
It has been twelve hours since the incident. Xiao Bai awakens with a headache as he tries to recall the vague memories a while ago. But he don't seem to remember much. He remembered him training his staff martial art and a tall lady came and asked to be her mentor. He didn't agreed thus she tries to steal his staff but failed. Then that huge thing from the skies began to fall, causing solar eclipse and extreme temperature as it falls down pressurizing the air. Xiao Bai, determined to finish the thing, used his special attack to try neutralizing the power. The art he used was forbidden among the Heavens, thus the gods punished him for doing so. He fell unconscious afterwards, only regretting he failed to destroy the purple core.

He looked around, and up to the sky. Everything seems normal. The blue skies, the green hills, the chirping birds, the white thick clouds, and all animals are mooing as if nothing happened. His mind told him it was just a dream, he was just laying in the field dreaming something strange. But no.

"Where's my staff?", he looked around but found none. Could it be the tall girl from a while ago stole it? Realization slowly returns to him and he fumes in anger.

"Blasted! The girl used something to trap me in a illusionary daytime while she stole my staff!" His views on girls further plummeted to the icy point. From now on, he swore never to talk to girls again. They are creepy and liars. If he could get his hands on the thief, he would teach her a lesson.

Fortunately, the lady was dumb. Xiao Bai has already formed the unbreakable link on his weapon since he mastered the way of defending. Thus, no matter how far it was, he could sense the staff's location. He closed his eyes and concentrated.

Come on. Come on.

The staff was not responding. His connection with it is cut. There's only two possibilities. One, the staff is destroyed completely. Two, it was within a separate domain. He shivered at the thought of it being destroyed. After years of using it, he found out that nothing in this world can possibly destroy it. Especially since it contains the spirit of an immortal cultivator. The latter possibility is more viable. The lady might have brought it to another plain, or coated it with concealment array.

This made his blood boil really hot. This lady sucks!

He was determined to make her pay for it. Thus, he was forced to use his hidden technique once more. He released his qi and presence at will and drew a character on the air. A summoning portal slowly develops yonder. Magic runes was imprinted in a circular formation until it was complete and a mirror-like web was created on the middle.

Xiao Bai fostered his focus and released more of his will around the portal. With his index and middle finger pressing hard against his forehead, he delved deeper within his conaciousness to find the connection between him and his staff. He was taken aback. There was indeed a connection. But it was very faint. He can barely recognize it if not for his heightened sense. No matter how small it was, there was still the link, beyond the deep relationship between the master and the weapon.

For martial artists, their weapons are half their life, half their heart, and half their spirit. They liveth not without their precious half. They love them so much that they sleep with it, caress it, and even kiss it like their wife. Thus, you would find not strange if a martial artist is 'hooking' with his blade.

If weapons can speak, they would be  puking all their metal parts. After all, who wants to be rubbed all day long?

Xiao Bai sensed his weapon not too distant anymore. Their connection is getting stronger. He just needs to call in hard so it can respond to him. He walked near the portal and waited anxiously for the staff to appear.

Here it is. Here it is.

"Kyah!" Instead, a pair of round buttocks came collapsing on his chest.

He tried to dodged but since he was very near, he could only widen his eyes as the 'almost naked' buttocks pressed on his ribs.

His first reaction is to get away as far as possible to the imminent threat. Yet the person proved no threat at all. The lady laid there while grumbling softly. "I'm gonna need a pair of trousers instead to cover my ass. Screw you, whoever you are. I was still dressing up my new outfit." She fell unconscious, leaving the dumbstruck Xiao Bai staring at the half-dressed lady. Thankfully, her vital parts are dressed pretty much neat, except her long legs partly exposed by her ripped dress.

Cough! Cough! He must cough, else he'll be having nosebleeds and convulsions.


Rou Lang opened her eyes, finding herself in a strange environment. Well, not at all strange, since she was familiar with this kind of interior make up. She guessed she was in a kind person's room, or possibly in an inn, or a medical room. But she was alone in this silent enviroment and she noticed she was lying in a white comfortable bed with pillows all around. Her legs is wrapping around one of the pillows and the blanket is almost kicked out of the bed.

Kuhum! She observed the room carefully. Neat and nice. Mushroom-shaped lamp is by her bedside and stick-like bulbs are sticking out the ceilings, brightening up the room. There were chairs and sofas all around, with big and small tables where vases of flowers are placed. The floor was smooth glistening marbles with the shade of brown, in contrast to the walls' paint of white. At the corner is another room, must be a bathroom. Nice. While three large windows are adjacent by her bed. The glasses were almost invisible, revealing the beautiful darkness outside.

