Grinding and Meeting a Dragon

Arriving at the valley and landing at a peak, he looked down and saw hundreds of different creatures lurking. He looked at the levels and saw that they were about levels 31 to about 40. It was grinding heaven and he was gonna take advantage of it.

Ikari: "This is gonna be good. I'm gonna evolve.... or at least come close to, might as well distribute my stat points that I've been saving up."

[Host Status]

Name: Ikari Akatsuki

Age: 3 Months Old

Race: Dragon (Young Dragon)

Class: High

Level: 43

Hp: 2184

Mp: 2405

Strength- 39 (Mid Class)

Intelligence- 36 (Mid Class)

Dexterity- 28 (Mid Class)

Vitality- 27 (Mid Class)


Points- 165

Ikari: "Ok I want a little more strength but I will try to even it out a bit. Let me put 50 into strength and split the rest into the others."

After putting all the stats into the correct places he looked back at his new stats.

[Host Status]

Name: Ikari Akatsuki

Age: 3 Months Old

Race: Dragon (Young Dragon)

Class: High

Level: 43

Hp: 11,748

Mp: 9,750

Strength- 89 (Ultimate Class)

Intelligence- 75 (Ultimate Class)

Dexterity- 66 (Ultimate Class)

Vitality- 65 (Ultimate Class)


Points- 0

Ikari: "Whoa, my stats are all ultimate class and my Health and Mana skyrocketed. I love being a dragon so much, I wouldn't ever want to change my race. I swear I love the fact that I get 2x exp and stat points from my gain skill. I don't think anything in this valley will be much of a challenge anymore. All my stats are ultimate class now so there's no way these will give me challenge."

Ikari headed down into the valley and immediately started killing everything he saw. He wasn't really leveling up as fast as he thought he would, but he was still getting loads of experience.

Ikari: "This is gonna take a while, I really hope I can evolve because I really want a human form."

It's been 6 days since he went to the valley to kill the creatures there and he hasn't evolved as yet. He was close but exp was getting harder and harder to get. At this rate he wouldn't evolve for another 2 days.

Ikari: "Ughh, this taking forever. The only I've done for 6 days is kill some creatures that resemble some animals and insects. This legit can't get any worse."

Suddenly a loud roar echoes throughout the entire valley, it sends shivers through Ikari's entire body.

Ikari: "O-Oh me and my big mouth, W-What the hell was that?"

Suddenly a massive Western Dragon about 50 ft tall landed in front of Ikari. It had light blue scales and glowing pink eyes. It towered over Ikari as it stared at him.

???: "So you must be the young hatchling I sensed some months ago. You hatched about 3 months ago and yet you are already a teen. This is interesting… what is your name young hatchling?"

Ikari: "M-My name is Ikari."

Estaroth: "My name is Estaroth, The Evil Dragon of Destruction and Chaos. I will be watching over you young one... Don't disappoint me."

Ikari: "I-I won't."

Estaroth: "Who are you parents? It's impossible due to the fact that all remaining dragons are female and dragons can't interbreed with other races as the combination of different energies with the draconic energy will kill it before it properly conceives."

Ikari: "I-I don't know my parents. When I hatched out of my egg, I was in a cave."

Estaroth: "Interesting, I will stay here and watch you for now."

Ikari: "N-No problem."

Crap, Crap, Crap. How did this happen? He just wanted to level up so that he could evolve.... he didn't expect to meet one of the only dragons alive. Wait... didn't it say that it sensed him, that means the other dragons probably sensed him as well. Maybe other beings can sense him meaning that they will probably be coming to look for him. Ughh this is not good.

Ikari: 'Zara let me see her stats'

Name: Estaroth

Gender: Female

Age: ???

Race: Dragon (Prime Dragon)

Class: Super

Level: ???

Hp: ?????????

Mp: ?????????

Strength- ???

Intelligence- ???

Dexterity- ???

Vitality- ???

Ikari: 'Oh you have got to be joking me... S-Super class????, note to self don't piss this dragon off at all cost.'

Estaroth: "Go on, continue fighting those pests, don't let me stop you."

Ikari: "R-Right, I will be back soon."

Ikari went and just continued killing the creatures as Estaroth watched him. She was quite curious about this Young Dragon who seemed to have just appeared out of no where. She knew that a dragon cannot interbreed and all remaining dragons were female so she was very intrigued to how he was born. He felt weird as he had different energies circulating around his body, she couldn't pinpoint it but he felt both pure and tainted at the same time which shouldn't be possible. She would just observe for now but she wanted to know more about this dragon.

Ikari: "She's watching me.... Why is she watching me?"

Ikari was sweating bullets right now. This Super class dragon appears out of no where and is just watching him like a hawk and he couldn't do anything about it. He wanted to run away but running away from someone that strong didn't seem like a good idea and he wasn't even close to that level of strength as yet so he just had to stay there like a good dog and hope that she didn't kill him.

