The Other Sara

Schaffe and The Other Vince watch as Diablo takes his left hand to his mouth and whistles as if he were calling something.

 "Summoning your army?" Questioned The Other Vince.

 "Good they can come and pick up your dead body," said Schaffe. He goes and tries to slash at him again. Diablo goes for another claw again but a metal sheet comes from The Other Vince using his telekinesis to defend Schaffe. He gets slammed into a storage container by Schaffe. Diablo would try to claw at Schaffe but find his arm could not move because of The Other Vince's telekinesis holding him back. Schaffe goes for a slash but Diablo gives him a low blow with his left foot. "You bastard." Diablo gets out of the hold and tries to escape because he knows he cannot win against both of them and starts to run away.

 "Damn," said The Other Vince.

 "Get back here," said Schaffe. They start chasing after him. 


 Schaffe and The Other Vince chase after Diablo till he reaches the river at the end of the railyard.

 "Your reign of terror ends here, Diablo," said The Other Vince.

 "There nowhere to run," said Schaffe.

 "You're right," said Diablo. They start to feel something ginormous swimming nearby in the river as the ground starts to quake.

 "The hell is that?" questioned Schaffe.

 "It has to be the river beast, Levithan," said The Other Vince. They watched as something rose from the water behind Diablo. It was an enormous-looking deathclaw that towered over them. It had fins under its arms and on its tail to help it swim. This was The River Beast, Levithan. Levithan looks down and swats Schaffe back with his left massive claw back into a destroyed building in the distance.

 "That rids the greatest threat here," said Diablo.

 "You forget about someone," said The Other Vince.

 "Of course not," said Diablo. "You have been a pain since you came here." They both hear something moving by. They see The Other Version Punk and Phil with an army of men aiming weapons at Diablo. They would see this reality, Sara. She was wearing brotherhood light armor with a pilot leather jacket. She had short hair to the bottom of her head with a scar over her left eye which was closed.

 "This is the end of the line, my old friend," said The Other Sara. Diablo sees Amon looking from the distance at him. He would see Phil which surprised him as he knew he killed Phil but he was able to connect the dots. 

 "So, he is Diablo," said Phil. They see Diablo start to laugh.

 "What so funny? We finally cornering you?" questioned The Other Vince. Diablo raised his arms.

 "It feels like a reunion since when have we all gathered here since that event in Buffalo," said Diablo. "Where I learned everything about me." 

 "That when you turned your back against us," said The Other Punk.

 "It's when I realized my true potential and decided to turn into this world's true king atop the next chain in evolution," said Diablo.

 "You do not need to be what that bastard Major's wanted you to be!" yelled Phil.

 "No, you have mistaken, Phil," said Diablo. "I chose to be this. It is my true destiny to rule these wastelands with or without humanity." Levithan gets ready to attack them.

 "You truly are gone, Schaffe," said The Other Sara.