Into The Unknown

"So we have the keys," I said, "now what?"

"First," said Matthias making a new pair of dimensional scissors appear, and opening a portal, "we must head to the other world's front gate."

"Are we really going to be able to do this?" asked James, "Are we the only ones left?"

"I'm sure some of them will try to find us in this hidden world," I said, "since Isaac came after dying once. I wouldn't be surprised if he were to do it again."

"Iris," said Matthias, "the key."

I handed it over. Then, Matthias pulled out the dragon key and the penguin key. Then he walked into the portal he created and we followed. Not long after stepping inside, we saw some of people who had previously died: Catherine, Mikaela, Isaac, and Ron.

"How'd you all get here?" I asked.

"We all found each other in Dovacath." answered Ron, "And then we went to Mihr'hai together and Jon told us how to get here."

"Simon and Zack aren't with you?" I asked.

"I heard about what happened." said Ron, "It's unfortunate."

"Interesting." I commented.

"Well, then." said Matthias, holding up the keys, "We should get going."

He put all three of the keys into the front gate and it opened.

"You're going without me?" said a familiar voice behind us.

"Zack," I said, "what is the meaning of this?"

"You're going into the unknown," he said, "You could use an adventurer like me."

"First of all," said Ron, "I don't know how to feel about you being here with us. Second of all, Iris, I'd like my role back."

"What are you talking about?" asked Catherine.

-Ron's POV-

"Oh, nothing important." I responded.

"Whatever." said Zack.

"Oh, but we're not done." I said, pulling out a cat-themed magic gem, "Are you truly on OUR side?"

After that, the atmosphere around the two of us changed.

"You joined us for different intentions than we originally thought." I said.

"I don't know what you're talking about." responded Zack.

"You're hiding your true intentions." I replied.

"I'm just trying to help is all," he said, "I'd never hurt you guys."

"That's a bunch of crap," I replied, "I know damn well you don't care if we're hurt or not! You… killed Isaac back in Dimension F!"

"You weren't there!" he exclaimed.

"Those that were there informed me." I said.

I felt my gem getting warmer. It seemed I was on the right track.

"You're hiding even more from us," I said.

"Calm yourself," said Zack, "Everything is alright."

"Are you sure about that, Zack?" I responded, "Or should I use your REAL name!?"

"R-real name!?" exclaimed Zack, "What the hell are you talking about!?"

"You've revealed to me who you are through your actions." I said, "I know exactly who you are."

"Then just say it." suggested Zack.

"It's been a long time, Matt Trayer." I said.

As soon as I said that, the gem lost its warmth and the atmosphere returned to normal.

"Heh." said Zack.

"Zack…?" said Iris.

"Zack isn't my real name," he said, "it's Matt Trayer."

"Matt… why?" I asked.

"I was meant to betray everyone from the beginning!" answered Matt, seeming excited.

"You… bastard!" I exclaimed, "I can't believe I once called you my best friend!"

"Why should I gave a damn about friendship!?" responded Matt, "None of it ever lasts- I'm sick of it."

"You're being ridiculous." commented Mikaela.

"Look around you," he said, "these people you consider your 'friends', especially the ones you care about the most will be gone before you know it!"

"It's true that people been around in my life change every few years," I said, "but that doesn't excuse you being evil and stuff!"

"You don't need friends," he said, "least of all, BEST friends. There's no point at all if they're only going to be there so long."

"I've never had the same best friend for more than a few years," I responded, "and up to this point I've had more then ten in my life! I have not given up on this yet!"

"Perhaps you should?" responded Matt, "The world's going to shit on you no matter what."

"This is beyond-" started Isaac.

"No more of your goddamn puns!" reacted Matt, harshly.

"You've really changed." commented Mikaela.

"Wait, is HE the person you mentioned, Ron?" asked Catherine.

"Yes." I said, "He reminded me so much of an old friend, because, in the end, that's who he truly was!"

"In every world," said Matt, "you should only worry about yourself because all getting to know people does is hurt you in the end."

"You're still pretty ridiculous." I commented, "That much hasn't changed."

"I think that's enough." said Matt, "I was to make sure all of you made it here, so someone I know could kill you- but that's the only thing I plan on doing for him."

"Why are you doing this?" asked James.

"People are clueless." responded Matt, "they need to get a taste of this wonderful pain and snap out of their foolish daydreaming!"

"Geez, chill or something!" exclaimed Isaac.

"So, these are your true colors, huh?" commented Iris.

"You were never good once, were you?" I said.

"Nope!" answered Matt, "It was all one big lie!"

"Grr." I said, "Anyways, I guess the time you spent with Jean in the past only made you more evil."

"So you know the truth about Jean, huh?" responded Matt.

"She's done with evil stuff, by the way." I said.

"I don't give a damn what side other people are on!" responded Matt.

"You really are a terrible person." commented James.

"You never cared about me… or Mikaela, or even Jean, did you?" I said.

"At first, Jean was fine, but she was weak." answered Matt, "I knew that she would end up walking away from that path! As for you and Mikaela, I knew I'd lose the two of you eventually no matter what. Dovacath just went a bit differently than I had planned. Now, your story is about to come to an end."