He killed those creatures all day and he still didn't get enough experience to evolve, throughout the entire day Estaroth was watching him intently and it honestly was freaking him out. Soon he had finished killing the remaining creatures in the vicinity. As soon as he killed the finally one, he got the message from Zara.

[DING!!! Host has killed a Lvl 42 Sepyron Deer]

[Host Level has increased to 49]

Ikari: "Well at least my level increased by one, this takes way too long now. I guess I will need stronger creatures to kill to level up faster."

Ikari walked up to Estarothto ask her if she knew anywhere where there are stronger creatures to fight because she lived really long because he couldn't even see her age when he tried to look at her stats.

Ikari: "Umm Estaroth, do you know anywhere that I can find stronger creatures to fight?"

Estaroth: "Why do you want to fight stronger creatures? Aren't these creatures enough?"

Crap baskets... I need to think of a lie.... Umm that's it. I hope she buys this.

Ikari: "You see, these creatures are weak and I want something that will give me a challenge. I fight these to increase my fighting skills and they aren't even a warm up anymore so I want something that will give me a challenge."

At this point Ikari was begging that she believed him. He just wanted to evolve and these weren't helping him. He really hoped that she believed him and knew a better place where he could get experience faster.

Estaroth: "I see, you have the pride of a dragon. You despise weakness and aim to become the strongest..... I can respect that. Very well, I can bring you to blood canyon. If you die there then that means that you are not fit to be a dragon, however if you survive that means you are worthy."

Ikari: "Worthy?..... worthy of what?"

Estaroth: "Follow me and you better keep up. I will not fly slower to allow you to keep up. Think of this as training where you have to do your best to follow me."

Estaroth took to the sky, leaving a massive cloud of dirt. Ikari didn't let her go as he took to the sky as well with speeds that actually impressed Estaroth. Estaroth realized that even tho he was just a teen dragon, his strength and skills were at least low ultimate class, this surprised her greatly.

Estaroth: 'This hatchling is different, something doesn't add up. How was he even born if there aren't any male dragons? and how did he get this strong in just a couple of months? I need to investigate this more before I draw any conclusions.'

After flying for about 2 hours, they arrived at a canyon. It was pitch black and nothing could be seen from the top.

Estaroth: "I will wait on you here, I can go with you however the monsters will annoy me soo I prefer to stay here."

Ikari: "O-Ok, I will come back as soon as I can."

Ikari then flew down into the canyon, while Estaroth was smirking at him.

Estaroth: "This will prove if you are a true dragon, and I hope that you don't disappoint me."

As Estaroth was saying this, Ikari was already at the bottom of the canyon. There were bones everywhere and the smell of rotting flesh was everywhere.

Ikari: "Oh God this place smells terrible, I think I'm gonna be sick."

Ikari then heard a something moving behind him. He turned around to see a massive black snake with yellow eyes slithering towards him.

Ikari: "NOOOO GOD!!!! NO GOD PLEASE NO!!!!!! NO!!!!! NOOO!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ikari had the worst fear of snakes and seeing such a large snake coming towards him, he freaked out and flew up to a high cliff. He looked down on the massive snake and he shivered a bit.

Ikari: "That spawn of lucifer is just there looking at me. I really hate snakes and it doesn't help that this one looks like something out of a horror movie.... Wait a minute, aren't I a dragon. Why the hell am I afraid of something I know that I can kill? Let me see it's level."

Name: Snake of the Abyss

Gender: Male

Age: 82

Race: Water Serpent (Adult)

Class: Ultimate Class

Level: 84

Hp: 13,024

Mp: 7,128

Strength- 88

Intelligence- 44

Dexterity- 74

Vitality- 81

Ikari: "What? A Water serpent.... But there isn't even water near here?"

[These types of serpents live in the Ocean, rivers, streams and even ponds and lakes. There are 2 rivers which pass through this canyon. A normal river and an underground river.]

Ikari: "Ok so let me compare stats, I have more strength and Intelligence but it had more vitality and dexterity. I have extra points I can use to balance it out but I want to save those for now. Ok let me overcome my worst fear by killing it!"

Ikari jumped off the cliff and soared down to the serpent. It saw him and spit something towards Ikari and Ikari immediately dodged it. As soon as it hit the rocks on the cliff, it started to melt right through them.

Ikari: "Was that Acid Spit... I want it... I want it, I want it, I want it, I want it so bad. Why do all the creepy creatures have the best skills. First it was that cave spider now this massive snake."

Ikari used his fire breath to try to burn it to ash but to his shock the snake was unaffected.

Ikari: "What? Does it have Fire Resistance?"

[Most Dragons and snakes are Fire Resistant.]

Ikari: "Well it's fire resistant but is it Ice Resistant?"

