Meeting People again

Ikari stood there looking at the different options. They all looked interesting, however he wanted the specific details about them.

Ikari: "Zara, tell me more about the choices."

[Each type of Dragon is unique in it's own way.

1. Primal Dragon- This type of Dragon is more connected to it's primal roots. When truly angered, you will lose your ability to think fully straight however you stats will get a 50% boost when in your enraged mode. This allows host to use all elemental magic, however light, dark, dragon slaying, demon slaying and divine slaying magic will become 10x harder to learn. This is the weakest dragon type, however it is the easiest to evolve. Host will not get any bigger than how host currently is now.

2. Evil Dragon- This type of Dragon has accepted the evil within it's heart. They are able to absorb negative emotions from any creature around them, making their stats increase slowly. Evil Dragons aren't necessarily evil, however they have darker thoughts and will do things which others might regard as evil. This allows them to use all elemental magic, however light and demon slaying magic becomes 10x harder to learn, they are also immune to dark magic. This type of dragon is harder to evolve than the primal dragon, however it is much stronger than the Primal Dragon. Host will experience a slight growth in size.

3. Holy Dragon- These type of Dragons are known to be gentle and kind, however they can get serious if the situation calls for it. They are able to absorb positive emotions to strengthen themselves. This allows host to use all elemental magic, however dark and divine slaying magic becomes 10x harder to learn, they are also immune to light magic. This type of dragon is harder to evolve than the primal dragon, however it is much stronger than the Primal Dragon. Host will experience a slight growth in size.

4. Nephillim Dragon- These types of Dragon have never existed before as there was never a perfect combination of good and evil as it is against the laws of the world. By becoming a Nephillim dragon, host will defy the laws of the universe, being both an evil dragon and a holy dragon at the same time. Host gain all the abilities of an Evil Dragon and a Holy Dragon without any negative draw backs. They are immune to both light and dark magic and they can use all elemental magic without much struggle. This is the hardest type of Dragon to evolve, however it is much stronger than all the previous dragons due to it's nature. Host will experience a slight growth in size.

What type of Dragon does Host wish to be?]

Ikari: "Wow that's a lot of information. Looking through it, I can safely say that Nephillim Dragon sounds like the best way to go. I might evolve a lot slower but it will produce the best benefits, and plus I want to learn all types of magic and the others make me have much difficulty in learning some types of magic. I choose Nephillim dragon."

[DING!!! Host has chosen Nephillim Dragon]

[Host will now evolve into a Teen Nephillim Dragon]

Suddenly Ikari felt his body change. He grew in size slightly and his color changed just a bit. He had grown from 15ft to about 20ft in size and his red scales were now a shade darker. He also saw that some of his dragon scales had turned into a slightly gray color. His eyes had also changed from being green to a crimson red. He had now fully evolved into a teen dragon.

Ikari: "Wow, I feel so much different... and I feel a lot stronger as well. No wonder Zara said that Dragons are considered the peak of strength. The amount of strength I received in one day is just ridiculous. I better start moving now, if I don't something else might try and attack me."

For three months Ikari wondered around the Forest. All the animals had avoided him due to how massive he was and the aura he gave out was incredibly dangerous. There were some exceptions who tried to attack him but were quickly killed. He had leveled up during this time, but he hadn't evolved as yet. In fact he wasn't near the level to evolve at all. He had also been attacked by those same goblins, apparently the ones who survived told the others in their respective villages. Their wooden spears nor their arrows did absolutely no harm to him and he just kept on burning them alive, they were actually getting quite annoying at this point. He had found a cave by the beach he had wondered to and used it as a home, it was an easy source of food since fishes were always in the water and he would sometimes catch the dears that ran by the cave. The fish was good for him to eat because they were huge when being compared to a normal fish. They almost looked like koi fish, however just 50x bigger and tasted wonderful when roasted. Right now Ikari was just resting in his cave until he heard a loud noise.

Ikari: "Oh what now... I swear if it's those goblins again I'm gonna find their village and burn it to the ground."

He got up and looked outside of the cave to see a fairly large bear chasing two humans, two female humans to be precise. They both were wounded severely and had blood all over their bodies and clothes. They both looked worn down and tired as well. Ikari actually felt bad for them both as he was once human so he decided to help. He flew over and used his two hind legs to slam the bear into the ground, before the bear could even start attacking, he used his fire breath to incinerate the bear.

[DING!!! Host has killed a Lvl 24 Bear]

[Host Level has increased to 43]

Ikari turned around to see both girls were trembling in fear. They had both heard about how vicious and powerful dragons so they were scared to the bone seeing one before them. Ikari saw that they couldn't move due to both their wounds and their fear so he gently took them both up. He felt them struggling to get free but he was way too strong to even budge. He just slowly walked back to his cave while carrying them.

Mika POV

My best friend Lily and I went out hunting for some forest rabbit to make some stew for our family. Both of our big sisters had left to join the royal knights and they were the ones who usually did the hunting but now that they're gone we do it. Lily and I were pretty decent at hunting and we were actually catching some rabbits.

Suddenly I heard a low growl and turned around to see a big bear about to swipe at lily. I immediately pulled her out of the way but the claw of the bear still caught her a bit. We didn't know any type of magic and we only brought our bow and arrow along with a small knife. We tried to fight it but we only ended up getting damaged while the bear was basically alright.

Mika: "Lily we have to get out of here."

Lily: "But we can't run back home or else it will follow us and kill anyone there. Remember that all of the warriors were called to the capital, only the farmers and workers are left."

Mika: "We will just run and try to lose it. I would want to split up, but we are both injured and I don't want to risk anything happening to you."

Lily: "Oh no it's coming lets hurry."

