Things Go Wrong

"What are you talking about?" Simon responded.

"This whole thing was a lie," I said, "Sebastian set it all up."

"Did I really?" responded Sebastian.

"It's the only thing that makes sense." I said.

"Does it?" responded Sebastian.

"Could you please stop interrupting with questions?" I requested.

"I don't know, can I?" reacted Sebastian.

"…Thanks for not doing what I asked." I responded sarcastically.

"What do you mean it was all set up?" asked Stuart.

"Thinking about it," I said, "when we first arrived here, Sebastian said something to each of us and we lost consciousness soon after that. When I woke up I was in some strange room with Catherine and Jean."

"I think I remember waking up somewhere random." said Stuart.

"Where were you?" asked Catherine.

"I think I was somewhere on the top floor when I woke up." answered Stuart.

"Sebastian wanted to mess with us." I said, "So, he threw a few of us into random areas and selected some of us to commit murder! …Am I leaving anything out?"

"No," Sebastian laughed, "that's pretty much what actually happened!"

"Geez, what the hell is wrong with you!?" exclaimed James.

"I'm FROM hell." Sebastian left.

"You, sick twisted piece of-!" started Stuart.

"Anyways," I said, "in the end, YOU'RE responsible!"

"But who did I use to kill Isaac?" responded Sebastian, getting excited.

"I… don't know." I responded.

"If you can't figure THAT out," he said, "then you lose!"

"Isn't it obvious?" said Simon, "It was Matthias!"

"I did not!" responded Matthias.

"The words of a killer should not be trusted!" Simon blurted out.

"Shut up, 'person-that-has-actually-been-confirmed-to-have-killed-someone!" exclaimed Stuart.

"He's got a point." Catherine commented.

"But I-" Simon started.

"Stop it." I said, "Anyways, we now need to figure out who Isaac's killer is."

"Well," said Catherine, "all we've got are the scissors."

"So far, it seems Matthias is our only suspect." Jeff commented.

"See?" responded Simon, "I was totally right!"

"It's true that we don't have another suspect," I said, "But I still don't think it was him."

"As a relative of the suspect," said Sebastian, "you're probably biased!"

I tried to ignore what the demon butler had said.

"Well, we don't seem to have anything else that we can go off of." said Catherine, continuing the discussion.

"Wait," I said, "this entire time there's been a piece of evidence that has not yet been discussed!"

"Th-there is?" responded Simon.

"Yes," I said, "if you think back to what we found at the crime scene."

"You're referring to the tape on Isaac's left thumb…" commented Jeff.

"Gnrk." he responded.

"How is a piece of tape supposed to help us here?" asked Catherine.

"A DNA Test," I suggested.

"What kind?" asked Zack.

"Everything we can think of," I said, "and I want Matthias to take care of it."

"Okay," said Matthias, "there were no traces of blood or drool or anything like that, but we found a few prints. They belong to Zack!"

"You're covering up the real evidence!" exclaimed Zack, nervously.

"You seem uncomfortable." Jean commented, "But it's okay. We now know who is responsible."

"W-we do?" responded Simon.

"Yes," said Jean, "it had to have been Zack!"

"My prints weren't on the scissors!" he exclaimed, "Matthias is lying in a pathetic attempt to save his own ass!"

"I had a feeling you weren't what you seemed," I responded, "and I'm sure that you have lied to us about the evidence."

"No, that was James." he said.

"Don't throw this all on me!" reacted James.

"YOU'RE the one that said it." Jean responded.

"So… who else's prints are on the scissors!?" I asked.

"I'm confused," said Stuart, "hasn't it been established that Matthias' prints are on the scissors because they're his?"

"Zack purposely left something out of the report," responded Jeff, "The fact that he had gotten his own prints on the scissors!"

"But what is the purpose of the tape?" asked Catherine, "Doesn't it seem… random?"

"Is such a trivial detail so important?" asked Zack.

"Why would that tape exist anyways?" I asked.

"Well," said Jean, "we know that Zack's prints were on the tape, so perhaps the tape came from him?"

"That's possible, I guess." Stuart commented.

"Why even use tape of all things?" asked Matthias.

"Why use CLEAR tape specifically?" asked Simon.

"Not that any other kind would actually make sense." responded Jean.

