The Trust That Fades

"Jean," I said, "I know you're hiding even more."

"Nonsense." she said, "You haven't backed up any of the stuff you said with decisive proof."

"I'm not talking about the murder here," I said, "You know what I'm referring to."

"Just what is it?" she asked.

"You've been working with Jeff and I intend to pull the truth out of you!"

"Fascinating." she commented.

"I know you're in on this," I said, "You're helping Jeff with his evil plan."

"Don't be ridiculous, Ron." said Jean, "I have not been working with him!"

"You do seem to know a little much for someone that was only 'keeping any eye on him'."

"I did all that to help you guys out and you know it."

"It was all a lie. You wanted us to believe that you were on our side."

"But I am." insisted Jean.

"What have you even been up to? …I wonder what you were doing in room 112 earlier…?"

"Just searching for everyone."

"You want to tell me why you were in there?" I say with a harsher tone, "I can say this with one hundred percent certainty: Donovan and Erica are in there. Whether they're dead or alive, I cannot say."

"You're bluffing." responded Jean.

"Charles," I said, "go check room 112. Then, we'll know if I'm bluffing!"

"On it!" responded Charles.

"You can't get in," said Jean, "you don't even have a key."

"That's not a problem." said Charles, "I have my ways."

Then, he ran off.

"Back on topic, why are you even helping Jeff?" I asked.

"Just what do you mean by that?" responded Jean.

"It doesn't seem very likely that someone your age would be his partner in crime." I answered.

"Found them!" came out of nowhere.

"Oh, Charles!" I responded.

"They were tired up, but they're alive!" said Charles.

"What's going on?" asked Donovan.

"Where are we?" asked Erica.

"I-impossible!" exclaimed Jean, "How did you even get in?"

"I had help from a certain demon." answered Charles.

"Anyways, we can inform Donovan and Erica of everything after we take care of this!" I said, "Well, Jean, what do you have to say about this turn of events?"

"Nothing." she responded.

"My magic gem isn't reacting." commented Lucas, "I don't think she's-"

"Jean, empty your pockets." I demanded.

"Why?" she asked.

"Oh, don't play dumb." I said, "You know that I know that you have an item that is interfering with the magic gems in the room. Show it to us now!"

Jean hesitantly pulled what looked like a magic gem out of her pocket. It was different from the regular ones, though. The edges were sharper and his one was red, rather than green.

"It's a reverse-gem," said Erica, "it keeps secrets hidden from those who have a normal one."

"Well, that's convenient." commented Jason.

"Also, I didn't notice it before," I said, "but I've noticed you've got similar facial features to Jeff's."

"What are you going to say?" responded Jean, sounding a bit impatient.

"I've talked to Jeff in the past and I remembered something interesting from one of our conversations." I said.

"Get to the point." she demanded.

"You're Jeff's daughter." I said, "I'm right, aren't I!?"

Jean stood still, not even saying a word.

"Don't deny it!" I said, "We have the reverse-gem now and we'll know if you're lying!"

Jean started laughing and we could all hear the evil in her laughter.

"I didn't think you would make it this far." said Jean.

"You've greatly underestimated me." I said, "But I caught on to your secret in the end."

"Even if you know the truth," she said, "that's not going to stop us."

"Just what are the two of you planning?" I asked.

"You'll soon find out," she said, drawing her sword, "but this story is approaching its conclusion."

She ran at us and we all fought back. Unfortunately, in the end, Jean got a hold of Lilith.

"Now, I must take my leave." said Jean, "Don't come after me!"

"Get back here!" shouted Lucas.

We all ran out to the hallway. However, the hallway was empty.