Closing The Book

Donovan used Jon's whistle to get us out of the area. When Donovan had finished we appeared inside of a house. Jeff was there, sitting on a couch with a man and a woman I had never seen before. The unfamiliar man had dark brown hair that had been recently cut and red eyes and the woman's eyes matched his, but her hair was black and went past her shoulders.

"They're all dead." said Jeff, "They will no longer get in our way."

"Those children of ours were a disappointment, anyways." the other man said.

"It is quite unfortunate that things had to go this way, Greg." said Jeff.

"Oh, don't worry." said the other man, "This plan of ours should succeed. If it doesn't, I know the next will… But if you somehow screw that one up, I will take everything from you!"

"Understood, sir." said Jeff.

"Hold on." the woman managed to get into the conversation, "something's wrong here."

"What is it, Amy?" asked Greg.

"I think there are some people spying on us." the woman answered.

"That's ridiculous!" exclaimed Greg.

Unfortunately, I would be the one who would cause a problem for the good side. I couldn't hold it in. The entire room heard a fart.

"Ron!" exclaimed Donovan.

"I thought it would be funny!" I responded.

"Seriously?" said Donovan, a little vexed.

"Not really." I said nervously, "It slipped out."

"Are you ready to die?" asked Greg, looking directly at us.

"Um… your shoe is untied." I said.

"No, it isn't!" responded Greg.

"Uh, yes it is!" I returned.

"No, it's not!" he said.

"Is too!" I claimed.

"For the love of – what the hell is wrong with you, kid!?" exclaimed Greg.

"Your shoe is untied." I answered.

"Mmmaugh!!" he yelled in frustration.

"Now, if you're not too busy… could you point me to the restroom?" I said, "I really have to go."

"…Who do you think you are!?" he responded.

"Heh, guess I'll just have to kill you." I said, "It's now time for you to die!"

"Oh, no, no, no. You will die first-" he started, but wasn't able to finished because I stabbed him in the heart with my cat-sword before he could do anything.

"You little!" exclaimed Amy.

"Tell us the truth… now!" demanded Donovan.

"The truth?" responded Amy, "You really want to know, huh?"

"Yes." I said.

"The three of us have been wanting world domination," said Amy, "but now I guess there's only two of us."

"I know there's more." I said.

"Ha, we just want to rule the earth." she said, "We would go to any lengths necessary, even if we had to kill our children."

"What!?" I responded.

"I'm sure you've run into Jack before. He proved worthless while Jon only got in the way." answered Amy.

"Huh?" was all I could say in response.

"We even got rid of Jon's girlfriend as well as all of her siblings and both of her parents." said Amy.

"Both?" asked Donovan.

"Evan was getting in the way, so we had to kill him." said Amy, "And we killed his wife several years before we got to him because she knew too much of our plans."

"Uh… I-" I said.

"Now their children [who were also getting in the way] are gone as well." said Amy, "Is that enough truth for you!?"

"You people are just sick and twisted!" I said.

"And we don't care." said Amy, "But enough of that. It's time you two finally died."

She pulled out a gun and pointed it right at me. Luckily for Donovan, she had been focusing on me. He took advantage of that, and when she wasn't looking, dropped a large boulder of pennies on her.

"That's it!" exclaimed Jeff, "The two of you must leave!"

"No," I said, "I must talk to you."

"Please… leave me alone!" requested Jeff.

"Oh, no." I said, "This must be settled NOW."

I tapped my forehead with my pointer finger. The atmosphere around us changed and Jeff noticed. Somehow, doing this made whoever I was talking to feel intimidated.

"Now, I shall find out your secrets!" I claimed.

"Huh?" responded Jeff, "No, no, that won't be necessary."

"Heh, heh… anyways, who were those two?" I asked.

"N-nobody!" claimed Jeff, "Just a couple friends of mine."

"Friends, you say?" I asked.


"I have a problem with that… they threatened you."


"Donovan and I were… erm, eavesdropping on the conversation you guys had."

"Oh! Uh-"

"I also have this letter." I said pulling the letter out.

