Chapter 242: Moon

Austin is a fucked-up mess and he might not be the ally I need in southern California. Only time will tell, but tonight's actions were not those of a sane man. Alex put the woman in the back seat. The smell of Austin's piss permeates the air. We might visit the asshole again sooner rather than later. The woman should be out for twelve hours. She appeared healthy with what little we saw of her. I'm not happy about the ink, and I can't imagine she is either.

Fernandez holds a man who betrayed me, which is the only reason I went through this shit with Austin. I want Fernandez dead too, but this isn't my territory and I respect that Austin has the right to take out Fernandez.

"He's fucking crazy," Alex says, disrupting my thoughts.

"As they come," I agree.

He glances into the back seat. "Fernandez won't like that he inked his sister." Yeah, Alex and I have the same thinking patterns after being through so much together.