Roommate and Meeting again

After leaving the canyon, he met up with Estaroth. Upon arriving Estaroth's eyes widened, he had gained a massive power boost from evolving and this was a literal shock to Estaroth. She had actually felt the power up but shrugged it off as him using an enraged mode but seeing him in a humanoid form convinced her otherwise.

Estaroth: "You've gained your humanoid form?"

Ikari: "Yes I did, I actually just gained it."

Estaroth: "Interesting..... I sensed a massive increase in your powers as well. Did you evolve which in the canyon?"

Ikari: "I did, I was fighting a giant snake and while fighting it I felt my body change."

Estaroth was looking at Ikari intently. It's almost impossible to go from being high class to an ultimate class in less than half an hour. It took time for a dragon to evolve but there has been very rare cases of a dragon evolving really quickly so she didn't want to accuse him of lying. She had a feeling that it wasn't the entire truth but once again she can't just accuse him of lying without evidence.

Estaroth: "Fine then, since you are using your humanoid form might as well use mine."

She started glowing blue as she started shrinking. Soon she was about 5 ft 6 inches and the glowing stopped. Ikari's eyes widened when she saw her humanoid form. She had light blue hair and pink reptilian eyes with blue scales along parts of her hands and her neck. She was beautiful and Ikari was seriously attracted to her right now. She had a cute face with a semi serious expression and her body could only be described as perfect. Her breasts weren't small and they weren't massive, they were about a high D-cup or an E-cup She has a wonderful ass and Ikari was wondering when he had turned into such a pervert. The was drop dead sexy and she looked even better with her blue wings out. She looked to be around 19 years old and thankfully she had on a purple short dress.

Estaroth: "Could you stop staring at me now?"

Ikari: "U-Umm sorry, it's just that I haven't seen your humanoid form before."

Estaroth: "Ok so what are your plans now, I'm only observing you."

Ikari: "Well I'm going back to that cave that I live in."

Estaroth: "The one you hatched in?"

Ikari: "No, I found a cave by the ocean. It's right beside the ocean which is a good food source for me."

Estaroth: "I see, I will come with you also."

Ikari: "W-What?"

Estaroth: "I'm watching you because you interest me so therefore I'm coming to live with you to observe you more."

Ikari: "W-Well ok."

No it was not ok. He didn't die a virgin so he wasn't some pleb who stayed a virgin until they were 20. The last time a girl came over to his house for anything was when he was 18 and they were studying for a test which ended up with them having sex that night. He knew the situations were different but he couldn't stop his mind from wondering even tho he knew it wouldn't happen.

They both took to the sky and Ikari lead her to the cave in which he stayed. She didn't say anything, she just went into a corner and sat down. It was evening and Ikari actually felt really tired due to him barely getting any rest for 6 day so he put his head down in his usual spot and fell asleep. As Ikari fell asleep, Estaroth who watching him was thinking intently.

Estaroth: "You are so interesting Ikari. You appeared out of no where and you have evolved into an ultimate class dragon in the span of 3 months, something that is impossible to achieve. All dragons take at least 10 years after birth to become an ultimate class dragon and yet you achieved this level of strength in less than 5% of that time. You will make a fine mate for me if you continue down this road."

She went to bed but she still wondered how he was born but quickly forgot about it as she fell asleep. The next morning Ikari woke up and saw that Estaroth was still sleeping so he left her and went outside. He was just taking in the morning air, back on earth the air was so polluted but here it was actually clean. While enjoying the fresh air, he heard something approaching. He had super a keen sense of hearing so he could hear the smallest details.

Ikari: "A four legged creature is coming through those bushes.... no it's two 2- legged creatures."

He just stared at the bushes and waited for them until two very familiar faces came out of the bushes. It was Mika and Lily, the two girls he had saved from before.

Lily: "Are you sure that he will be here today? He wasn't here for the last six days we came here looking for him."

Mika: "I have a feeling that he is back now, I know he went to the valley of desolation but he has to be back now."

Lily: "That's what you have been saying for the last 5 days, I'm pretty sure he would have been back by now."

The two girls were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't even realize that there was someone else sitting on a rock watching them.

Ikari: "Why are you here again?"

Lily: "Who are you?..... and what do you....mean...again?"

Lily slowly stopped talking when she noticed the red scales on his neck and hands along with two massive red wings behind him.

Mika: "W-Who are you?"

Ikari: "You can't even recognize the one who saved you?"

Mika: "I-Ikari?"

Ikari: "Wow, you actually remembered my name..... I'm impressed."

They both took a good look at Ikari and blushed. His gray hair and red eyes made him seem dangerous yet handsome at the same time. His body looked as if it was carved out of marble. He had perfect muscles that didn't look too big like a bodybuilder nor too small like a normal person but it was literally perfection. The scales on his neck and hands along with his wings made him look even more exotic in their eyes. All in all, he was like a deity in their eyes. (P.S.- He had on a black ripped pants and a gray unbuttoned jacket showing his abs. He didn't appear naked when he turned into his humanoid form.... clothes appeared on him and you can count it off as Anime Logic.)

Ikari: "Are you guys ok?... you've been staring at me for the past 5 minutes."

Lily: "O-Oh, right.... we're fine, right Mika."

Mika: "Y-Yea we're fine."

Ikari: "Oooook, anyways why were you looking for me?"

Mika: "I-I just wanted to thank you."

Ikari: "Thank me for what?"

Mika: "For saving us, we didn't get a chance to thank you at first."

Ikari: "Ok then, you're welcome."

