The One Man Army

Ikari was now soaring above the clouds in his Dragon form with the three ladies on his back. He still wondered why Estaroth didn't fly but he guessed she was just being lazy. After Mia and Lily pointed him in the direction, he flew towards it and kept silent. Meanwhile Estaroth was staring at the two girls in front of her and it was honestly scaring them, those eyes looked as if they were looking into their souls. Estaroth was looking at these girls to see why Ikari was actually trying to help them, it was almost unheard of that a Dragon would help such pitiful creatures as humans.

Estaroth: "How did you both meet Ikari?"

Lily: "W-Well we were being chased by a bear while we were hunting and we happened to stumble upon his cave. He killed the bear and healed our injuries."

Estaroth: "He healed your injuries?"

Lily: "Yes he did. Afterwards took us back to our village."

Estaroth: "Is that so?"

Estaroth: 'Healing other beings is only a skill that holy dragons can learn.....but he isn't a holy dragon as I can sense darkness inside of his soul. There are only 2 holy dragons alive and they are Eva and Rachael....Ikari just what are you?'

After flying for a bit more, they came across the battlefield before the soldiers were forced to retreat. Dead bodies were scattered across the ground, some torn apart while other half eaten. Lily and Mika looked like they were about to throw up at any second while Estaroth wasn't bothered in the slightest way. He wasn't affected by it as well, it looks as if being a Dragon and killing all those creatures made him used to seeing this gore.

Ikari: "Ok so where are they now, this is obviously where the battle was before they had to run away."

Mika: "The letter said they were trapped in a cave so they have to had gone towards the mountains since it's the only place where caves are near here."

Ikari immediately took flight again and in a couple of minutes they saw hundreds of large black creatures with glowing red eyes just at the foot of the mountain. They had different shapes and sizes, ranging from a small bear to just a bit smaller than him. The two girls gasped in shock when they saw the sheer amount of terror beasts, this was a really large pack of them.

Ikari landed at the top of the mountain and let the ladies off. He thought about turning to his humanoid form to fight but he decided against it. In his Dragon form he had a size advantage so he stayed in his Dragon form.

Ikari: "Ok girls I'm going down, Esta please protect them for me."

Estaroth: "Esta?"

Ikari: "It's a nickname I made for you."

Ikari then flew off towards the mountain, headed towards the terror beasts. He knew that this was not gonna be easy and since there were literally hundreds of beasts to fight, he was gonna take a while to kill all of them.

He got an idea so immediately flew up into the air and started barreling downwards with his fire breath activated. He landed on top of one of the bigger beasts crushing it and also alerting the other beasts but before they could do anything he started using his fire breath to incinerate the closer ones. Surprisingly the beasts jumped back so that his flame couldn't reach them.

Ikari felt something hit him in his side sending him off the corpse on which he was standing. He caught his footing and looked over to see a beast with a massive spiky ball on its tail, it was growling at him as the surrounding beasts started coming closer to him. They started jumping at him, trying to bite him but he used his sharp claws to slice them but even with doing this he still ended up getting bitten due to sheer amount of them.

Ikari then used his fire breath and blew it on the ground under him to burn everything near him and since he was immune to fire it wouldn't affect him. The beasts backed off once more and Ikari took the opportunity to fly above the beasts and rain down fire balls at them. Ikari was really surprised to see some of them dodging the fire balls. Ikari was then even more shocked when a flying bear looking terror beast crashed into his stomach trying to bite him but he managed to catch it and bite it's neck.

Ikari sent it back to the ground and decided to use his Acidic breath and spit on the terror beasts and the result was incredible. It worked like a charm and quickly killed the ones its touched. As Ikari was about to use his fire breath once again, he heard a loud and deep voice behind him.

Terror Beast Leader: "Why are you attacking my pack Dragon?"

Ikari turned around to see a massive bull standing on two feet looking at him. It had jet back fur and glowing red eyes and it looked pissed.

Ikari: "Well your pack is attacking some humans so why shouldn't I attack your pack?"

