Aftermath and Training Begins

After leaving the battlefield, Ikari and Estaroth made their way back to his cave. Ikari wanted to just learn as much as he could so that he could fight in his humanoid form instead of his Dragon Form, but first he had to heal himself. He was still covered in wounds from his previous battle and it was not a nice feeling. He was already healing at a fast rate due to him getting back some of his magic reserves so his regeneration came back full force.

Ikari: "Umm so can you teach me?"

Estaroth: "Teach you?...What can I teach you?"

Ikari: "Well I'm not well versed in magic and I can't keep spamming my fire breath."

Estaroth: "Ok very well, but I will not be going easy on you."

Ikari: "Bring it on then."

Estaroth: "Oh, I like a guy that loves a challenge."

Ikari: "W-What?"

Estaroth: "Nothing."

Ikari: 'Did I just hear that correctly...nah I'm hearing some weird stuff. I guess those beasts hit me harder than I thought.'

Suddenly a punch landed on Ikari's face, sending him flying downwards. He collided with the ground, creating a small crater. He looked back up in shock to see Estaroth smirking at him. Her fist was actually engulfed in Dark purple flames and his cheek was actually still burning from the punch.

Estaroth: "First rule of training...always observe your surroundings no matter where you are, nor how safe you think you are."

Ikari: "That's a nice rule but could you at least wait until I heal properly?"

Estaroth: "Your enemy won't give you time to heal so you must learn to hide your magically signature and hide to heal yourself. Dragon's don't usually run away from a battle however we like to fight our opponents when we are fully recovered. To hide your magically aura you need to absorb the aura that lies around your body and then circulate inside so that you can still use it but it can't be detected."

Ikari: "Oh I get it, let me try."

Ikari tried focusing and surprisingly he was actually having a difficult time doing it. It was actually really hard to completely hide your magically signature completely.

Ikari: "Ughh, this is taking forever. Why is this so hard?"

Estaroth: "Only super class beings and above can completely do this, the only reason I'm showing you is because you have impressed me greatly with your level of skill. You might only be ultimate class but your strength and skills are truly remarkable. Continue to impress me and the more I will teach you."

Ikari: "Super class beings huh...maybe that can work."

Estaroth: "Maybe what can work?"

Ikari: "Oh nothing, I was just thinking of something."

Ikari: 'What if I used my points and brought all my stats up to super class... then maybe I could get this easier. I wouldn't be a super class being but I would have the power of one. Ok let me try it out.'

Ikari then decided to raise all his stats into the hundreds since that's where I believe was where super class stats starts. He wasn't sure it would work but he would at least try.

Ikari: 'Zara show me my stats.'

[Host Status]

Name: Ikari Akatsuki

Age: 3 Months Old

Race: Dragon (Adult Dragon)

Class: Ultimate

Level: 71

Hp: 6,154/11,748

Mp: 5,942/9,750

Strength- 89 (Ultimate Class)

Intelligence- 75 (Ultimate Class)

Dexterity- 66 (Ultimate Class)

Vitality- 65 (Ultimate Class)


Points- 140

Ikari: 'Ok let me just place them all in and see how this works out. I believe it should work.'

After placing all his points in different stats, he looked and was kinda pleased with his new stats.

[Host Status]

Name: Ikari Akatsuki

Age: 3 Months Old

Race: Dragon (Adult Dragon)

Class: Ultimate

Level: 71

Hp: 25,228

Mp: 22,050

Strength- 119 (Super Class)

Intelligence- 105 (Super Class)

Dexterity- 106 (Super Class)

Vitality- 105 (Super Class)


Points- 0

He added 30 points to both strength and intelligence then he split the remaining 80 points in half and added them to both dexterity and vitality bring all his stats over 100 points. He could now feel power coursing through his body, super class power was no joke.

Estaroth felt the massive power up Ikari received and her eyes widened at the how much his power raised. She could now feel that his power had broken through to the super class, and yet he was still an ultimate class dragon. The rate at which he gained power was terrifying, in just a couple months he went from a new born dragon to a super class dragon.

Estaroth: "What was that?"