Both girls ran as fast as their feet could carry them but the bear eventually caught up with them and swiped it's claws at them. They barely dodged it but it still sent them flying. It ended up slicing through a tree which fell and made a loud noise. Both their bodies were injured and they were very tired, the bear moved to kill them and they had closed their eyes and waited for death but it never came. They both opened their eyes to see a large red dragon holding the bear down, it then incinerated the bear with flames coming from it's mouth. They both knew that all dragons were above the Ultimate Class and immediately became afraid. It was a little smaller than they had thought but it was still big enough to tear them apart easily.

Lily: "M-Mika."

Mika looked over to see tears streaming down lily's face. They both looked in the crimson eyes of the dragon and they became stiff with fear. It walked over to them and picked them up. With their remaining willpower they tried to wiggle out of it's grasp but it was useless. At this point both girls were crying, they didn't want to die but as the dragon placed them inside the cave their bodies began to glow with a green light as their wounds slowly started healing. Their eyes widened when they saw the dragon looking down on them and yet it was healing them instead of killing them.

General POV

Ikari had brought them to his cave and used a skill he received to heal them.

[Healing Aura- This is one of the traits that a Holy Dragon possess. Host is a Nephillim Dragon so this is also a part of the skills that host's posses. This allows host to heal any being that is close by the host. The speed of the healing process depends on how much magic host puts into the spell. This may vary depending on the type of wound. This also works for sicknesses, diseases and illnesses.]

Ikari could see the look of shock on their faces as he healed them.

Lily: "D-Did it just heal us Mika?"

Mika: "I-I think so, however I'm still exhausted."

Lily: "A-Aren't dragons supposed to be b-bloodthirsty creatures of Destruction?"

Mika: "T-That's what the books say, but I'm not sure what to think right now."

Ikari had actually understood what they were saying. All this time he had thought that he simply didn't understand the language that this world spoke but he could understand these two women were saying perfectly.

Ikari: 'I actually understood them. I thought this entire world didn't speak English but it looks like only those goblins speak a different language so far.'

Ikari: "Why was that bear chasing you down?"

Lily: "M-Mika, i-it talks."

Ikari: "Yes I talk now answer the question."

Lily: "W-We were hunting r-rabbits when it attacked us."

Ikari: "Why do you seem so afraid?"

Mika: "W-We read that Dragons are r-really dangerous."

Ikari: "If I wanted you dead, then you would already be dead so there's no need to be afraid of me."

Mika: "O-Ok."

Ikari: "You may stay here and rest until you have enough strength to leave. If you tell anyone of my existence then I will destroy you."

Lily/Mika: "W-We understand."

Ikari still had a little way until he could evolve but he wasn't getting any good kills. He was getting really low amounts of experience to level up and he was basically getting no where. Maybe these girls knew somewhere that he could get kills much faster and have a more efficient way of getting levels. After about half an hour Ikari chose to speak up.

Ikari: "Tell me, do you know of any place where there is an abundance of dangerous creatures?"

Mika: "W-Well there's the valley of desolation. It's filled with mid class and high class beasts."

Ikari: "Interesting.... and where is this valley?"

Mika: "It's a couple miles from here."

Ikari: "Take me there, you will stay a distance while I go down into the valley. I will even take you close to your home so that you won't have to come with me."

Lily: "O-Ok Mr. Dragon."

Ikari: "I have a name you know."

Mika: "D-Dragons have names?"

Ikari: "Dragons are highly intelligent creatures, we just don't like other species very much. As for my name, my name is Ikari."

Ikari found it slightly amusing how they both stuttered every time they were talking. Was he that scary?.....Nah.

Ikari: "Get on my back and hold on. If you fall then it's none of my concern."

Both girls slowly climbed onto his back as he was lying down. He got up, went out of the cave and took to the skies. Both girls were screaming at first but they eventually calmed down.

Ikari: "Show me the way from here."

Mika: "It's straight in this direction, just continue flying in a straight line and you will see it. It's just a massive valley that extends for a couple of miles so you will see it once you are up in the air."

While flying he saw a small village, he assumed it was the village where they were both from so he descended and landed some distance away from it. The two girls came from off of his back and looked at him.

Mika: "T-Thank you for helping us."

Lily: "Y-Yes, thank you."

Ikari: "Just get going to your village before anything starts attacking you."

Ikari then took to the skies once more, disappearing in the clouds. Both girls were staring at the spot where the now gone dragon was.

Mika: "I can't believe we saw a dragon and lived."

Lily: "I can't wait to tell mom."

Mika: "I don't think that's a good idea Lily. It saved our lives so I think we should keep it's existence a secret."

Lily: "Well I guess you do have a point. I still don't believe that we met a dragon."

Mika: "Something left off tho."

Lily: "What do you mean?"

Mika: "When it looked at me, I saw compassion in it's eyes..... almost as if it felt bad for us. It was as if it had emotions."

Lily: "Well it did say that dragons are smart."

Mika: "But why would all those books lie about dragons?"

Lily: "I don't know but we should properly get going now. I'm tired and I want to sleep. If anyone asks what happened, we will say that a bear attacked us but we managed to lose it in the forest."

Mika: "Yea that sounds like believable."

While they were headed back to their village, Ikari had seen the valley in the distance with his dragon eyes. They were 20x better than normal eyes so he could see really far and in frightening detail.

Ikari: "Well it looks like I can finally start some grinding, I want a human form but I need to be an Ultimate class Dragon to get one and that is quite far away. Hopefully I get some good kills."

As Ikari stopped thinking about this and started thinking about what those girls had said. Someone had purposefully made it so that it seemed like Dragons were just being of destruction. He was sure that the remaining dragons were intelligent and purposefully stayed out of sight. He was going to get to the bottom of it but right now he had to focus on getting stronger.