Dimension F

I saw nothing but darkness, until I was finally able to open my eyes. I was on the ground, face pointing up to the ceiling of some strange building. My head was hurting. I then got myself up and dusted myself off.

"Ugh. What happened?" I muttered.

I scanned all of my surroundings. It seemed I was in some kind of hallway.

"Dare I press on?" I said, quietly.

I started walking down the hallway and I noticed doors on each side of the hall, each with a number. I went by "913", "912", and so on.

"Must be on the ninth floor of a building." I said, "Maybe I should knock on one of the doors?"

I walked over to room 907 and knocked. Unfortunately, there was no answer. I tried opening the door, but it was locked. I kept trying doors from 907 all the way down to 901. Each one was unsuccessful. Then, I tried rooms 908 to 924, the remainder of them. I just got the same result.

"Crap." I muttered.

I ran all over the hall looking for an exit. I managed to find an elevator. However, I found out it was broken when I tried pressing the button for it. Moving even further, I found a stairway. It was blocked by an unconscious man's body. I could tell he was an adult much older than me. He had a bit of stubble on his face and his light brown hair was starting to go gray.

"What the heck is even going on here??" I asked, feeling a little paranoid.

I squatted down and shook him. His blue eyes opened slowly.

"W-who are you?" he asked.

"I'm Ron… Ron King." I answered.

"Really? The same Ron that saved all worlds from being destroyed several months ago?" he asked.

"I didn't realize I was famous." I replied.

"Saving all worlds is no easy task, Ron." he said.

"Um, okay," I said, "and you are?"

"I'm Charles." he said, "*sigh* ...This always happens."

"Hold on a minute." I said, "What always happens?"

"Pay it no mind."

"Look, I've no clue what's even happened here!"

"Just don't worry about it."

"Hey, I want to know how I got here and anything you could tell me would be extremely helpful."

"I just can't."

"Honestly, I hate having to force this out of you, but I have no choice."

"What, are you going to use that weird interrogation thing I've heard about?."

"Something like that, I guess. What did you mean when you said that this always happens?"

"N-nothing. Don't worry about it."

"Sounds like you've been unlucky man."

"Just. Don't. Worry. About. It."

"Hmmm… tell me, do you happen to know where we are?"

"Dimension F."

"Uh… where in Dimension F?"

"This entire building is Dimension F."

"That doesn't make any sense!"

"He must have wanted to keep everyone involved in the same area."

"Are you saying that the only place in Dimension F is this building?"


"Hold on a minute. Just what did you mean by everyone who's involved?"

"Everyone that wants to stop him?"

"Stop who?"

"You know who I'm referring to."

"Jeff?... How do you know Jeff?"

"Jess is a man that I've… had some trouble with in the past."

"What kind of trouble have you had with him?"

"I was investigating his superiors and… that's when things went downhill." answered Charles, sounding a bit upset.

Too bad I'm not nice enough to change the subject.

"So, what happened then?" I asked.

"I came close to exposing them during my days on the force. I got in too deep and those two set Jeff to work… I-I lost everything!" responded Charles.


"My job, my family, and nearly all of my friends are gone now."

"Is that all?"

"That's all I can say for now."

"I'm sorry that you had to through all that. Unfortunately, all life ever does is crap on people. You could be the happiest you could ever be one day and then extremely depressed the next day."

"Let's just go before 'he' finds me."

"What do you mean?"

"Greg and Amy sent me a butler from hell. He usually follows me everywhere I go."

"Oh… um, also, do you know how you ended up here?"

"I saw a large group of people come out of a portal in the lobby. Jeff knocked them all out. I followed behind him, but somebody got me from behind on my way to the ninth floor. I wasn't able to see who it was."

"Alright." I said, "Why don't we head down to the lobby and figure out what we're going to do?"

"Okay." he said, slowly getting up off of the ground.

We walked down several flights of stairs and we continued to see an increase in lighting the further we went down. I felt slightly uncomfortable as we walked, because Charles wouldn't say a word. We soon reached the lobby and there wasn't much there. It was just a large room that contained a front desk and a couple of couches.

Both of us took a seat on one of them. I set my hand down to my right and I felt something. I picked it up to get a closer look and I saw that it was a magic gem.

"Oh no!" I exclaimed.

"What is it?" asked Charles.

"It's a magic gem." I said, "One of my friends must have dropped it!"

"At least you have friends." muttered Charles.

I put the magical item in my pocket.

"I wonder where they are?" I said, "I hope nothing has happened to them."

"I've been wondering… how'd you even get to this dimension?" asked Charles.

"Does it surprise you that I'm here?" I replied.

"Well, I can't say I didn't expect you to be here," he said, "but getting to this dimension isn't easy."

"My team was able to get a portal to send us here." I said, "But…what brings you to Dimension F?"

"Revenge." he said.


"I just want to put an end to this. I have nothing else to lose, anyways."

"Well, what should we do first?"

"We should probably look for your friends. Also, there's someone else here… I lost 'her' when I went after Jeff."

"Alright." I said, "Let's go."

Both of us got up from the couch and walked up to the front desk. I looked at the bell sitting on top and gave it a tap.