
"What do you mean by that!?" I exclaimed, looking at Jeff, who had come out of nowhere.

"I have no use for you in my plans anymore," said Jeff, "you got rid of my bosses for me, and I don't care about Miles at all!"

"You monster!" I exclaimed, "But I don't understand. Why were you working for Greg and Amy in the first place?"

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to tell you." responded Jeff, "I escaped from an orphanage when I was twelve. Nobody wanted me and living there was hell, too. They found me and told me they'd send my ass back to the orphanage if I didn't do what they said."

"Then what happened?" I asked.

"I continued to do what Greg and Amy told me to do." answered Jeff, "Then six years later, the threats were different. I had met the woman I would marry a few years later. They threatened to kill her if I didn't do what they said. Soon after we had Jean, they threatened to kill her as well."

"And then?" I said.

"A few years ago, I heard about some heroes being trained in Dovacath, so I sent Miles," continued Jeff, "He spied on you guys from the shadows to see how tough you were. That was put to the test with the magic gems back in Mirai once Greg and Amy found out you guys existed. Then I knew if anyone could get rid of those two, it would have been you guys."

"Are you serious?" I said, a little vexed.

"I wanted everyone to be miserable – to be dead!" said Jeff, "If nobody wanted me, then I didn't want anyone else! To make things worse, shortly after you killed Greg and Amy for me, my wife left me alone with Jean. She said she couldn't 'trust' us anymore, that she no longer felt 'safe' at home. She must have been against me from the beginning-"

"She left you because you're evil, dude." said Lucas.

"Not that it matters." said Jeff, "She deserved to die too! All those other words are gone now. This is the only one to exist. The only one where people will accept me!"

"Other than your daughter?" I said.

"If you don't accept me," said Jeff, "I'll force you to- or kill you if I have to!"

"Correct me if I'm wrong," I said, "But you've done all this stuff just because you grew up without a family or friends?"

"That's just messed up!" commented Jason.

"I'm kind of scared right now." said Iris.

"Dude," I said, "I've never gotten to keep any of my friends. They always leave my life after a few years. Once they've gone- the second that any of them leave my life, I no longer contact them. I certainly hope this won't be the case with Jason. Some people are no longer my friends for other reasons as well. Some have become huge assholes. Some people are just rotten, but not all are. Some like weird things, but that doesn't make them any less human than anyone else. You didn't have to do this, Jeff."

"It's too late." he said, "It has already been done and I have no regrets."

"You think just because are worlds are gone, that we're just gonna stop?" I said, "We will fight you, regardless."

"I'm so scared," said Jeff sarcastically.

I drew a cat-themed sword, Jason drew his normal sword, I threw the magic gem I borrowed from Lucas, which he then grabbed and transformed into a sword, Charles pulled out a knife, and Iris had nothing.

"I feel so left out." commented Iris, while looking at the floor.

Jeff laughed and pulled out what looked like a glowing red sword out of thin-air, it seemed.

"You ready for this?" warned Jeff.