The Other Side

Much later, we all woke up. We were all lying on the ground. My head was pounding a bit as well.

"Crap." I said, "Miles got away."

"The door is wide open." said Lilith.

"We must've been out for hours," said Jon, "I don't know if we'll be able to catch up to him."

"We're not going to get anything done if we don't get up and move!" exclaimed Donovan.

We all realized how serious the situation was and got up off of the ground.

"Everyone, through that door!" I directed.

All seven of us went through the door, not afraid of what was on the other side. Inside, we saw a long hallway with red floors and red walls.

"This also looks like a place I saw in a video game." I commented.

"I really don't know what this place is called." answered Jon.

"Let's just see what's at the end of this hall." I said.

Our group of seven walked, a few of us feeling like something bad was going to happen. As we continued to walk, the light began to fade. It just continued to get darker until the light became nonexistent.

"Okay," I said, "what do we do now?"

"I don't have a lighter or anything on me." said Jon.

"That's it!" I responded, forming a light stick.

The room lit up.

"If Kevin or Harold were here," I said, "they'd be making dirty jokes right now."

"Don't even think about making one." said Lilith.

"I wasn't!" I responded.

We just went further down the hall hoping the darn thing would come to an end. Several minutes later, we were still walking.

"Does this hall even have an end?" asked Timothy.

"I hope it does." responded Jean.

After even more walking, there was a hole in the ground. There was also a pole going down the hole. One by one, we jumped on and slid down. At the bottom was a large platform that led to a large slide. We all hopped on the slide and slid down further, unaware of where it would take us.

Immediately after all of us started to slide down the pole, a fire bubble appeared above us and started going down the pole. We all leaped off of the pole without even thinking.

"Oh, fudge!" exclaimed Jon.

"I doubt that this is the end." I said, "Let's try to remain calm."

We all fell a great distance and splashed in a large body of water. I immediately grabbed on to a convenient piece of wood floating in the water. Everyone followed me and I found some land. Unfortunately, we were all surrounded by bizarre-looking pirates.

"I LIKE CATS!" I exclaimed.

Cats flooded the area. After that, Donovan kicked a pirate in the face and stole his sword. Timothy then punched one in the stomach and claimed his sword. Elijah only walked up to one and managed to steal his sword. Then, I created another cat-themed sword.

We were all swinging our swords around, trying not to die, and wanting to kill these pirates. Jon was fighting with only as his arms and legs, as were the pirates and somehow they dodged each of our attacks.

"You're not getting any closer to the orb of chaos!" claimed a pirate that I was backing into a corner, literally.

I sliced his head off right after that. The others were doing pretty well with the swords they "borrowed" from the pirates. Eventually, we had defeated them.

"Now," I said, "would you like to see a magic trick?"

"No." answered Donovan, happily, and almost sounding sarcastic.

"Guys," said Lilith, "we don't have time!"

"She's right." responded Jon, "We have to find Miles."

"What are we supposed to find in here?" asked Timothy.

"From what the pirate said," I answered, "I'd guess that we have to stop our villains from using the orb of chaos."

"Hmm… everything's starting to fall apart." said Donovan, "This could be used to further complete their goals."

"Do I get to have any lines at all?" asked Elijah.

"When you're needed." I answered.

"What's that supposed to mean!?" exclaimed Elijah.

"N-nothing." I said, "Nothing at all."

"I hope you mean that." warned Elijah.

All we could do was walk for hours, hoping to get closer to whatever our goal was. Whatever it was, it was very deep. After a while, we reached a large metal bridge with no railing on either side.

"I know this is a stupid question," said Elijah, "but are we there yet?"

"No," I answered, "it's going to take a while."

"I'm bored." complained Timothy.

"I'm feeling a little tired," said Jon, "but I think I can keep going."

"I'm a little tired as well," commented Donovan, "but nothing major. I could still say up all night."

"I hope something interesting will happen soon." I said.

"Children!" shouted Lilith, "Do not make me turn this group around!"