Ikari used his frost breath but the snake slithered out of the way and was headed towards him. It was now or never, so Ikari started flying towards the snake and they meet with the snake trying to bite Ikari's neck but he used his claws to grab the mouth of the snake. The snake then used its large body to wrap around Ikari's stomach and started t squeeze him. Ikari actually felt a bit of pain but he just held the head of the snake and smashed it into the ground. While smashing it's head into the wall, it slipped out of his grip and it sunk it's teeth into Ikari's shoulder.

Ikari cried out in pain, not because of the bite itself, but because of the acid that was burning not only his skin but his flesh as well. Thinking quickly, he flew into the air and smashed his shoulder into the cliff, causing the snake to let go of his shoulder in pain. He then twisted his neck and grabbed the snake by it's neck, injecting poison into the snake's body.

Due to the acid in the snake's body, the poison wasn't as effective as it would normally have been, however Ikari started using all of his strength to try and tear the snake's head off. The snake started squeezing Ikari tighter but Ikari didn't let up. With one last pull he had managed to rip the snake's head off, causing it's body to release it's grip on him.

[DING!!! Host has killed a Lvl 84 Acidic Serpent]

[Host Level has increased to 50]

[Host has reached MAX level for Teen Dragon]

[Does Host wish to Evolve?]

Ikari: "Finally..... give me a minute. Oh my shoulder is still burning me. Before I evolve can I use devour to take 2 skills from the snake?"

[Skills that can be extracted: Acidic Breath, Underwater Breathing, Heat sense, Air Sense.]

Ikari: "Ok I understand the Acidic breath and the underwater breathing, but please explain the other two."

[Ok Host:

Heat Sense- This is the ability to sense the heat radiating from living creatures and the environment.

Air Sense- This is the ability to sense small vibrations in the air to detect prey]

Ikari: "Ok I understand, they seem useful but I prefer Acidic breath and Underwater Breathing."

[Extracting Acidic breath and Underwater Breathing]

[Acidic breath and Underwater Breathing have been added to skills]

Ikari: "Ok Evolve now Zara."

Suddenly the ground started shaking and Ikari's body started growing. He grew from 20 ft to about 35 ft. He saw that his vision became even clearer and he could now see in the pitch black of the canyon.

[Host has evolved from a Teen Dragon to an Adult Dragon]

[Special Skill {Humanoid Form} has been obtained]

[Special Skill {Regeneration (High)} has been obtained]

[Special Skill {True Draconic Aura} has been obtained]

[Special Skill {Kingly Aura (Low)} has been obtained]

[There is left over experience points available, would host like to use?]

Ikari: "Umm yes, why wouldn't I?"

[Host Level has increased to 54]

Ikari: "Yes I'm Finally an adult. I can't get a full human form until I'm Ultimate class but I can get a Humanoid Form now that I'm an adult. Umm Zara can you please tell me the exact difference between Human and Humanoid Forms?"

[Humanoid Form looks almost exactly like Human form with a few differences. Host will have scales around certain parts of their body and wings will be out in the open, unable to be hidden. Host will also retain their Dragon eyes and color. In Human form, no scales are present on body and wings can be hidden. Host will have the same eye color, however host eyes will have a more human appearance.]

Ikari: "Nice,I understand what regeneration is but can you explain the other two skills I received?"

[Yes Host:

True Draconic Aura- All dragons when they are born posses this however it is weak and only other dragons can sense this. However when Dragons become adults, this evolves into True Draconic Aura. This Aura basically radiates strength and causes animals to instinctively fear you, this also alerts all beings that a Dragon is close by. For male dragons, the stronger this aura is, the more the opposite gender of all races are attracted to host.

Kingly Aura (Low)- This is a rare form of Aura that allows the user to exert their own willpower over others. This Aura gives host the presence of a king. The Stronger the aura, the stronger the kingly presence will become. This aura will make weaker being willing to listen to and follow whatever host commands. It is said that whoever possesses this type of Aura has the qualities of a king. It is a power that one must be born with. Only one in several million beings are born with this ability.]

Ikari: "I think I'm gonna love this canyon since killing only one thing gave me a lot of experience. I think I will head back to my cave at the sea, I haven't gotten a good nights sleep in so long but first let me try out my new humanoid form."

Ikari began to shrink until he was 6 ft tall. He had gray hair that fell over his left eye and his hair caught him at his shoulders. He still had this crimson red eyes and he also realized that he had scales in his neck and parts of his hand. He also still had his wings but they were smaller now. He would have stayed some more to continue killing but he was exhausted from staying up late for 6 days straight, right now he just wanted a little sleep. As he turned around to fly off, he heard a loud sound coming from behind him. He turned around to see tens, maybe even hundreds of snakes headed towards him, some were even bigger than the one he had just killed. Without wasting anytime, he took to the air and started flying towards where Estaroth was.