Chapter 158: Kioko - On Equal Terms, Part 6

With an extended trip looming, Ark administered the hypodermic to the sleeping human.

"What is it?" Kioko asked as she watched him push the liquid into her arm.

"I have no idea. It usually knocks them out for several hours. Normally I'd say she'd be back to the citadel before she wakes, but as resistant as she is, she may wake sooner. Hopefully not on the flight. The last thing we need is a hysterical human."

The airfield wasn't very far. They met the pilot on the tarmac, a wiry man who didn't seem interested in asking questions. Though, there were plenty he could have asked, like, "Why do you have two unconscious people?"

Kioko could only assume The Guild was paying him enough money to quench his curiosity.

The plane itself was small and cramped. It rattled when they lifted off, and made horrible creaking noises once they were airborne. Though not normally afraid of flying, Kioko spent the trip tense, waiting for the plane to rattle itself apart midair.