"Haven't we… um, already had this conversation before?" I asked.

"I don't think we have." said Jon.

At the end of the bridge was a long hallway. The walls were made of rock and they oozed a small amount of lava as well. We walked down the hall half-brave and half-afraid of what could possibly end up happening.

At the end was a silver door with a red knob. Jon grabbed it and turned it before pushing it open. Then, we all went inside.

We found Miles in a chair gleefully eyeballing a dirty magazine. The second he noticed us, he screamed, dropped his magazine and fell out of his chair.

"Look," I said, "we really don't care what you were doing... in here."

"Doesn't anybody ever knock!?" he exclaimed.

"Ah… prepare to die!" I responded, drawing my cat-sword.

Miles quickly grabbed his cape and began to fly.

"After him!" exclaimed Jon.

"He's too fast!" I commented.

"What should we do?" asked Lilith.

"Pick a horse." I answered, sitting on the back of one of the cat-horses I had just created.

"Those are the ugliest horses I've ever seen." commented Donovan.

"Just grab one!" I instructed.

Soon, each of us was riding on a cat-horse.

"He's still very fast." said Lilith.

Miles started throwing random items at us. I paid no attention to this, and instead tampered with my cat sword. Now, it was a cat-themed bow, with an arrow ready to be shot. I pulled back and let go. The arrow then hit Miles in the crotch.

He screamed as he fell extremely fast. We slowed down and hopped off of our cat-horses. I ran up to Miles and prepared to strike him. He coughed before starting to speak.

"Hold on… *cough*… you could've hit me somewhere else!" he said.

"Make it quick!" I demanded, "I may make your death slow and painful!"

"Please… *cough*... must… talk… *cough*… to Jon." insisted Miles.

"Why!?" I asked, angrily.

"Jon… *cough*… must say important thing…" he said.

"Fine." said Jon, "What the hell do you want to tell me!?"

"You left home years ago and things got worse." answered Miles.

"What do you mean!?" exclaimed Jon.

"Our… *cough*… our parents forced me to leave." responded Miles.

"What!?" exclaimed Jon.

-Miles' POV? (Several Years Ago)-

Many years ago, I found out about your plans to escape, but you were long gone before I could stop you. After you left, our parents made me go through hell! They did many things that people shouldn't do to their children… I… *sniff*… don't want to say the exact details of what they've done.

I managed to run away and soon met an interesting man. He took me in and swore that he'd help me get revenge on everyone that hurt me. He gave me my powers. I was to assist him using these powers to destroy all worlds. At least, that's what his current plan is.

-Ron's POV (Present)-

"J-jack?" responded Jon.

"I'm sorry… *cough*… I… *sniff* put you through all of this." said Miles (or Jack, I think).

"Where's Lucas!?" exclaimed Lilith

"Your uncle still has him." answered Jack, "You'll have to hurry if you want to save him."

Jack pulled himself off the ground and before leaving our sight said: "I'm not needed anymore."

"O-okay!" I said, "We have to keep going."

"I-it's almost midnight." Elijah informed us.

"Nobody cares!" I exclaimed.

"So… what now?" asked Timothy.

"…Ron?" said Elijah, "You seem lost in thought."

"I-it's nothing." I said.

"Are you okay?" asked Jean.

"Yeah, I'm… fine." I answered, "So…"

"Do you have something to say?" responded Jean.

"N-no," I replied.

"Do you have a crush on me or something?" asked Jean.

"N-no! Where'd that come from!?" I exclaimed.

I wasn't sure, but something else about her seemed familiar to me. I had been feeling a strange feeling ever since Jack had finished telling his story.

"I was only messing with you." said Jean.

"R-right. Anyways, we should get going." I suggested.

"Okay, now we need to find whoever Miles- er, Jack was working for." said Jon.

"Why can't anything ever be normal?" I complained.

"That's just life." said Jon.

We continued walking until we reached a set of double-doors.

"I… think this is it." I said.