True Darkness Part 1

"So I guess this is the final boss." said Oswin.

"This isn't a game, y'know." I said.

"Well, it's more like a novel." he said.

"This isn't some kind of story either." I replied, "Can you take this seriously for one minute, please?"

"Right." said Oswin, "S-sorry."

"Heh heh heh." said the dark figure, "I shall become much stronger than anything you've ever faced."

"I already lost Nova once." said Oswin, "I'm not letting it happen again."

"Oswin..." I said.

The dark shadow quickly transformed into something creepy. It was some kind of deformed blobby monster.

"What the fuck is that!?" exclaimed Oswin.

"Whatever it is," said Rose, "we need to kill it!"

So we went at it with our usual methods. I kept firing at the deformed creature with my magical attacks and Oswin went all out with his physical attacks. For a while, it seemed to be working. Everything was going just fine.

"You fools think you can defeat me like this?" the creature asked.

"Considering you ran off after fighting my parents," I said, "doesn't that imply you're not that tough?"

"How foolish of you." she said, "I just needed some time to charge."

"That doesn't make any sense!" I yelled.

We continued fighting her. It seemed as if our attacks were working and she was still landing hits on us. Luckily, we had a healer on our side but even with Rose's help, we noticed we were getting tired. We had no idea how much longer we could keep this up.

"You seem tired." commented Naomi.

"Shut up!" I yelled, "We're not done yet!"

"I can quickly finish you off." said Naomi.

"I'd like to see you try!" I said.

The next thing I knew, the three of us were zapped with lightning, multiple times. We kept screaming for it to stop, but it seemed as if there was no end to it until everything went to black for us.


I had a bad feeling for a while now. It seemed as if something really bad had happened. I just wondered what the heck it could even be. Did something happen to Oswin and his friends? I just had to go and check. Since I didn't really have a place to stay in this world, Oswin's mother decided to let me stay the night. However, I feel like she might have the wrong idea about our relationship. But right now, I just need to help him out.

I ran as fast as my legs would run, wondering where he was. Would I be able to sense his presence? Was he still alive, trying his hardest? I didn't train him for very long, so it might not have been enough. If he died, would it be my fault? As I ran through the neighborhood, I encountered a familiar pair.

"You guys..." I said.

"What are you doing here?" asked the woman.

"I could ask you the same thing, Candace." I replied.

"So you sense it too, huh?" her husband, Apollo replied.

"Yeah." I replied, "I've got a bad feeling about all of this."

"I certainly hope nothing happened to her." said Apollo.

"You've certainly grown up since we last saw you." commented Candace.

"Yeah, I guess." I replied.

"You almost like your sister did when she was your age." commented Apollo.

"Please don't talk about her." I replied, "She's no longer around."

"Ah, sorry." said Apollo, "I forgot you don't like talking about her."

"Honey, that's enough." said Candace, "Did you forget why we came out here in the first place?"

"Oh, right!" he said, "We have to find Nova!"

Since we ran into each other, we decided to work together. Because of that, three of us ran around looking for Nova and her friends. Luckily, we found them but what we saw wasn't something we wanted to see. Nova and her friends were all on the ground, unconsciousness.

"Dammit." said Apollo, "We were too late."

"How dare you!" exclaimed Candace, looking at the strange-looking figure."

"Ah, so you've come to join us." it said.

"So it was you, Naomi!" exclaimed Apollo.

"And you brought trash as well." the strange creature said looking at me.

"You!" I exclaimed, "You take that back!"

"It's been a long time since we've seen each other and you're already mad at me." she said.

"Most people that haven't seen each other in a long time don't immediately call each other trash!" I exclaimed.

"Why would you do this?" asked Candace, "We used to be such good friends, so would you want to kill our daughter!?"

"I want to end... the magic." she said.

"But you're using magic right now." I replied.

"Sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire." answered Naomi.

"Why do you hate magic so much?" asked Apollo.

"In the end, magic just causes problems." answered Naomi, "Your oldest would agree, wouldn't she?"

"You leave Clara out of this!" exclaimed Apollo.

"How exactly does killing Nova put an end to magic?" I asked.

"Oh, it doesn't." replied Naomi, "It just gets rid of one of the magic user's that's too powerful."

"Okay, but then how do you intend to get rid of all magic after that!?" I asked.

"Will you stop questioning my motives for one goddamn second!?" exclaimed Naomi.

It was clear that the discussion couldn't go any further, so we just had to fight. We used our magic to attack and heal. Several different projectiles flew at our enemy and it felt as if our attacks were working, but as we kept going, it felt like something was off. What was it that was wrong?

"Don't be spacing out, Wendy!" exclaimed Apollo.

"R-right!" I responded, "S-sorry!"

I went back into the battle, making more strikes against the opponent. However, it felt as if no matter how many times we attacked she just wouldn't die. Just what the hell had she become? Why did things have to come to this? We just kept going and going with no end in sight.