Ron In Summer School

-Ron's POV-

Things don't always work out the way you want them to. In my case, it happens pretty often. I just worry that the same thing will happen with something really important in the future. I was happy that the school year had come to an end, but that didn't mean I was completely out of school, unfortunately.

Most subjects I seemed to do fine in. However, there was one where things didn't go as well as I wanted: Algebra II. Because of that, my parents had decided that I was going to have to take it again during the summer. I was far from happy about having to do it again, but it wasn't like there was anything I could really do about it.

I felt extremely nervous on my first day of summer school. I took a few deep breaths before I grabbed my backpack and headed for the garage, where I pulled out my bike. It wasn't really anything special. I mean, it's red and it's got tires. Honestly, I wouldn't even care if it were pink. As long as it works, it's fine.

The next thing I do is open up the garage door and take my bike outside before closing the door behind me. After getting my helmet on, I jump on my bike and ride all the way down to school. The ride to school just felt so peaceful. For some reason, I felt like I could relax, which was odd considering I was going to school.

When I reached my high school, I locked up my bike at its bike rack. There were a few other bikes. Little did I know, some of them belonged to some people I knew. I was still a bit nervous, but I still managed to get myself inside the building. I walked down the hallways for a while before heading upstairs and soon reached the computer labs. Just outside were a few people including some I knew. Donovan, Jason, and Kevin were all there.

"H-hi." I said nervously.

"So you have returned to hell too?" said Donovan.

"Not by choice." I said.

I was already nervous having to be here in the first place but having a few familiar faces helped. Although, it was little concerning the multiple people I knew were attending summer school as well.

"There's no teacher here?" I said, noticing nobody was around.

"Nope!" said Jason.

"I see." I replied.

"That just means we can do whatever we want!" said Donovan.

"If it's committing arson, leave me out of it." I responded.

"Well, if a teacher doesn't show up in fifteen minutes, I'm leaving." said Kevin.

The four of us chatted about various things until and adult male walked into the hallway and walked up to the computer lab, pulling out a key so he could unlock the door. I never caught the guy's name but he wasn't that much taller than me, had a bit of stubble on his face, blue eyes and a pretty small amount of gray hair on top of his head.

He then led us into the computer lab where he went on to explain how everything would work. We were required to be in there for at least two hours each day and could be in for a maximum of four. Whenever we were done, we would have to put our signature on a sheet of paper and then we could leave. Most of the time I worked until the end, but other times I just ended up leaving early.

So, for the next several days, I would be working on math. Everyone would have stuff to do on their computers. We were pretty much asked questions and then had to answer them. I was glad I thought ahead and brought a notebook so I could do the work for the math problems. At times, Jason and I would grab lunch from the cafeteria since they were serving free lunches. We figured we would take advantage of that since we were already there.

For the most part, nothing really that interesting happened. I just showed up and did my work as I was supposed to, but there were a few things that stood out. There was one time when I was leaving and getting ready to get on my bike. I would always put my helmet in my backpack so when I went to get on, Kevin gave me a weird look.

"Y'know it's illegal to ride without a helmet, right?" he said.

I pulled out my helmet in response.

"Oh." he said.

Despite that, I still managed to forget putting my helmet on one day. I was halfway home when I realized I wasn't wearing it so I quickly stopped myself, put the helmet on and then rode the rest of the way home. Before I knew it, summer school had ended and I was able to enjoy the rest of my summer. Unfortunately, school would eventually start back up.