Terror Beast Leader: "My pack and I need food and these pathetic humans are a good food source."

Ikari: "Well too bad, you're pack is annoying me so they need to die."

Terror Beast Leader: "Damn Lizard, Kill him."

As he said that terror beasts began to come from all directions and Ikari was getting bitten and clawed and it really hurt. His Dragon scales were really tough but it still hurt so he wanted to breathe fire but it seems they pinned him to the ground so he couldn't open his mouth. He realized that he couldn't do anything so he concentrated his fire breath to try to make it come through his nose but something unexpected happened.

[DING!!!! By Concentrating on Special Skill {Fire Breath}, New skill has been created]

[Special Skill {Fire Skin Lvl 1} has been obtained]

Suddenly Ikari's body was engulfed in flames, burning the terror beasts that were holding him down. Wasting no time he used his claws to quickly slice through the closest beasts to him and he started flapping his wings which were on fire to cause a massive wave of fire to incinerate tens of terror beasts at once. The Terror Beast leader saw this as an opportunity due to his back being turned and rushed towards Ikari hoping to catch him off guard but Ikari saw this and turned around as they ended up colliding with each other. Their brief collision produced small shockwaves that sent the closest terror beasts flying.

Ikari: "You're all so annoying, it's as if when I kill one, two more replace them."

Terror Beast Leader: "You might be a Dragon, but we will feast on your flesh.."

Ikari: 'Damn this is useless....Zara is there a way to kill all of these annoying things at once because it seems like fighting them normally isn't working.'

[DING!!!! Host can perform a Forbidden Skill, however it costs massive amounts of magic and even health. Does host wish to continue?]

Ikari thought about it for a second but before he could even properly think, he felt pain and realized that his fire skin had accidentally deactivated and there were some other terror beasts biting onto him..... it really hurt and he wanted to end it all.

Ikari: 'Yes do it!!!.'

[DING!!!! Due to Extreme Conditions, Forbidden Skill {Explosive Wave} was created.]

[Forbidden Skill {Explosive Wave Lvl 1} has been obtained]

Suddenly Ikari's body started to glow orange as red sparks of lightning started coming off his body. Massive amounts of magic started to gather in his body and the energy even killed some of the weaker terror beasts. Before anyone could do anything, a massive explosion happened destroying everything around Ikari to a molecular level. All the terror beasts were caught in the explosion and were instantly incinerated with no hope of survival. The explosion caused a massive crater about 3 miles wide and about 1 kilometer deep. When the explosion faded away and the dust finally cleared up, Ikari could be seen in the center of the crater.

He was tired and all of his wounds from the battle had opened up due to the explosive wave. Even tho he had regeneration, all of his magic was now depleted and he was barely healing as his regeneration was highly dependent on the amount of magic he had. He looked down to see that the Terror Beast leader was still alive.....but barely.

Terror Beast Leader: "Y-You will n-never get away with this. M-My leader w-will find you and k-kill you, you p-pathetic lizard."

Ikari: "So you have a leader huh, well he will be seeing you soon so goodbye."

Ikari then used his claw to slice the throat of the terror beast leader, killing it immediately.

Ikari: "Zara please turn back on system notifications."

Before the battle started Ikari had turned off system notifications because it would be kinda distracting to fight while pings were going off in his head.

[DING!!!! System Notifications are now on.]

[DING!!!! Host has killed 523 Lvl 57- Lvl 86 Terror Beasts]

DING!!!! Host has Killed a Lvl 94 Terror Beast Leader]

[Host Level has leveled up]

[Host level has increased to 71]

[-10,800 Hp]

[-9,240 Mp]

Ikari: "Can I see my status Zara?"

[Host Status]

Name: Ikari Akatsuki

Age: 3 Months Old

Race: Dragon (Adult Dragon)

Class: Ultimate

Level: 71

Hp: 948/11,748

Mp: 510/9,750

Strength- 89 (Ultimate Class)

Intelligence- 75 (Ultimate Class)

Dexterity- 66 (Ultimate Class)

Vitality- 65 (Ultimate Class)


Points- 140


Calmness- Always keeps host in a right and calm state of mind.

