We Must Be Heroic

The doors were now opened and our eyeballs were looking at a tall, seemingly young man. He seemed like the evil type and we would soon find out if that was true. It didn't even take that long for him to notice us.

"It is too late," he said, with an evil grin, "the orb of chaos is in my possession."

"No- you can't!" exclaimed Lilith.

"Ha! It's not too late to join me, y'know…?" the man suggested.

"N-never!" responded Lilith.

"Have it your way, then!" he said, suddenly seeming more dangerous.

Then, out of nowhere, a long sword appeared and sliced her head off. The rest of the team was disturbed. The hand on the opposite end of the blade belonged to Jack.

"Jack! But you-!" I exclaimed.

"I what?" he responded.

"But you gave up on… I thought-" I started.

"In can't believe you fell for that cliché." he said, sounding very pleased with himself."

"You bastard!!" exclaimed Jon, "How could you do this!?"

"Heh… looks like our grandfather was right." said Jack.

"You mother-" started Jon.

"I'll put soap in your mouth if you say it," interrupted Jack, "but I can't help you if you drop it!"

"You dirty-!" I started.

"Ha! You guys are foolish." said the man in the room we still hadn't heard the name of.

"Why'd you let that happen!?" exclaimed Timothy, "Your subordinate killed your niece right in front of you! What kind of uncle are you!?"

"A crappy one." he answered, laughing and not feeling remorse.

"How could this have happened?" responded Jean.

"Never mind that!" responded Donovan, "We're killing this guy!"

"JEFF! YOU MONSTER!!" came out of nowhere.

"Who the heck was that!?" exclaimed Elijah, who was startled.

A young teenage male appeared before us. It was Lucas: the real Lucas. He had a sword a sword ready and seemed extremely pissed off at the same time.

"Return the orb of chaos or your 'unpaid' intern gets it!" threatened Lucas.

"I'm not getting paid!?" exclaimed Jack.

"The hostage isn't even tied up or locked in cage or something," commented Donovan, "these villains are dumbasses."

"What the hell was that!?" exclaimed Jack.

"I said you're a-" started Donovan.

"Go ahead." said the evil man in the room, unconcerned, "Kill the intern."

"Wait, what!?" exclaimed Jack.

Lucas sighed and sliced Jack to pieces. That alone would give me nightmares for the rest of my life. All that… blood…scattered flesh… some bone… I almost puked.

"You're next, Jeff!" exclaimed Lucas.

"You don't have the guts." the man responded.

"You killed my sister!" said Lucas, "Now it's your turn to die!"

"Oh, I'm so scared!" said Jeff sarcastically.

All of the heroes in the room drew their weapons. I prepared myself another one of my cat-themed swords, Timothy created a sword with the spiritual power in his magic gem, Donovan created a sword out of pennies, Elijah had one of my other cat-themed swords from earlier, as well as Jon, and Jean had her own sword.

"You dare start a fight?" said Jeff, "Fine then. Let's have us a nice party!"

After he finished speaking, he pulled a remote out of his pocket. He pressed a button and the ground we were standing on elevated. Our battle had just begun. Jeff even got his own sword ready.

Jean ran toward him immediately. Every strike both of them made, their swords met. It almost seemed as if… they weren't trying to hurt each other. Maybe both of them were new to bloodshed or something? They kept going and walked. Jeff was backing Jean to the edge. Elijah went over to try and save her but it was too late. Jeff had knocked Jean off of the edge of the platform.

"I got this." said Elijah, messing with his wristwatch, "I'll-"

His sentence is interrupted by a knife going into his side.

"No, you don't." said Jeff, grabbing his wrist.

"Let go!" exclaimed Elijah.

"No." Jeff said, before pulling the wristwatch off and kneeing Elijah in the stomach.

"Oof!" Elijah reacted before falling over.

Jeff took the wristwatch in his hand and threw it up in the air. The next thing we knew, it burst into flames.

"H-how did he!?" exclaimed Jon.

"Grr… you won't get away with this!" claimed Lucas.

"I already have." claimed Jeff.

Elijah and Timothy ran at him simultaneously. Unfortunately, both of them slipped and fell.

"Tsk. That time traveler would be better off letting his injury heal," commented Jeff, "though I guess him dying isn't bad either."

I started to sweat… a lot. We were short many.

"What do we do now!?" asked Jon.

"I say we 'YOLO' it." I suggested.

"Huh?" responded Jon.

"It's an acronym meaning 'You Only Live Once' and what I said means we should just dive in head first and see what happens." I answered.

"That seems idiotic." commented Donovan.

"Why, thank you!" I responded.

"We don't have much time," Lucas informed us, "if we don't do something now, he'll unleash the orb's chaos!"

Side by side, the four of us charged at Jeff. We clearly had the advantage, or so we thought. Four against one was good, right? Nope. Jeff got Jon in the chest and pushed me back. I got myself back up quickly.

Only three heroes remained. I only knew one thing at this point. We were screwed. I ran back to attack Jeff but stopped when I saw him slice Lucas in half. Then, I watched him suffer the same fate as Jack. There were too many… body parts… and too much blood.

Only two were left now. The two of us made another attempt to corner Jeff, but it failed. He knocked both of us off the edge of the platform. Luckily, we both managed to hold on to the ledge. As soon as we managed to pull ourselves up, Jeff stabbed us. Donovan and I fell over on the platform as a result.

"That was a wonderful party," said Jeff, "wouldn't you agree?"

"You killed most of our friends!" I exclaimed.

"I may not have considered all of them friends, but-" started Donovan.

"That's what made the party great!" claimed Jeff, "But I'm afraid it's all over."

"W-what are you going to do!?" I exclaimed.

"My plan is going as it should." answered Jeff, "At this point, killing you two wouldn't have any purpose… not yet at least."

"Your family must hate you!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, really?" responded Jeff, laughing, "My wife and child both seem to think very highly of me."

"What about the rest of your family?" asked Donovan.

"You mean my brother and his kids?" asked Jeff, "They're all dead now. His wife is gone too, because of me."

"Huh!?" I responded.

"This is no time to talk about my past." said Jeff, "For now, I shall take my leave."

"But-" I started.

He left without saying anymore. We had reached the end of the line. Saving all worlds was not possible. There was nothing we could do. Unable to get up, both of us passed out.