A New Beginning

When we reached the ground, I noticed that we were in Dovacath. The orb of chaos appeared down at my feet and then Matilda appeared again. She looked the same as earlier, glowing brightly.

"Congratulations, heroes." she said, "You have won this time."

"This time?" I asked.

"You have brought back the orb of chaos," she said, "now I must return it to where it belongs. Also, as promised, your friends will come back."

She took off with the orb before I could get any words out. But after she left, those who died on the quest appeared, alive and well. Jason, Harold, Timothy, Kevin, Tom, Eric, Elijah, Jon, Lilith, Erica, and Lucas were back.

"What the heck happened?" asked Kevin.

"Jason!" I said.

"What?" he responded.

"You're not dead." I answered.

"As long as I was fighting for my friends," said Jason, "I would have been okay with dying."

"Don't say that!" I exclaimed, "We worked hard to bring you guys back!"

"Even Donovan?" asked Jason.

"Well, he wasn't interested in you specifically," I said, "But he still helped."

"What about the villains?" asked Harold.

"Jeff is the only one that is still alive," answered Donovan, "but our quest is over for now."

"However, we seem to have one problem." I said.

"What is it?" asked Elijah.

"Jeff ran off and said some nonsense about writing a 'final chapter'." I answered.

"Seems like this won't be the last time we see each other." said Jon, "I'm sure we'll be teaming up again soon."

"Yeah…" I said.

"Is something wrong?" asked Lilith.

"No," I said, "I'm not afraid of facing Jeff again."

"Good." said Jon.

"Next time, we'll get him!" I claimed, "We'll give him the final chapter he wants so much!"

"Next time, Ron." said Jason, "We don't even know when it will be."

"Hopefully it won't be seven years!" I said.

"It probably won't." responded Jon.

And that quest came to an end. It was a bit hard to believe that all this stuff happened, but it did. On our quests, I've been wondering… what does it truly mean to be a hero? I would soon find out the answer to that question.

"Well, I must take off now." said Jean, "Sorry that I have to leave so early."

"Oh, it's okay!" I said.

"Don't worry," she said, "I'm sure we'll meet again."

Then, she took off. Soon after, I was approached by inquisitor Bob, the guy who had a habit of "dying" over and over again.

"There you are." he said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"The accused requested you." he said, "Will you represent him?"

"Yes." I said.

Then, Jason got really frustrated and began to say "Motherf-"

-Jeff's POV (Date Unknown)-

I sat quietly in my office, preparing my new plans. None of these "heroes" would be ready for what I had planned for this next time. They would never expect what was coming. As I sat at my desk, thinking my plan through, a young woman walked up to my desk.

"It's ready." she said.

"Good." I responded, "Nothing will get in our way this time."