System's Body- Prevents host from taking actual damage. Instead of taking damage, the damage is taken from the Hp points. If Hp reaches zero then host is dead.

Devour- Allows host to take the abilities of any race upon killing them.

Evolve- When host reaches to a certain level, system will allow host to evolve into a different type of Dragon.

Flight- This ability gives the user the ability to fly. This is granted to most dragons.

Gain- This allows host to level up much faster than normally.

Fire Breath Lvl MAX- This is the ability to breath fire upon your enemies.

Frost Breath Lvl 81- This is the ability to freeze your opponents.

Sword Mastery Lvl 27- This is how fluent host is able to wield a sword.

Poisonous Saliva- This makes the saliva of the host poisonous that eventually kills who is bitten unless they possess a poison resistance skill or if they remove the poison fast enough.

Poison Resistance- This is the ability to resist poisons.

Healing Aura- This is one of the traits that a Holy Dragon possess. Host is a Nephillim Dragon so this is also a part of the skills that host's posses. This allows host to heal any being that is close by the host. The speed of the healing process depends on how much magic host puts into the spell. This may vary depending on the type of wound. This also works for sicknesses, diseases and illnesses.

Aura of Negativity- This allows the user to absorb all negative emotions to give a temporary boost to all stats making user even stronger. This also allows host to control weaker beings if the being is full of negative emotions.

Acidic Breath- This skill turns the user's saliva into deadly acid on the user's command. This acid is so deadly that it can easily melt through the toughest alloys.

Underwater Breathing- This grants the user the ability to breath underwater.

Humanoid Form- This allows the user to gain a semi-human form by using the magic around their body to compress it into a smaller yet human like form. They still retain dragon like features but they look like demi-humans.

Regeneration (High)- This gives the user a high regeneration which heals small wounds almost instantly and heals large wounds very fast. Users can even regenerate lost limbs and organs.

True Draconic Aura- All dragons when they are born posses this however it is weak and only other dragons can sense this. However when Dragons become adults, this evolves into True Draconic Aura. This Aura basically radiates strength and causes animals to instinctively fear you, this also alerts all beings that a Dragon is close by. For male dragons, the stronger this aura is, the more the opposite gender of all races are attracted to user. This allows stronger beings such as other Dragons, Gods and Demons to identify that the user is a Dragon and how strong the user is.

Kingly Aura (Low)- This gives the user an aura of a King and makes weaker beings want to follow and trust the user. This is also a rare form of Aura that allows the user to exert their own willpower over others. This Aura gives user the presence of a king. The Stronger the aura, the stronger the kingly presence will become. This aura will make weaker being willing to listen to and follow whatever host commands. It is said that whoever possesses this type of Aura has the qualities of a king. It is a power that one must be born with.

Ikari: "Oh wow I'm surprised that I leveled up that much... even tho I literally killed hundreds of these things. I hurt everywhere, I think I need a vacation from leveling up for a while. I think I will focus on getting new skills and mastering how to use my weapons. Getting powerful is good and all but what sense does it make if I'm strong yet I can't properly fight. This fight taught me that I need to learn proper fighting styles."

Suddenly he felt a hand touch his shoulder. He jumped and turned around ready to fight but he saw that it was Estaroth and the girls were behind her. He calmed down but decided to ask her the obvious question.

Ikari: "How did you get down here?"

Estaroth: "Simple.... I flew."

Ikari: "And how did the girls get down here?"

Estaroth: "I used Telekinesis to levitate them down with me."

Ikari: "Wait.... you have telekinesis?"

Estaroth: "Of course I have telekinesis, most of the stronger beings do. I've got to say.... I'm impressed that you killed them all."

Ikari: " were watching?"

Estaroth: "Yes I was watching you, that is the reason why I'm here in the first place."

Ikari: "Oh right...we should probably look for the soldiers that were trapped."