"It doesn't make sense to go use italics in the rough drafts and then all caps either in the final." said Sebastian.

"What the hell are you talking about!?" exclaimed James.

"You people are crazy," replied Zack, "you're getting worked up over a stupid piece of tape."

"Are you suggested it was random?" I asked.

"I'm not suggested damn thing." he reacted.

"We're not getting anywhere," responded Stuart, "why don't we end this since we know who the killers are?"

"It's true that we have enough to end here," I said, "but I think we need to push the issue a bit further."

"Push the issue?" responded Zack, "No, I think we're done here. It's just a stupid piece of tape that shouldn't matter at all. You're wasting a ton of valuable time on something that doesn't even matter. So what if that two dollar crap tape exists?"

"I'm gonna have to stop you there." I said.

"What? Why?" responded Zack.

"How is it that you knew the price of the tape?" I asked.

"Tape normally costs about this much, right?" responded Zack.

"I don't know anyone that pays attention to the price of tape of all things." commented Stuart.

"This tape… is from Mihr'hai." responded Matthias.

"I-is it?" said Zack.

"Normally," said Matthias, "you could buy an item like this anywhere. This is a certain kind sold only at a few stores in Mihr'hai."

"What makes you think a bought it in Mihr'hai!?" responded Zack.

"If not," said Matthias, "we know these have been smuggled into other worlds, and taking certain materials out of my world is against the law."

"There's a smuggling ring," I said, "and their base is in Dovacath. Members have been found and caught in other worlds. It wouldn't take much time to figure out if you bought it there!"

"Have we really been arguing about tape for this long?" asked Simon.

"I guess this is it." said Zack.

"Why?" I said, "Why did you do it?"

"Have you guys forgotten?" he responded, "The demon butler made me do it!"

"Wrong." said Sebastian.

"H-huh!?" responded Zack.

"You lied to us!?" responded Simon.

"Technically, no." answered Sebastian.

"What do you mean?" asked Catherine.

"I was responsible for Simon murdering Mikaela," Sebastian, "but Zack murdered Isaac all on his own!"

"Time to kill!" exclaimed Sebastian.

"N-no, wait!" responded Zack.

"K-kill…?" reacted Simon.

The demon butler snapped his fingers and the two killers fell over.

"I feel uncomfortable." commented Stuart.

"Now," said Sebastian, tossing me the star key, "you'd better get the hell out of here before I kill the rest of you too!"

"Wh-what!?" I exclaimed.

"I-is this some kind of joke!?" asked Catherine.

"Nope." answered Sebastian, snapping his fingers.

Then, she fell over.

"What the hell!?" I exclaimed.

"You took too long." responded Sebastian, "Now, I have to take care of the rest of you."

"I'm gonna kick your ass!" I claimed.

"Iris, what the hell are you doing!?" exclaimed Matthias, "You're gonna get yourself killed!"

"There's a way to not die from his 'instant-kill' attacks." I said.

"And you waited until now?" he responded.

"Not all of us can do it." I replied.

"You're insane." reacted Matthias.

"You can't spend all your life trying to avoid danger." I responded.

After that, I ran off with a sword that suddenly appeared in my hand.

"What about the rest of you?" asked Matthias.

In the next minute, Jean ran toward Sebastian with her golden sword. Then, Jeff pulled out a laser gun and started shooting at our enemy.

"You were on MY side once." said Sebastian, "Oh, how you wound me now!"

The next thing I knew, papers of all shapes and sizes were all over the room and Stuart was on the back of a purple dragon small enough to fit in the room. We were surrounded by flames as we made our attacks and eventually, I was able to finish the job by cutting Sebastian into pieces with my sword.

"What were you talking about earlier?" asked Matthias.

"We have a power to shield ourselves," I said, "I actually took some time to look into this a while back."

"Before I knew about these powers," I answered, "I had book that told me about them- it works for the kind of powers our family has, but that's about it."

"Um… I hate to interrupt," said Jeff, "but have you seen Stuart?"

We turned around and saw Stuart on the ground. Checking his body, we were able to confirm that he was dead.

"Well, that's unfortunate." said James.

"The rest of you need to unlock the hidden dimension," said Jeff, "Jean and I have some work to do so we'll be leaving."