Chapter 159: Tellith - Fire of Imagination, Part 1

This story takes place in January, during the novel Ashes of Deceit [in the Amaranthine Saga]. It begins in Florida, eight days after Kioko's story.


Tellith wedged the blade under the loose paint. He scraped, watching the bits drop down to the plastic, like faded rain. With a flick of his wrist, he started again on another chunk. Scrape. Rain. Scrape. Rain. Scrape. Rain.

He blew a frizzy curl off his forehead and looked at his brother. The opposite of Tellith, Bray was pale with red-gold hair and freckles. The disparity wasn't caused by an unfaithful mother, or a philandering father. They weren't born brothers, but had become so in the afterlife. Turned by the same master, they were brothers in blood.

And that was the only reason Tellith was there now instead of at the citadel. He was burning up two weeks of vacation to help Bray paint his den. It was a tedious job that he was already sick of.