An explosion rocks the house sometime before dawn. I roll to the floor and reach for my gun, which is in a fingerprint-controlled drawer in the nightstand. My cell phone rings and I grab it too. It's Andreas and I connect the call while staying low beside the bed.
"We have a breach. Kendrick is down with a bullet in his stomach. They blew the east side of the house with some kind of rocket launcher. We've taken out at least four of their men."
My brain scrambles as I come awake but this is the shit I live for. "It's Fernandez," I yell because the blast continues to repeat itself inside my eardrums. "The police will be here shortly, so be ready." He knows I mean stash the guns as soon as it's safe. Fernandez's men should back off when they hear sirens. I don't have close neighbors but taking out a wall of the mansion won't go unnoticed. "They're in the house," I tell him when heavy boots sound outside the bedroom.