistle like this."

"While we're on this subject," said Jason, "there's something bugging me."

"What?" responded Jon.

"Why couldn't you have just teleported us to the hotel?" asked Jason.

"My whistle doesn't work like that when teleporting to other worlds." answered Jon, "It can only go to certain 'spawn points', I'll call them."

"Hmm… well," I said, "how it works isn't what's important here!"

"Ron's right." said Lilith, "We need to actually find it as well as a place to stay.

"Alright." said Lucas, "Let's all keep calm and we'll-"

Suddenly, the ground began to shake. We all fell to the ground, which began to split open. Tom was stuck hanging on, trying not to fall after that.

"Tom!" I shouted, "Grab my hand!"

Tom tried to grab my hand, but he was unable to. The hand he was holding on to slipped and he fell to his death.

"Tom!!!" I shouted.

"Don't worry, man." said Jason.

"DON'T WORRY!?" I responded, "All worlds are falling apart! For all we know, he's probably dead for real this time!"

The ground shook even more after that and the split increased, which ended up causing a huge panic in this strange town.

"Where do we go!?" I exclaimed, "What do we do!?"

"Run like hell!!" exclaimed Eric, who began running.

"Good enough, I guess!" I responded.

The remainder of our team kept running. Rubble began falling from above as we ran. Most of us were able to avoid getting crushed. Unfortunately, Harold didn't have much luck.

"Crap!" exclaimed Eric, "We're two down!"

"No sh- Nevermind. I'm not going to finish the sentence." responded Lucas.

"Lucas!" exclaimed Erica.

"Uh… sorry, I guess?" responded Lucas.

"Now is not the time for scolding!" I yelled.

We all continued to run and run. But no matter how far we went, the chaos seemed to be eternal. However, it calmed down after a while. Almost everything had been destroyed.

"Where do we go?" asked Jason.

"I actually don't know." answered Jon.

"Well," I said, "we have to find a place to stay somewhere."

"Couldn't we just use the base we used last time?" asked Kevin.

"That base is held in a world other than Mirai's." answered Jon, "Even if I knew where it was, I wouldn't be able to get there without my whistle."

"Let's just see where the wind takes us." I suggested, before taking off.

Everyone followed me. It felt like forever, but we soon found a small inn to stay at. Each of us got a room, but before we got settled, there was something that I had to ask Jon.

"Could you tell us a bit about your whistle?" I asked.

"My whistle?" responded Jon.

"Yes," I answered, "how did you get it and how long have you had it?"

-Jon's POV (Several Years Ago)-

I was really young at the time. My life wasn't completely the worst, but it wasn't the best either. As for the whistle… it was a gift that I had received from my grandfather.

"Why are you giving this to me?" I asked.

"I couldn't give it to your father." he answered.

"I could see the evil in his eyes." my grandfather answered.

"Evil?" I responded.

"You're the only normal one- the only sane one." he said.

"What!?" was my reaction.

"I couldn't give it to either of your parents or your brother."

"What do you mean by all of this?"

"I wouldn't trust the corrupt with our heirloom."


"It has a power."


"Yes. Using this whistle, you can teleport."

"So… anyone can use it if they have it?"

"Pretty much. Just try to keep it safe, okay?"

That was the last conversation I ever had with him. He ended up dying later that year.

-Ron's POV (Present)-

"That's what happened." said Jon.

"What's this about your family being… erm, evil?" I asked.

Jon looked down at the ground and then looked back at me and said: "I don't want to talk about it at the moment."

"Hey," said Kevin, "we're all going to go to our rooms."

"Alright." I responded.

Jason, Kevin, Timothy, Eric, Elijah, Donovan, Lilith, Erica, Jean, and Lucas all went to their rooms.

"You're going to look for the whistle, aren't you?" I asked.

"Yes," answered Jon, "but I'm going to search the inn before going outside."

"But didn't you lose it outside?" I asked.

"I always find it in the strangest places." answered Jon.

"I can't really argue with that logic." I said, "I find things I lose in weird places all the time. Anyways, how about we start by interrogating the woman at the front desk?"

We went over to her and decided to ask her about the whistle. She told us that she hadn't seen it anywhere.

"OBJECTION!" I shouted.

"Ron, calm down!" responded Jon.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said, "Let's go check the hallway, I guess."

The two of us went into the hallway and saw something that we weren't expected. Miles was there, ready to do battle.

"Oh, crap!" exclaimed Jon, "Not you!"

��It is I." he said, "And I will strike you two down."

He pulled out the same weapon (the double-sided glowing sword) from four years ago.

"Should we make our confessions now?" asked Jon.