Lily: "Y-You had a human form?"

Ikari: "Humanoid form, and yes I do."

Ikari couldn't believe these girls came here looking for him for six days non stop. What were they trying to accomplish by coming here? Surely they didn't come just to tell him thank you... there had to be another reason.

Ikari: "Did you come just to thank me... or is there something else you wanted?"

Mika: "Umm yes we desperately need your help."

Ikari: "And why should I help you?"

Lily: "Please, our sisters could die."

Ikari: "Explain the situation first."

Mika: "Ok the news we got was that our sisters and some other soldiers went on an extermination mission to kill some low class beasts but some terror beasts appeared ranging from low-high class to high-ultimate class and killed most of the soldiers. Right now they are trapped in a cave and there aren't enough high class fighters to take on that much terror beasts. Please, I beg of you.... save my sister."

Lily: "Mine as well. When we heard the news, we both knew that you were the only being we could come to as we aren't even mid class fighters as yet. The only reason why we even know about this is because one of the soldiers had a messenger hawk which they sent out that didn't get killed by the terror beasts."

Ikari: "What are these terror beasts?"

Mika: "Terror beasts are animals that have been mutated by demonic energy. It was said that terror beasts were formed when they ate the flesh of dead demons from the last great war which occurred about 250 years ago. They mutated upon eating the demonic meat and reproduced causing their population to grow rapidly. The strongest terror beast recorded was low super class and the only reason it died was due to one of the surviving dragons killing it along with a massive group of terror beasts that was following it."

Ikari: "I see, so you want me to go and kill these terror beasts to save your older sisters."

Lily: "Yes! please, we beg of you."

Ikari: "And what do I gain from doing it?"

Lily: "W-What?"

Ikari: "When I save your sisters, what do I gain from it?....How do I benefit from it?"

Mika: "Please, we will do anything.... just save our sisters!!!."

Ikari thought about it and realized it might be good for him. These terror beasts seemed like a good way to level up. He wasn't planning on going to the canyon for now because he seriously hated snakes and the thought of fighting hundreds of them made him sliver slightly.

Ikari: "Fine, I will save your sisters.... however you will owe me. I will collect it at a later date."

Both Mika and Lily started tearing up as they both rushed towards Ikari and hugged him, completely forgetting the fact that he was a dragon. They were so overcome by their emotions that they didn't even realize what they had done. Ikari coughed a bit and when they realized what they had done they jumped back blushing.

Ikari: "Well firstly, I have no idea where they are so you would have to show me where they are. Secondly, I have a guest with me so I have to tell her where that I'm leaving for a bit."

Mika: "W-Wait... a guest?"

Ikari: "Just stay here, I'll be right back."

Ikari then flew towards his cave. Upon arriving, he noticed that Estaroth was already awake and it looked as if she was meditating. Before he could touch her to speak to her, she spoke up.

Estaroth: "Is there something you wanted to say Ikari?"

Ikari: "How did you know I was here?"

Estaroth: "I could hear the flapping of your wings, your foot steps, even your breathing. It takes time to fully master your senses but you will do it one day. Now, what did you want to tell me?"

Ikari: "I will be leaving for a short while, I will be helping some humans."

Estaroth: "Helping humans? Why would you help such pitiful creatures?"

Ikari: "I'm quite fond of these two, so I will help them. I'm just going to kill a couple terror beasts then I will be back."

Estaroth: "Terror beasts you say.... very well but I will accompany you. I want to see how you will fare against terror beasts. Terror beasts have intelligence unlike the other creatures you have fought and killed so I want to see how you will handle the situation."

Ikari: "Wait... terror beasts have intelligence?"

Estaroth: "Initially they didn't.... however the longer they lived, the smarter they became until they were just as intelligent as any other creature but not all are intelligent. The intelligent ones usually lead the group and are usually high ranked."

Ikari: "Oh, that's good to know. I will be leaving shortly, I just want to get some food before I leave."

Estaroth: "Yes I am quite hungry as well so catch enough for the both of us."

Ikari used his new skill that he got from the acid spitting water serpent, Underwater breathing. He used it to corner some of the fish and me managed to catch 3 fishes. They were massive so he was gonna be just fine. He ate one and gave Estaroth one, the left over fish he froze using his frost breath so he could come back to it later. He cooked his fish using his fire breath while Estaroth ate hers raw, she wondered why he cooked his but quickly discarded it from her thoughts. After they had finished eating, Ikari led Estaroth to where Mika and Lily were waiting. They were both sitting under a tree and when they saw Ikari coming they got up and walked towards him.

Ikari: "Ok I'm back, Girls this is Estaroth. She is a dragon just like me. Estaroth, these are the two humans that I told you I was going to help."

Estaroth: "Interesting..... a Dragon helping two humans. Count yourselves lucky, a dragon's help is nothing to be taken lightly. Usually I would kill humans because they all annoy me, but since Ikari likes you two then I will won't kill you."

Mika and Lily were slightly shaking, it seems that Estaroth scared them without even trying..... then again it does sound like a threat. Without wasting anytime, Ikari transformed into his Dragon State. Mika and Lily were shocked to see that he had grown again. The last time they had seen him he was a bit smaller.

Ikari: "Climb on, point me in the direction where your sisters are."

Mika, Lily and surprisingly Estaroth climbed into his back. The three girls had a seat on his back and soon after he took to the sky. He really wanted to fight these terror beasts.... they were much better than fighting snakes. Ikari wondered what they were like as he flew above the clouds.