She was mesmerized by the new scene presented to her. This is not a reality in the mortal world. But here in the Heaven realm, all this kind of things are very awesome. Buildings were towering over the other as they stood up like chocolate bars. Their hundred squared windows giving off light to each floor. More than that are lights coming off from wide holograms pictured at every buildings and shops. There were figures of foods and drinks flashing off every holographic screen. Words, whether Chinese or foreign are viewed from above restos and bars. Down below those scyscrapers are the jumbled concrete roads and highways where thousands of people are coming and going. The city is as lively as during the day. It seems the activity is not ending at all. That's how all made the difference of a developed civilization than a primitive cultural one.

She thought, if this one city is that advanced both technologically and financially, how about on other places? Would they have machineries as well for various tasks purposes?

As she pondered on this one, the door at the end of the room was opened and in came a devilishly handsome fella carrying some stuff. Rou Lang was surprised but no so surprised. She was shocked, but did not show it to her face. She expected something like this to happen. After all, only beautiful girls like her and Snow White does have the ability of waking up to find a prince charming.

"Good evening", he greeted nonchalantly, not caring whether she woke up fine or not.

"Uh, hello." She spoke timidly. She did remembered this person. He was the one who fended off the incoming catastrophe, and a genius martial artist of staff arts. His long hair is white, and his face is cute like a baby, thus she called him Xiao Bai -means 'Little White'.

Xiao Bai dropped the package on the table. Her eyes followed his every action, from removing the cereals, putting them into a bowl, adding hot water, and stirring gently. His actions alone was impressive, so honest and pure. Only kind prince-charming can exude such gentleness in making soup. Now, she was really getting hungry. But Xiao Bai was not finished yet. He add a bit of sweet seasoning over the hot smoking bowl, adding more of the appetizing smell and appearance. Her eyes still follows him as he carried the bowl near the window, gently opened up a bit to let cold air enter.

Rou Lang's cheeks were red. Her eyes twinkled brightly as she observed keenly his face. Those white flawless cheeks and soft pink lips above those skinny jaws is tempting enough that she can't resist the offer. When he looked at her, she turned away in embarassment and appeared to clear her throat.

Finally, after a minute, the soup seems to get cold enough for consumption and so Xiao Bai closed the windows and sat beside her.

"Are you hungry?", he asked. His cold and almost whispering voice is rightly penetrating her heart and soul, and she has to answer amicably.

"Yes." She still ignored his gaze. He didn't respond for a dozen seconds so she stayed there awkwardly, glancing her left, up, and down.

"Ok." He proceeded to eat the soup.

Rou Lang's eyes almost pop from their sockets. Huh?? Are you kidding me?

Xiao Bai did not mind her and proceeded to chomp on the hot hearty meal in nice savouring. Ahh. So good. This is what we call food.

Seeing him directly ignoring her, her ears are red tomato and almost smoking in anger. What was that? You show me the delicious meal right in front of my nose then eat it alone?! Is this a joke? If you're joking, it is making me mad! She froze when he suddenly turned at her.

"What are you fuming about?", still in a cute innocent expression, he spoke. She wants to punch a punk.

"What about me? Where is my food?", she complained.

"There are many more on the table. Why don't you get up and prepare your own food? You have hands and feet. And you're not paralyzed, so don't take the chance to steal my service."

Her nose is almost firing up. "You!", she pointed at him.

He chuckled for the first time. Rou Lang found it extremely amazing when he did it. His gorgeousness multiplied tens of times. Her anger immediately subsided, replaced by admiration.

"Now don't get mad, lady. I was just kidding. Calm down and I'll feed you."

Her muscles built-up tension vanished, replaced by absolute peace. It's as if his words are hypnotizing. She found it harder to resist.


Rou Lang was hesitant at first but she eventually gave in and opened her mouth. It was not bad to be fed at all. It was just so sweet and romantic. She imagined she was in a fiction novel. Well, not that this isn't a novel.

After she took the first taste, her eyes nearly cried to tears and she froze. Her lips trembles. Outside, she looked spooked. But inside, she was screaming in joy. Wow! Wow! Wow! What kind of soup is so delicious! Gosh! It seemingly melted as it spreads to my mouth and then, the flavor just erupted! There was a balanced form of softness and hardness of the cereal. And they have this kind of meat flavor that was so amazing and unique!

It is ovious she never tasted such stuff before. The gourmet captured her tongue and stomach that she thinks she wants to fall in love!

"What's wrong?", Xiao Bai stared right through her eyes. But she was frozen that she was not able to resist the cold piercing glare. She realized how beautiful those green iris were. They reflect the shallow light of the lamp.

Hearing no response, Xiao Bai tested the soup. He sucked in one spoonfull. "Oh, the soup has gotten colder. Do you want a hotter one?"

This time, her lips are trembling and saliva was almost dropping. If not for her speechlessness, she would have asked why he have to use the same spoon. Now, they have indirectly kissed!

Xiao Bai is actually studying her every reaction so he figured out what she is thinking. What a shameless girl. Why is she still thinking of this sort of thing? It's not like we really kissed, so what's wrong with it.

