Rising Evil

"Damn," I said, "she got away!"

"What. The. Hell. Just. Happened?" asked Donovan.

"Where do you think she could have gone?" asked Erica.

"I honestly don't know." I said, "Wait a minute. Jason, could you lead us to that control room you told us about?"

"Uh," he said, "it might be a little hard to get up there."

"And I might have a way." I responded.

"Oh, I guess…" said Jason.

Jason walked out the door and led us up several flights of steps. Once we reached a certain door, he said, "This is the room that I fell into."

We went inside and Jason pointed up.

"How the hell are we going to get up there?" asked Jason.

"With this," I said, forming a ladder with a cat pattern, "I've learned how to fully take advantage of my cat powers. Anyways, let's climb up the ladder."

We all climbed the ladder one by one and found ourselves in an empty control room.

"Wow," I said, "there's actually light in here."

"Well," came out of nowhere, "What brings you all here?"

"Jeff!" I shouted, "Where is your daughter right now!?"

"She's working on something right now," answered Jeff, "but let's see if you can make it past me first."

I saw all my friends run at him and start attacking with their weapons, but in the end he pulled a lever and opened a trapdoor under them all. Now it was just me, Charles, and Iris. I then ran toward Jeff and formed one of my cat-swords. The blade went right past him. At that moment, the evil man kicked me and pulled a lever. The next things I knew, I was falling, with Iris and Charles coming down behind me.


"Ron?" said a voice.

"Ten more minutes, please." I said, "I don't want to go to school today."

"Wake up, Ron!!!" the voice said, as I felt something violently shaking me.

I opened my eyes and saw Jason shaking me.

"Stop it." I demanded.

I got myself up and dusted myself off. I looked around the room. The walls were black and the edges where white.

"Where are we?" I asked, "Did we end up in some demon castle or something?"

"Actually, we don't know where we are." answered Jason.

I looked around noticing everyone who was alive, except Lilith, was in the room.

"What should we do?" asked Lucas.

"Hold on." said Iris, "I have an important question."

"What is it?" I asked.

"How did you know that stuff about Jean earlier?" was her question.

"It was the only logical explanation I could think for all the circumstantial evidence we had." I answered, "In other words, I guessed and I was right."

"Okay," said Jason, "that's great and all but we need to find a way out of this room."

"How?" responded Charles, "There are no doors or anything here. Only walls!"

Suddenly, a gray cloud appeared in the middle of the room. A few seconds later, it disappeared, and Sebastian was there.

"Goddammit." muttered Charles.

"You again!" responded Iris.

"This guy!?" I exclaimed.

"Perhaps I could be of assistance?" suggested Sebastian.

"Who are you?" asked Jason.

"Don't mind me." said Sebastian, "I'm just here to stalk Charles."

"Just what are you gonna do?" asked Erica.

"This." he said, snapping his fingers.

A bolt of lightning appeared and struck Erica. Then, she was dead.

"What the hell was that for!?" exclaimed Lucas.

"Calm yourself, Lucas." answered Sebastian, "I can do whatever I feel like, without consequences."

"How'd you know my-?!" started Lucas.

"I'll get you out of this room." interrupted Sebastian, "Unless Charles has any objections…"

"I... have none." responded Charles.

"Good." said Sebastian.

"This guy's so cool." commented Donovan.

We all started at him in response.

"Whatever." responded Sebastian, snapping his fingers.

There was a sudden flash and then darkness.