Deathclaw Battle

 Schaffe was waking up with a feeling of him getting tugged. He opens his eyes and sees Punk and Jess trying to dig him out of the rubble of the building that collapsed on him and he sees three rebar sticks sticking out of his torso. He coughs up blood.

 "Fuck me," said Schaffe.

 "It going to be okay we are digging you out," said Jess.

 "Ah, that right he got a big bastard over there," said Schaffe. He gets up and starts to pull out the rebar sticks out of him. 

 "Ah, shit," said Punk. They see deathclaw swarming around them but as they get close, they freeze in fear at Schaffe.

 "I guess it's time I get serious," said Schaffe ripping off his eye patch revealing his left eye.


 The men were firing at Levithan who was using its arms to protect Diablo.

 "Keep on the pressure," said The Other Sara. But they see unusual things. When they see a storage container get thrown at Levithan's head which makes it stagger back. This would shock everyone there. But they would hear a bellowing roar. They watch Schaffe emerge in his hybrid form carrying the Deathclaw Slayer.

 "What the hell?" questioned The Other Vince. 


Diablo looks surprised before he releases Schaffe's left claw grabs his face and they leap across the river to the other side of in New Jersey. Schaffe throws him into an old garbage truck. Diablo tries to get up and sees Schaffe stand before him.

"Well, this is a surprise. I never knew you could transform too," said Diablo with a laugh. Schaffe sticks the Deathclaw Slayer in the ground.

"I will rip you into shreds," said Schaffe. But before he could lunge at him, he heard the gunfire across the river. Now Levithan was wreaking havoc since he did not have to protect Diablo. 

"What's wrong?" questioned Diablo. "You allow your humanity to cloud your judgment." Schaffe grabs the Deathclaw Slayer and leaps back over to the other side to help the others.


Schaffe gets back over and on his way down he slices through Levithan's right shoulder. This cut Levithan's arm off. It roars in pain and dives back into the water. Schaffe looks back where he left Diablo and sees he is gone.

"Damn, he got away," said Schaffe. He starts to morph back into his human form. He was only wearing the remains of the vault suit around his waist. Phil joins him.

"Since when you could do that?" asked Phil.

"Since Miami. I think only Ian has seen me in that form," said Schaffe.


Later the next day Schaffe was wearing a new vault suit with the same stuff from his previous one. He and the others meet the four leaders of the resistance outside The Other Punk's base.

"So, you are the Schaffe Deathclaw from another reality," said The Other Sara.

"Yes, ma'am and it seems you and Vince are the other two leaders," said Schaffe.

"Correct, Vince and I are the ones who are mainly fighting Diablo on the frontlines to end this madness," said The Other Sara. "What I collect you are if our Schaffe never turned evil."

"It's what we gathered as well as being here," said Phil. 

"Also, it can't go unnoticed what you have done around here," said The Other Vince. "You have dealt with four of these beasts now. In a short amount of time as well. More we have since we started."

 "Well, these things are not hardest to take down but they are dangerous," said Schaffe.

 "But I feel even if we took down, Diablo. They would still be a problem," said The Other Sara. "I feel we need to continue after them before attacking him again."

 "I think we attack Acadia next," said The Other Vince.

 "You want to harm The Nest?" asked The Other Punk.

 "If Acedia is dealt with then we stop the next generation of deathclaws from being born. We are losing people and they keep gaining new monsters which will make it harder for us to deal with," said The Other Vince.

 "He got a point," said Phil. "We take care of them and know it will benefit our fight."

 "You be heading into the heart of Diablo's territory. I hope you are ready, Schaffe. You are the only one who can go in and make it out alive," said The Other Jess.

 "Alright," said Schaffe.