Goodbye, Old World

I got to experience a few more days of school in my old world. I told both Oswin and Mary I'd have to go back soon. Mary was pretty sad about it and while Oswin was sad too, he was a lot more understanding.

"So this is our last day together." said Oswin when we were alone on the roof.

"I guess." I said, "I'm sorry I have to leave like this."

"Don't worry about it." he said, "You have a new life to live after all."

"Thanks, Oswin." I replied.

Before I even knew what was going on, Oswin was hugging me.

"O-Oswin!" I exclaimed.

"No matter where you are," said Oswin, tearing up, "the two of us will always be friends!"

"Dammit!" I said, sniffing a little, "If you keep that up, I'm start crying too!"

"Don't forget about me." said Oswin.

"As if I could forget about you." I said, "You were my best friend in my past life and I... still feel that way."

"It's pretty crazy how we were able to meet again after all that happened." he said, letting go of me.

"Yeah, fate sure works in mysterious ways doesn't it?" I said.

And this was the last time I saw Oswin before I left. I had already said goodbye to Mary and she was already taking it pretty hard. Seeing her again would just cause more unnecessary trouble. So, along with Rose and Wendy, I went back to my old world where my sister was waiting.

"I'm home." I said, when I got to my house.

My sister immediately hugged me.

"Welcome back." she said.

"What about our parents?" I said, "Do they have any reason to stay in that old world?"

"I think things should be alright now." said Clara, "They'll probably return soon."

And she was right. In a few days, our parents were back home with us. Finally, I could live a normal life. I had left behind my old life as Gabriel Rask and was finally ready to live the rest of my life as Nova Neville. It feels more natural this way anyways. I was always and always will be a girl and I'm happy with the way things are.