Jeff's Final Chapter Begins

Sometimes, we have regrets. Whether too oblivious or just not smart enough, we may be blind to the truth. It is important to know so we won't have to face a tragedy.

About a year prior, our villain, Jeff told us that he would write the "final chapter". I knew he was planning something but I never thought it would be so big. I also kinda forgot about him because it had been pretty close to a year since he had said that.

I was just trying to be at least somewhat normal during my break from adventures. However, I would not be able to. I was contacted... by them, which means we had a new quest. I was in the middle of it, afraid that my death was near.

"No no no! Don't!" I exclaimed as I pressed a button.

I was in a small room, constantly checking cameras. The door on my left closed. Somehow, I got stuck here. My only option was to try to survive.

"You guys need to take some relaxation therapy classes or something," I said, "take a bath, get some candles, smoke some weed... I don't care what! Just calm the hell down!"

I was very panicked and I was unable to move too because I was super-glued to the chair I was sitting at. It wasn't too much later when the room became dark and the doors to the left and right of me opened. It was at that moment that a man with a sword appeared in front of me.

It was far too dark to see who he was. He then raised his sword, ready to hit me with it. I was stuck with nowhere to go. Then, my mind went back to when I received that letter from Jean.


It was about three in the afternoon, which was the time that I usually returned home from school… if I had school, anyways. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time that Saturday afternoon. Glancing at the dining room table, eating out of a small orange cup of pretzels, I noticed an envelope addressed to me.

I picked it up to get a closer look. There weren't any sins of anybody trying to open it previously, meaning my mother hadn't yet looked through the mail. I then let out a sigh of relief.

After that, I turned my body around toward a wall with a calendar hanging on it. Below the calendar was a gray set of drawers with a smaller, yellow-brownish set of drawers on top. I got into the smaller set of drawers and pulled out a letter opener and used it to open the envelope. Then I read the letter to myself:

"It's been a long while since we first teamed up. We managed to save all worlds from getting destroyed. As strange as it may sound, Jeff seemed to want all of the worlds to be saved. But I think he's planning something even bigger.

He's created a new dimension, one he's calling 'Dimension F'. At present, I am unaware of what it means. Anyways, I would like you to come. I'll see you there."

- Jean

"So, Jean sent this." I mutter to myself.

"Watcha readin'!?" came out of nowhere.

"Dammit, Justin!" I exclaimed, "I told you not to do that!"

I turned around to look at my older brother, who then adjusted his glasses with his middle finger. Then, I looked down at the floor noticing a few pretzels that I had dropped when Justin startled me. I squatted down and cleaned up the mess he caused me to make. After that, I threw the pretzels away, since I no longer felt like eating them.

I rushed down the stairs as quickly as I could and ran to my room. I picked my dark blue jacket up off of the floor and then put it on and zipped it up. Once I was done, Justin walked into the room.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"It's none of your business," I said, "I've got somewhere to go and you're not coming with me. You're not important to this story."

I looked away from him, fixing my eyes on my bed. Sleeping on it was my orange cat, Garfield. I slowly walked to over and gave the young cat a kiss on the side of his neck.

"I gotta go, buddy." I said, "But I promise I will return."

I left my bedroom and walked into the "computer room" in my house. I walked by my father who was too busy recording music on his computer to even notice me. After walking past him, I grabbed a pair of my shoes and put them on as quickly as I could.

Not long after they met my feet, I tied them up and ran up the stairs and stood still at the front door. I looked toward the rest of the steps leading up to my small dog, Odie, who was just sitting there.

"Don't look at me like that." I said, "I have somewhere to be."

After I finished speaking, I headed out the door and started walking to Dovacath. For the most part, it was really long quiet walk until I found Jason, not too far from the town.

"Ron." he said.

"Hi." I replied, weakly.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Y-yes." I said, "Of course I am!"

"You sure?" he asked.

"I wonder what Jeff is doing this time." I said, trying to change the subject.

"Something bad, probably." he said.

As soon as we reached Dovacath, we were greeted by Jon and Lilith.

"Where's Harold?" asked Lilith.

"…Who?" I responded.

"Isn't he always with you two-?" started Lilith.

"We have more important things to worry about!" exclaimed Jason, cutting her off.

"Uh, yeah." I said, "We need to get to Dimension F."

"Only if Dexter is finished with the portal." said Jon.

"Dexter's here?" responded Jason.

"Yeah," said Jon, "he came to visit today and then we all got wrapped up in this situation."

"How about checking the portal's progress?" I suggested.

"Follow me." Jon directed.

We all followed him to his house. In his front yard, Dexter was working on the portal. He wasn't alone, though. Leaning on the wall of the house was Donovan Fortune and Daniel Arbeit. Elijah Bonhuer was sitting on the ground doing nothing, Cameron Harlow was also on the ground, but playing with the grass, and David Ross was looking up at the sky from boredom.

Lucas and Erica were there too. They were talking to each other, rather than fighting. I was glad to find out that things in their family had changed positively.

"Alright," said Jon, "I believe it is time that I remind everyone what their powers are."

"I have to use the restroom." said Cameron.

"You'll have to hold it." said Jon.

"But-" started Cameron.

"DO IT! JUST DO IT!" commanded Jon.

"Jon," I said, "could we just get to the important stuff?"

"Oh, right." said Jon, "Ron's power is cats, Jason is a knight, Donovan's power is pennies, Elijah can freeze time depending on what's going on or how many times he's already done it, Daniel has a shovel, David can control weather, Cameron has the power of rocks, Dexter is a mechanic, Lilith and Erica are spirit mediums, Lucas has a few of their abilities but they're not as strong, and I can teleport to places using my whistle. Any questions?"

"Uh… no." answered David.

"The portal is finished," said Dexter, "we can now go to Dimension F."

"Prepare yourselves." said Jon, "This our most dangerous mission yet. All I can ask is, will you follow?"

"To the ends of the dimension." I answered.

"Good," replied Jon, "'cuz that's where we're going."

"Well," I said, "unless I end up leading."

Then, we all headed into the portal.