True Darkness Part 2

"Ugh. Where am I?" I said.

The world around me was dark.

"Oh, right." I said, "I was defeated in battle. Did I... die... a second time?"

"No, you're not dead." said a familiar voice.

"C-Clara!" I exclaimed.

I turned around to see my older sister.

"What's going on!?" I yelled.

"Calm down." she said, "I'm here to help you out."

"Why?" I said, "I thought you didn't like magic."

"Magic has led to many problems," she said, "people become greedy and want power and then there are others that don't want that to happen. That's why I stopped."

"But... why use it again now?" I asked.

"No matter what happens," said Clara, "it would be even worse if I lost my sister."

"Clara..." I said.

"This is a space between worlds."

"A space between worlds?"

"Actually travelling between worlds is hard to pull off, so I did something a bit easier."

"Tell me, Clara. Did you know the truth... about me?"

"You mean your life in that other world? Yeah, I knew this whole time. Our parents told me the whole story before they sent you to live your first life."

"So you really did know this whole time..."

"Honestly, at first I thought they were crazy, but I know it's because they cared about you. They didn't want you to get involved in any of this."

"Look what good that did them."

"Yeah, I know. You went back to your old form and were forced to live your life with me."

"But... they knew this could end up happening, didn't they?"

"They did. They hoped that things would change by the time it happened, but it looks like their prediction was off."

"So what now?"

"All you can do now is fight for them instead."

"But... what if I can't do it."

"I'll let you borrow my magic."

"You can do that?"

"Us Nevilles can do all kinds of things with magic."

"Thanks, Clara."

"Promise me you'll come back home."

"I'll do my best."

Then, a bright light started shining around me and the scenery changed.


"Guess who's back." I said, standing up in front of Naomi.

"I-impossible!" exclaimed Naomi.

"You tried to hurt everyone important to me." I said, "I'll never forgive you for that!"

I looked around and found a blue-haired woman barely keeping herself up off the ground and parents were unconscious like my friends were.

"Time to have some fun with you." I said, holding out my palm.

"W-what are you doing!?" exclaimed Naomi, trying to get away.

"You're not getting away." said the blue-haired woman, "You may be my sister but even I can't forgive the shit you've done."

"W-what?" I said.

"Don't worry about it." the blue-haired woman said, "Just shoot this bitch already!"

"O-okay!" I said.

I held out my palm and an orb appeared in front of it. It then flew out toward Naomi and it exploded. After that, the orb disappeared along with Naomi. Nothing was left.

"It's over." I said.

"I'm Wendy, by the way." the woman said, trying to catch her breath.

"What was it that you were talking about earlier?" I asked.

"The truth is... Naomi is my older sister." answered Wendy, "Or to be more accurate, my half-sister."

"I... see." I said.

"She used to be good, but something changed her." said Wendy, "Somehow she started to feel differently about magic."

"That... I'm sorry." I said.

"Don't worry about it." said Wendy, "She brought this on herself."

"Okay then."

"So what are you planning to do now?"

"What do you mean?"

"You need to go home, don't you? Back to our world?"

"Oh, that's right. But it takes time to go back, right?"

"Don't worry. We can help you get back."

"Oh, t-thank you."

And after all that, our fight was over. I never thought I'd get into an intense battle like that at any point in my life. At the very last, I was just glad that it was all done and over with. As for what I would do from that point on, I needed to get back home. I have to live my life as Nova Neville.