Creepy. Are all girls that pervert?

"No. Not at all. It's fine. It was so delicious." She gulped.

"Okay." He fed her again spoon by spoon. And she'd rather enjoy doing it the whole day, or night Thus she pretends to have toothache so she could eat slower. Thankfully, he does not seem to mind it and quietly fed her.

Rou Lang was very happy. Finally, such kind of service is presented to her, even better by a handsome fellow. Because of joy, she subconsciously closed her eyes to savour the taste. She would open his mouth and wait for the spoon to come then closes it and chew slowly.

"Xiao Bai, I'm tired of chewing. Can you fed me a gentle taste?"


Still with closed eyes, she felt him pressing his lips to her. She was shocked but she gladly accept it and kissed him back passionately. She felt his tongue entering her mouth.

The first part of Rou Lang is embarassment. It is her first kiss after all. No. Not actually first. Her first kiss is her Master Levi. But that was more of a quick peck. This second kiss is way more better. The second part is lust. She doesn't want this moment to stop. She wished it would not end till the morning when she can get laid.

But as she savor him, she felt his tongue getting harder, like the wood.


"Huh?" She woke up from her reverie.

Looking down, a wooden spoon was lodged on her mouth.

"Let go."

"Uh?" She let go and wiped the saliva dripping from her mouth.

"What are you doing? Are you thinking of something naughty? Are you pervert?"

"Huh?? No way! I'm just a bit sleepy. No I mean, I uhm."

Xiao Bai raised his brow. Really? That's not what I saw.

"What's with that look? Don't be so green-minded!"

"Oh okay." He examined the spoon full of saliva and grimaced and trembled.

Creepy. I told you all girls are pervert.

"Anyway, what's your name, young lady?"

"Rou Lang."

"Rou Lang, eh? Not a compatible surname for a strong girl like you. Well, call me Xiao Bai for now. It'll do since I don't have a proper name. So what do you do? I do not sense any cultivation level on you. You are still a mortal. How did you get here in the Heavens? Did someone smuggle you? Who or what? An enemy or a friend. A human or a beastkin. No matter what your reason for coming here, you should not be here in the first place. Doing so has endangered your life greatly. Not only was it against the rules. But I heard some beasts in the wilderness are abducting young women. To eat their heart, their liver, even their pancreas are not spared. Such girls, especially humans are wafting with incredible aroma of sweetness and virginity that makes them more vulnerable to attacks whether physical or mental. I wouldn't be surprised if you are found in an alley, dead and naked, stolen a treasure you have monthly preserved, and who knows, some older men without girlfriends might take an interest in your round buttocks and bulging cups that they might be lost in their lust and have you sleeping with them till some officers found you in the morning. I'm sorry. That's just the way it is. Here in Heavens, corruption is natural. Maybe us living here are kind-hearted and mercifull but don't expect everyone to help you in times of need. You would still have to rely on yourself if you want to survive here. But anyway, I don't think you can survive anyway. You got lesser time to live here before being damnated to doom. Even if you somehow avoided your death flag, it does not change the fact that this realm is still collapsing. Remember the big boulders a while ago? Those were just some of the small fragments of the Heavenly Pillar -the foundation of this world. It's not a question whether it can't be stop or not. It's a question when will it happen and how will we survive. That's the big problem. So if you have the least amount of worry in your mind, you better get rid of it. Because I would not be so emotionally rock that I can help you get through times. It's still best if you rely on yourself. Well I'm not saying you shouldn't trust on anyone. Of course, if you prefer to trust someone, make sure you know him well, else you'll die without even knowing you have been raped and slained. Don't blame me. I'm not being sexist. It's just the population rate of men to women is roughly 5:2. Which means there are more male than female, making the females more helpless against dangerous situations. But I wouldn't underestimate the female group. I heard their leader is enourmously strong individual that have the power to stop even the emperor's strongest guards. They called her Venerable Mei, if I'm correct. She lived in seclusion beyond the mountains. Any men who met her had come back in six to seven pieces, or perhaps never returned at all. That's how ferocious such kind of lady was. I have seen a picture of Venerable Mei herself and I gotta say I'm stunned by her otherworldly beauty. None of us won't going to say ill."


"You understand me, do you?"

"I'm not sure."

"What I'm just saying is that. In here, men and women are equally strong. Neither can suppress each other no matter the number. But we won't oftenly caught in a conflict because we have much, much more bigger problem at hand. Do you want to be enlightened?"

Rou Lang nodded. She was a complete novice in this vast space of Yihme. If she could learn just a bit, she will. It's not wasting effort. It's about accepting wisdom through keen listening. After all, she grew up only hearing myths and legends about celestial creatures whilst not actually witnessing them. Since she arrived her, she is readily excited to accept another kind of education from a handsome immortal cultivator. Speaking of which, is Xiao Bai actually an immortal?

Part 41: Illusionary Kiss