Heading Into Space

We all woke up a little – okay, very late the next morning. It was almost noon when we finally got ourselves out of bed. After getting up, we all met in the lobby. What surprised me is that Lucas was suddenly back.

"Where were you last night?!?" exclaimed Lilith.

"I'm sure I was in my room most of the night," he answered, "but I did go for a walk too."

"We were looking for you last night." said Jon.

"You must've been looking when I was out." suggested Lucas.

"Please, don't scare me like that again!" exclaimed Lilith.

"Okay, guys." said Jon, "Enough of this. It's time we headed for our final destination."

"Please let there be no flying evil gloved hands." I said.

"Can't make any promises." responded Jon.

"Okay, then." I said, before Jon blew into his whistle.

"Where are we now?" asked Timothy.

"A space world." answered Jon.

"Space world?" asked Timothy.

"Yeah," answered Jon, "it's space-like. The biggest difference is we'll be able to breathe and stuff."

The sky was full of stars and what looked like planets off in the distance.

"Okay," I said, "we need to find out where the last gem is."

"This one should be brown." said Jon.

"Should be?" asked Erica.

"Well," said Jon, "I'm not entirely certain, but I think it's brown."

"Well," I said, "we're not going to find it by just standing here."

Our team then set off on our search to find the last gem. After a long walk, we were halted by another puzzle. It had to do with move an object from point A to point B. Jon ended up finishing it in only a few seconds. After that, a new puzzle appeared and it involved triangles that needed to be moved around. I ended up taking over at this point and solved this puzzle. After a few minutes, it was done and we were able to proceed.

"This way." Jon directed.

We all followed him. Soon, we saw long set of stairs that seemed to be made from a metallic object. Kevin tripped and fell down a long way. Several of us began to run after him.

"Slow down, guys!" I scolded, "Do you want to suffer the same fate as Kevin!?"

"I'm okay!" shouted Kevin.

"Shut up, Kevin!" I shouted back.

"That's not very nice!" responded Kevin.

"You do the same thing to me!" I returned, "Now get up, be a man, and face the dangers ahead!"

Kevin got up and we all went down the stairs at a slower speed than earlier. The stairs seemed to have no end. Eventually, we reached a drop-off and Kevin fell. Unfortunately, he didn't have anything to grab on to this time. So, we actually lost him.

"What do we do?" asked Timothy.

I looked around the area and I saw coat-hanger-like objects and a vertically slanted wire in the air. Then, I looked at Donovan and realized he was thinking the same thing that I was thinking. There was a large supply of these objects conveniently placed at this spot for some reason, but none of us really cared why.

I grabbed one and it hooked on to the wire. Then I jumped and held on, closing my eyes, in attempt to forget for a moment that I was afraid of heights. Everyone else followed behind me.

What sounded like gunshots after that caused my eyes to open them wide. Somebody was trying to kill us.

"Oh, God, help us!" exclaimed Eric.

"Everyone, use the leprechaun as a shield!" exclaimed Jason.

"Where the hell are these bullets even coming from!?" shouted Timothy.

"Do you think it's Miles?" asked Erica.

"It could be." responded Lucas, "I'm sure he wants to kill us all!"

The bullets kept coming at us as we continued to slide down the wire. It started to get out of control and I eventually ended up doing a "360" on the wire.

"Whoa, Jesus!" I exclaimed.

"How long is this wire?" asked Donovan, who somehow wasn't panicked at all.

After a few more "360s", we found a ledge to land on which led to a slope. A few of us landed on our feet, while the rest of us, including myself, rolled down that slope. Afterwards, we found ourselves standing in an area full of grass on the ground.

We just kept walking and then encountered something interesting. There was a massive amount of bloodshed. We could see several men struggling to protect themselves from two of the other men.

"Everyone," I said, "let's run through and see what happens!"

They all did as I said for some reason. All of us rushed through the middle of their battle. All of us somehow survived.

"We need to keep going." I said, "Through the door over there!"

