The Final Battle With Him

"My blade is here for your blood!" I said angrily, charging at Jeff.

He swung his glowing sword at me and it went above my head by just about one millimeter. Then I kicked him, to which he responded by swinging at me again and cutting my sword in half.

"Is that all you got!?" I responded, feeling a little tired.

That was when I made a green cat-themed glowing sword appear out of thin air.

"You can't fucking be serious!" muttered Jeff.

"What?" I said, "You mad, bro?"

"No!" responded Jeff, taking another swing.

Jason ran toward Jeff trying to cut his leg. Jeff kicked him and he fell over. Lucas then leapt at Jeff and tried to cut his head off with his magic sword. Jeff dodged and immediately cut Lucas' head off with his own sword.

"Lucas!!" I exclaimed, "…Iris, stay out of the way!"

Iris slowly walked to a wall on one side of the room. Then, Charles ran toward Jeff and managed to kick him in the face. This caused blood to start dripping from Jeff's mouth.

"It's going to take a lot more than that." he said, angrily.

Jason suddenly kicked Jeff right where it counts, which caused him to fall over. Next, Charles ran at Jeff with his knife, but Jeff grabbed him and kicked him all the way to the other side of the room almost hitting Iris.

"It's not over yet." I said, "We will continue to fight you!"

I ran at him and we let our glowing swords clash. They kept going back and forth until I pushed him into a wall and then I cut his leg off. Then, the other one. However, Jeff was laughing as he fell to the ground.

"What's so funny!?" I exclaimed.

"You think this is gonna be easy, don't you?" returned Jeff.

His legs slowly grew back, which shocked everyone.

"Just what the hell are you!?" exclaimed Jason.

"You can thank Sebastian." answered Jeff, "Greg and Amy spawned him through a book from hell, which is where we got our powers."

"You… cheater!" exclaimed Iris.

"Shut up." responded Jeff, "You don't even have any powers… or do you?"

"S-stop." replied Iris.

Suddenly, we heard footsteps. Jean had come down the stairs with Sebastian. When she saw all of us, she immediately pulled out a gun and started shooting at us. I dodged all of her shots. The presence of the demon butler gave Charles an idea.

"Sebastian… please help us." requested Charles.

"I'm no longer at your service, Charles." replied Sebastian, "I've been working with Jeff this whole time."

Blades… Bullets… They were flying all over the room. At this point, all the heroes were nervous.

"I… can't do anything." said Iris, nervously.

"What do we do now!?" exclaimed Jason.

"Just swing around like crazy and see what happens!" I answered.

"We're just gonna die if we do that!" responded Charles.

"We have to risk it here." I assured everyone.

The next thing I knew, I was swinging my glowing sword at a golden sword: Jean's sword. But the bullets were still going. It had to have been Sebastian's doing.

"Does anyone know how to kill a demon!?" I asked.

"I believe I can help." answered Jason.

"How!?" I exclaimed.

"Like this." answered Jason, running toward Sebastian while swinging his sword around crazily.

Sebastian attempted to get out of the way. However, he was unable to do so as Jason rapidly chopped him up into pieces. We could all tell that this disgusted Iris. Hell, we couldn't even tell that he was once a demon butler by the time Jason was finished. Unfortunately, the bullets kept going after his death.

"What!?" I exclaimed, "Why didn't that work!?"

I was still fighting Jean.

"Because we have this." answered Jeff, holding up a book.

"Everyone," I said, kicking Jean out of the way, "we must get that book!"

Jason and I charged at Jeff at the same time, his weapon ready, as well as my own glowing sword. Unfortunately, Jean tripped both of us.

"Dammit!" I exclaimed.

Jean prepared her sword and was about to strike us.

"Jean, you don't have to do this!" I exclaimed, "You may have betrayed us but please think about what you're doing!"

"What are you trying to say?" she asked, unhappy.

"I know what your father's motives are," I answered, "but I have not been told what yours are. However, there is a possibility that I might know."

"What are you trying to do, Ron?" asked Jason.

"Jean," I said, "I know what's like to be left alone… ignored, even. Others may even say crap about me that isn't even true. However, I'm glad they're not gossiping about things that are true. But that's the thing- some people are turds. I put up with a lot of bullshit, but never ended up a villain."

Jean stared at me. I felt very uncomfortable as sweat dripped down my face.

"We met you about a year ago," I said, "I know you're capable of being nice, even if you didn't feel it then. I guess what I'm saying is that it's possible for some good to come out from the midst of bad. So, what'll it be then?"

"Enough." said Jean, drawing her sword.

I got up off of the ground and struck at her with my cat-themed sword a few times before kicking her to the ground. I went up to her and I readied my glowing sword.

"It's either him… or us. You decide." I said, "Make your decision now or I will kill you both!"

Jean immediately got up and ran off.

"Now, Jeff," I said, "You want to keep going? I don't think Jean is going to come back to help you."

"She doesn't want to fight right now, it seems. So what?" responded Jeff, "I'm perfectly capable of fighting you guys myself."

Jason and I rushed at Jeff again and then struck at him. Jason cut Jeff's arm off, but it grew back. However, he ended up dropping the book.

"Ron, grab that book!" instructed Jason.

I quickly grabbed the book and made a run for it. Suddenly, I heard a cry in pain, so I turned around. Jason fell to the ground, along with a broken sword. He was dead.

"NOOO!!!" I yelled out.

Before I knew it, Jeff had Iris. He held his red sword up to her neck.

"Nobody move or she gets it!" threatened Jeff.

"Charles… Ron!" she exclaimed, "Please help me!"

"Charles, what do we do now!?" I asked.

"I… I don't know!" responded Charles.

"Glad we all understand here." said Jeff, smiling.

"Augh… Nrrrangggt!!!" I yelled.

"Now I'm going to leave-" started Jeff.

He was interrupted by a bullet entering his leg. He fell over, dropping Iris.

"Augh! Mother-" started Jeff.

I ran up to him and stood on him.

"It's over." I said, "You may have destroyed all worlds, but this is the end of the line for you!"

"Just what are you-"

Jeff's sentence was interrupted by me cutting his head off. His hid rolled a few inches, leaving a trail of blood. I put my glowing sword away.

"Iris! Are you alright!?" I asked.

"Y-yes." she responded, "I'm fine."

"So… what now?" asked Charles, "All the other worlds and your friends are gone."

"That just means we're not done here." I said, "You two wait here!"

I immediately started to run off.

"Ron, where are you going!?" asked Iris.

"To find Jean!" I answered.

I just knew that this chapter wouldn't be over until I had talked to Jean. She was the only one who could answer any remaining questions. Did my talk do any good and was that bullet that got Jeff her doing?