"Ah! W-where did you get that!?"

Jeff seemed to be freaking out. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough. However, I knew I was making progress since Jeff began to sweat.

"Heh, heh. You know nothing!" claimed Jeff.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked.

"What are you talking about now?" responded Jeff.

"Greg said he would take everything from you if your fourth plan failed." I said, "However, now that he's dead you don't need to worry."

"Um… can I go?" asked Jeff.

"No!!! Not in the middle of an interrogation!" I reacted.

"Gnnrk." was all that came out of his mouth in response.

"Back on topic, it's pretty obvious what he was threatening."

"Y-yeah!? What is it?"

"He was threatening… to kill your family."

Jeff looked off the side.

"You're right." he then said, nervously.

"And you're still hiding stuff, so I will continue to question you." I said, "Why and how did you become associated-"

"That's… enough." he responded, "I'll just… tell you everything."

After that, he calmed down and the atmosphere around everyone returned to normal.

"You win." he said, "We met in our college days. We became 'friends' after learning that we were all evil. Later, the two of them became obsessed with power, so I used you and Donovan by letting you two live."

"W-what are you talking about?" exclaimed Donovan.

"I at least had the kindness to not kill you so you could help me with something." said Jeff.

"Huh!?" I responded.

"They were blackmailing me and if anyone could kill them it had to be one of the 'heroes' chosen by the blind woman." said Jeff, "I had to kill most of you so that I couldn't be defeated."

"We can-" I started.

"Ha, sure you can win a battle," he said, "but you can't defeat me. Now, why don't we say our goodbyes with a battle?"

"You're on!" I said.

He pulled out a knife and ran at us. I kicked him in the crotch before he could do anything to me. He let out a yelp of pain in response, dropping his weapon. Then, I kicked him in the face... twice.

Suddenly, pennies rose up to the ceiling and popped the roof off of the house, as well as destroying a few walls. The three of us were carried up high by the pennies. I ended up struggling a bit to "swim" through them. Luckily, I conveniently found a plank of wood and hopped on like it was a surfboard.

I saw Donovan surfing on the wave of pennies as well. Unfortunately, Jeff joined us. He brought a sword with him this time. He struck at me, but I blocked with my cat-sword.

All worlds, or rather, this one "new" world that was a large mess had a good view of us sword-fighting on a wave made up of pennies. I saw quite a few people dump their drinks and quit eating their food, assuming one must have tainted them. After a few minutes, they realized that it was real and some began to run away and scream in terror.

I just kept going with Jeff, feeling a little nervous. My palms were sweating and so was the rest of me. Jeff told me to quit, but I told him that I wouldn't give up. He even tried to kick me, but he failed due to my dodging skills. Before I knew it, I saw gold sword come between our swords. I turned around and saw Jean.

"I told you she didn't die." said Donovan.

"I can easily survive a fall like that." she responded, "It took me forever to find you two, by the way."

"Enough talking!" said Jeff.

"Oh, why did it have to come to this, Jeff?" asked Jean.

"Okay," I said, "what happened between you two?"

"He has helped me on a previous quest of mine." answered Jean, "He had good intentions back then."

"You make it sound like I'm barely even human now." commented Jeff.

"Sorry, but I can't be on your side this time." responded Jean.

She swung her sword at him, but it was blocked by Jeff's. It seemed as if she couldn't get herself to kill or even hurt him. However, I didn't really care and joined in. Donovan joined in as well with a sword made out of pennies. The three of us struck simultaneously and knocked the sword out of his hand.

"Heh." he said, "Seems you win this round."

"What?" was all I could say in response.

"I had fun, but now I must take my leave." answered Jeff.

"W-where are you going!?" exclaimed Jean.

"To write the final chapter of this story." answered Jeff, who jumped into the sea of pennies.

"Dammit!" I exclaimed, "He escaped!"

"Ron," said Donovan, "there's not much we can do now, but it will just have to wait 'til later."

The wave of pennies began to slowly shrink and soon the pennies were gone. Was our quest finally over?