Our team ran through the doorway as soon as the door was opened. Jason and Jean dragged their swords behind themselves along with long streaks of blood. They had killed most of the men that were having an altercation. The remaining men drew swords and ran after us. They struck at us all and missed. Their swings were usually met with Jason's or Jean's sword.

Jean kicked the shorter of the two men in the kneecap. After that, Jason tackled him and prepared to cut his throat. The man kneed Jason in a sensitive area right after that. Jason fell over and returned the favor with his foot. Eric then used his bow to shoot the man in his throat. Then, he almost hit the other man.

"Dammit!" said Eric, "I was so close!"

"I… LIKE… CATS!" I shouted.

My hands quickly turned into cat paws with orange fur. I ran toward the remaining man and whipped my claws out. After that, I scratched at his face extremely hard. This caused the man to scream in terror. Then, Jean jumped in and sliced the man's head off.

On the other side of the door was a long hallway. At the end of it was another door. Unfortunately, this one was blocked by a guard.

"Let's kill him!" said Jason.

"No." said Donovan, "I can get him to move using just words alone."

"Seriously?" I responded.

"Yes." he answered, while nodding.

Donovan ran up to the guard.

"Go away!" demanded the guard, "Nobody is allowed to come through here."

"Are you sure about that?" asked Donovan, "The ruler of this land… erm, place told me to tell you that you are relieved of your duties."

"Th-that's absurd!" responded the guard, "I'm the best guard he has! He even told me so-!"

"Why don't we get his opinion on this!?" suggested Donovan.

"N-no, that won't be necessary." said the guard, "I'll go."

"Success!" exclaimed Donovan.

"Through the door!" said Eric.

On the other side was a large body of water that had a conveniently placed boat, which we all climbed into. I was asked to go into more detail about the trial from four years ago to pass the time, but I refused.

"Why not?" asked Eric.

"Twenty-four." I answered.

"I thought of something funnier then twenty four," said Jason, "…twenty-five."

"Please… no stupid jokes." requested Lilith.

"What should we talk about?" asked Lucas.

"I… I believe Ron wanted to know something about me." said Jon, scratching the back of his neck.

"What is it?" asked Lilith.

"An interesting story." answered Jon.

-Jon's POV (Many Years Ago)-

My whistle was something I received as a gift from my grandfather and there was a reason that it was passed down to me, skipping a generation. He had sensed evil in both of my parents, as well as my younger brother. Everyone in my life was far from kind to me. I never succeeded in anything and everyone was such a dick to me!

Eventually, my parents began to abuse me. One day, I just couldn't take it anymore. I… was going to end it all. I was going to kill myself. My best friend at the time found out about my plans and came to stop me. He would soon give me a gift that would change everything.

"Jon," he said, handing me a book, "you need this more than I do."

"Ivan, what's a book going to do?" I asked.

"This has been passed down in my family for generations." answered Ivan, "It is meant to be used when one needs to escape from their troubles and start over again."

"But, why?" I asked.

"I don't like watching you suffer." he said, "Now, go as soon as you can. Get to the town mentioned in the book."

The next morning, I left extremely early. The sun hadn't even started to rise yet. I headed for the town that was mentioned in the book, Dovacath. I had left my family behind because I…wanted my suffering to end.

-Ron's POV (Present)-

Jon finished his story. A very small number of us shed tears, but most of us remained strong throughout the entire story. Eventually, the boat that we were riding in reached the other side of the body of water.

"End of the line." I said, "Nice knowing you people, but we're all gonna die now!"

"Ron," said Erica, "please don't joke about that."

"It was a joke?" responded Donovan.

"A-anyways," said Jon, "off the boat and to another set of stairs… this time going up."

"I never thought space was would be so weird." commented Eric.

"It's actually more space-themed." corrected Jon.

"Well, up the stairs!" insisted Jason.

Our group began going up the stairs which seemingly had no end. We felt a little tired, but managed to press on. Eventually, we reached a door and on the other side was a large metal room.

-Jason's POV-

Something bad was going to happen. Looking at Ron, I knew he had the same feeling I did. I then looked at Donovan for a second, but he looked angry for some reason.