They went towards the foot of the mountain where they could see a cave that the entrance was destroyed, trapping anyone inside. Ikari immediately got to work as he started using his claws to break the large boulders. He realized that this was gonna take some work....then he remembered that Estaroth had telekinesis.

Ikari: "Umm Esta, can you help me with moving these boulders and rocks please?"

Estaroth: "Fine."

Ikari: "I promise I will give you...... wait did you just say fine?"

Estaroth: "Yes I will help you."

Ikari: 'Ok I didn't expect her to agree...well it doesn't matter as long as she agrees.'

Estaroth used her telekinesis and immediately all of the rocks move out of the way and immediately the soldiers inside started to tremble in fear because as the boulders were removed the first thing they saw was a massive dragon and they had heard the fighting that was happening so they all thought that they were about to die until some voices behind the dragon started to speak up.

Mika: "Big sister, it's me Mika."

Lily: "Sis!, sis where are you?"

Suddenly two older girls ran from between the soldiers and grabbed them by their hand and started pulling them into the cave.

Mika: "Maya you're alright!!!"

Lily: "Leone, thank heavens you're alright."

Maya: "Yes we are fine but what are you doing near a Dragon, especially one of that size. Those bloodthirsty creatures can kill you without trying."

Mika and Leone took out their swords and pointed them at Ikari.

Leone: "Even if we die fighting you, you will not harm our younger siblings."

Mika: "NO!!! He is the one who took us here. We asked him to save you after we got the message that you have been attacked by terror beasts."

Maya: "Wait.....what?"

Lily: "Yes we asked Ikari to save you guys because we didn't want to lose you."

Leone: "I-Ikari? has a name?"

Suddenly Ikari's body started glowing as all the soldiers became fearful as they thought it was an attack but his body shrunk until he was human sized. The light stopped to reveal a handsome young man that had gray hair with his pants ripped and half his shirt missing. He had scales along his neck and hands with a similar color to that of the dragon. What made their eyes widen were the two massive wings behind him that were folded up neatly.

Ikari: "So I save you all and you want to attack me. Isn't that mean."

The two older girls along with the soldiers who were witnessing this froze....what was happening. A dragon appeared and killed the terror beasts, the same dragon turned into some hot demi-human and now it was talking to them.

Maya: "Y-You spoke."

Ikari: "Yes I spoke....Mika, both owe me."

Mika: "Thank you Ikari, we can't thank you enough."

Lily: "Yes Ikari, thank you for saving my sister."

Once again they both rushed and hugged Ikari, not remembering that he was wounded from a battle and that he was still a dragon. Seconds later they broke the hug with a blush on their face while avoiding eye contact with him.

Ikari: "Goodbye girls, I will be seeing you later."

Ikari then walked out of the cave to where Estaroth was waiting on him.

Ikari: "Ready to go Esta?"

Esta: "Yes I am ready. Just being near these humans is annoying me. I could hear their screams about you being a bloodthirsty monster from out here."

Ikari: "Well they were scared and almost died so I won't blame them too much. But it was kinda annoying tho."

Ikari and Estaroth then took to the skies, not noticing that Mika, Lily and their sister were watching them.

Maya: " think Dragons were intelligent creatures who could communicate. And to think that this one had such an attractive human like form."

Leone: "You are terrible.....but I do agree with the first part. How did you two even meet it.....him.?

Mika: "Well we were hunting for food and a bear attacked us. We ran and as it was about to kill us, Ikari saved us."

Lily: "Yes we owe him for that, and also making him save you."

Maya: "The way you two are talking, it's as if you fell in love with the dragon."

Both Mika and Lily had a massive blush on their faces and they turned their heads and looked at everything else. The two older girls saw this and their eyes widened.

Maya: "Oh my Nukkcurt!!!, you both fell in love with a Dragon.

Both sisters were now just laughing while the younger sisters were still blushing and trying to ignore their sisters.

(P.S: Nukkcurt is the name of the Strongest God....if you figure out this reference or how I came up with this name then I will find you and if you are a man then I will give you a medal....but if you are a female then I will marry you.)