"Hell no!" I exclaimed, "Not now!"

Miles ran toward us and Jon pulled out a knife. At that moment, I used my power to create a cat-themed sword.

"You're not going to win this!" I said, "I swear I will see you fall one of these days!"

"So, you've figured out you can do more with your power, huh?" said Miles as he struck at me.

I ended up blocking it with my sword.

"Hmmm… I'm not breaking it." he said, sounding a bit disappointed, "It doesn't matter. You won't be winning this, anyways."

"I might not be a special knight," I said, "but my cats are powerful!"

We kept striking at each other. We only hit the weapons. We didn't even harm each other.

"Tell me why!" exclaimed Jon, "Who are you and why are you and your leader doing this to us!?"

"Heh, heh. That is of no concern to you!" responded Miles.

"Why are you trying to destroy-?" started Jon.

"You got a problem with this world being run by a new god?" asked Miles.

"Yes, I do!" answered Jon.

"This just isn't right." I commented.

Our weapons kept flying, going at each other.

"What the heck is going on here!?" exclaimed a familiar female voice.

"Lilith!" Jon exclaimed.

"You did it, didn't you, Miles!?" exclaimed Lilith.

"Did what!?" responded Miles.

"Don't play dumb with me!!" shouted Lilith, "You took Lucas, didn't you!?"

"He's missing!?" I responded.

"Heh, I don't know what you're talking about." said Miles.

Lilith angrily squeezed her magic gem and a green, glowing blade-like figure came out of it. After that, we all attacked and Miles ended up dropping an item resembling Jon's whistle on the ground.

"You're the one that took it!?" exclaimed Jon, "How!? And what else did you take!?"

"Your girlfriend's- no, nevemind. I'm not going to finish that sentence." responded Miles, grinning.

"You take that back!" exclaimed Jon.

"I don't want to." responded Miles, who then dropped a purple gem, "Ah, shit."

Jon ran for it and grabbed it before kicking Miles.

"Nnngrk!" reacted Miles, "Fine. You win this round."

After that, he pulled a cape over himself and he like he had done four years ago, completely vanished.

"Lucas is missing?" I said, "Do you really think that Miles did it?"

"I don't know." answered Lilith, "I don't think anyone can get him to be serious."

"Well, what about your magic gem?" I asked, "Wouldn't you be able to tell if he was hiding something?"

"I was... too upset to notice anything." replied Lilith.

"Alright," I said, "why don't we go look for him before we go back to our rooms?"

"That's what I was going to do." replied Lilith.

The three of us wandered the halls looking for any sign of Lucas. I knocked on a door and it was answered by Jason.

"What?" he asked.

"Have you seen Lucas?" I asked.

"Nope," he answered, "last time I saw him, he was in the lobby."

"Okay, thanks for your time." I said.

Jason closed his door and we went on to the next one. I knocked and the door was opened by Kevin.

"Have you seen Lucas?" I asked.

"The gay kid?" responded Kevin.

"He's not-" started Lilith.

"No, I'm talking about Lucas." I said.

"Oh," said Kevin, "I thought you said Jason."

"Please, stop." I said, "Jason has had enough of your bull!"

"Have you seen Lucas or not!?" exclaimed Lilith.

"I saw him in the lobby and that was it." answered Kevin, before shutting the door.

"Okay," I said, "onto the next door."

I knocked on the next one and it was answered by Eric.

"Have you seen Lucas?" asked Lilith.

"Lucas?" responded Eric.

"My brother." answered Lilith.

"I think I saw him in the lobby," answered Eric, "and I know for a fact that he hasn't found my pot."

"Pot?!" I responded.

"Oops." he said, "I didn't finish my sentence. I meant my pot of gold."

"Oh, right. I said, "You're a leprechaun!"

I hadn't really been thinking much about a lot of the strange nicknames my friends gave to each other due to the absurd situation where were in. We often joked about Eric being a leprechaun, but I was never entirely sure why.

"So, is that all you have to say?" asked Lilith.

"I told you what I know." answered Eric, "Though, I did see him wandering the halls earlier."

"Okay, thank you." I said, "We'll be leaving now."

Eric closed his door and then the three of us went back to wandering through the hallway, looking for Lucas. However, not matter how much we searched, we couldn't find him. After a while, we decided to return to the lobby.

"Okay," I said, "I'm not seeing him anywhere."

"Lilith," said Jon, "I'm sure that he is fine. We can continue our search tomorrow."

"Are you sure?" asked Lilith.

"All we can do is hope." responded Jon, "But I think he'll be alright."

"Okay." responded Lilith.

We could both tell that she was worried.