Out of nowhere, a robotic knight just appeared, before running toward me. I ran at him as well, along with the rest of my group. The ground we were standing on rose and shot into the sky like a rocket. We would be having an epic battle really high up.

The knight drew his sword and I drew mine. We began our strikes. Our silver swords kept hitting each other. It didn't matter how hard either of us tried. Our strikes would fail, but our blocks were successful.

"Shouldn't you be tired by now?" asked my opponent.

"Not at all, sir." I answered.

He struck at me and my sword fell to the ground. His sword swung at me again and I dodged, ducking. The sword went for my legs and I jumped over it and kicked my opponent in the face.

He dropped the sword and I picked it up. I ran to him and I held it up to his throat. I prepared to strike but he kicked me and I dropped the sword off of the platform we were fighting on. The knight picked up the sword that I dropped earlier and swung at my shoulder. At the same time, I kicked him and he fell off the edge of the platform. Somehow, he was still hanging on.

He climbed back on to the platform and tackled me. It was not longer after that when Jean sliced his right leg off. It did no good. He was like a starfish; his leg grew back! He began to spin, like a top and his arms turned into blades. At that moment, Ron said his catch phrased and gave a cat-themed sword to everyone that didn't have a sword. Jean and I started to back away after that.

Ron and Eric ran toward the knight. Donovan soon followed. Ron and Eric struck simultaneously, but it did no good. Ron was sent flying to the other side of the platform and Eric fell victim to one of the "helicopter's" blades. Erica ended up getting cornered. She tried to counter the knight's blades with the sword she received earlier but it did no good. One blade cut her arm. This caused her to fall off of the edge.

We had lost yet another brave hero. Despite this, I knew we had to keep going. Angrily, I ran toward the knight. I did a bit of an awkward jump after that which caused me to sneak under the blade and kick him in the face. He fell over and his arms returned to normal. Everyone was trying to attack the knight. However, all of their attacks were useless.

-Ron's POV-

After a while, the knight over-powered Jason and hit him in the head with his helmet. The knight then proceeded to kick Jason off of the platform, cursing.

"Jason!!!" I shouted.

It was too late. He was gone. The only people left were Lilith, Jean, Lucas, Jon, Timothy, Donovan, Elijah, and myself.

"I… can't keep going." I said, afraid that the worst was going to happen.

"Ron," said Lilith, "try to remain calm."

"I-I can't." I said.

"Wait a minute." said Lucas, "I think that there's a puzzle here."

"What do you mean, Lucas?" asked Lilith.

"Those lines on the ground." answered Lucas, "Whenever this knight is on the platform, he seems to only travel on those lines."

Seeing what he meant, we all tried messing with the floor and the tiles below our feet moved easily. We had set up a path for the knight while dodging its attacks. It fell off, but unfortunately held on with one hand. I went over and stepped on it, and then I kicked it off.

The knight immediately fell. Right after that, the platform we stood on rocketed even further into the sky and a new knight appeared. The lines in the ground disappeared right after that. At this moment, I stood with my back to Jean's. We raised our swords, before simultaneously knocking the knight off of the platform.

A large green portal appeared after our enemy was defeated. All of us hopped in and before we new it, we began falling a massive distance. I quickly searched for a way to save ourselves and found another vertically slanted wire.

I bent my cat-sword and moved some parts around. Elijah grabbed on to my leg, while everyone else did something similar to what I did. Soon, we were all going down the wire at amazing speed.

"I'm so glad I'm wearing a belt!" I exclaimed.

"You weren't wearing one earlier." responded Elijah, "Where'd you get it?"

"I kinda… made it with my cat powers." I answered, putting one finger on my cat-themed belt, "But that doesn't matter!"

Soon we reached the end and found and found a large area containing a black gem.

"I thought it would be brown." commented Jon.

"Why is it black?" asked Elijah.

"Black is all the colors mixed together," I said, "and white is the absence of all color."

"Does this mean that there's not white one?" asked Donovan.

"Yes." answered Jon.

"That's racist to gems." commented Timothy.

We grabbed the gem and prepared to take off with it.

"Now," said Jon, "we must find that door- the door of one thousand years."