Ikari: "What was what?"

Estaroth suddenly appeared in front of him, scaring the hell out of him. She had a serious face that was honestly scaring him even more.

Estaroth: "Don't act dumb, your power suddenly shot up and broke through to the super class. Explain now."

Ikari was now sweating, he didn't even remember that she could sense how powerful he was, now he was caught between a Dragon and a hard place.

Ikari: "Well I'm not sure what happened to me. I was just trying to suppress my magical aura and suddenly I felt different."

Estaroth: "There's something about you that I can't explain. I don't know how you just suddenly received a power boost, but I know that you aren't telling me something.

Ikari: "I'm serious, I just felt myself get stronger but I have no idea how it happened. I was just trying to do what you told me to suppress my aura."

Estaroth: "I find this really strange.... I will ignore this for now but I will be watching you intently."

She flew back into the sky and started flying towards the cave, Ikari just stood there trying to get his heart rate back to normal. He was extremely nervous because he didn't expect her to actually sense when he put points into his stats. Putting that aside, he started flying as well and they eventually arrived at the cave. Upon arriving he noticed that she was just staring at him, this would have been normal but this time it was as if she was staring into his soul.

Ikari: "So I think I got how to hide my aura now."

Estaroth: "Show me."

Ikari closed his eyes and started to slowly absorb his aura into his body until it was completely gone. He opened his eyes to find Estaroth looking at him with approval in her eyes.

Estaroth: "Well done, you have done this quite well. Next step is finding your elemental affinities. I possess Fire, Lightning, Air and Demonic affinities. Do you know your elemental affinities?"

Well Zara, his system, told him that he possessed all elemental affinities but he never officially tested his affinities. He was tempted to say yes..... but he had no way to tell her how he knew so he decided to go the safer route.

Ikari: "No I don't, I've never bothered to find out."

Estaroth: "Well let's find out then."

Using her magic Estaroth summoned a giant clear crystal. Ikari was kinda confused as to why she summoned it but didn't bother to question it as he had no idea what it was.

Estaroth: "Ok this is an elemental crystal. Using this, I can tell what your affinities are."

Ikari: "How does it work?"

Estaroth: "You place your hand on it and channel some of your magic through it. It will react with your magic and colors should appear within it. Based on the colors that appear, I can tell you what affinities you have. White means Air, Light blue means Water, Red means Fire, Brown means Earth, Blue means Lightning, Golden means Divine, Dark Purple means Demonic, Green means Dragon Slaying, Black means Demon Slaying and Yellow-Orange means Divine Slaying."

Ikari: "Ok that's a lot of colors, well let's see what I got."

Ikari placed his hand on the crystal and started passing his magic through it and it immediately cause a reaction. The crystal started to shake a bit then it stopped and started glowing. It suddenly started glowing with multiple colors swirling around it. Ikari looked and he could see every color that represented an element. Some colors even overlapped with other to form new colors.

He looked over to Estaroth to see her face in complete shock. She had already known that he would possess multiple elements but this was just ridiculous. She saw every color and there were even new colors formed.

Estaroth: "....."

Ikari: "....."

Both of them stood there silently but for different reasons. Estaroth was awestruck that someone actually possessed all affinities. No being has ever possessed all affinities at once, not even the gods themselves. She looked at Ikari in shock as she was intrigued and confused about him before but now she was just shocked and confused. Ikari was silent because he was confused as to why some of the colors were mixing to form new colors.

Ikari: "Esta....Why were there new colors being formed?"

Estaroth: "I don't know Ikari. How do you possess all affinities?"

Ikari: "What do you mean?"

Estaroth: "No being has ever possessed all affinities at once. This isn't supposed to be possible. Everything about you doesn't add up, first your actual existence since all the remaining dragons are female, then you go from being a new born dragon to ultimate class in less than half a year, then your strength suddenly shoots up into the super class out of no where, and now you possess all magical affinities and apparently created sub-elements since the colors were mixing into each other."

Ikari: "I don't know..... I guess I'm just built different."

Estaroth: "That is sadly true, there is something different about you that I can't put my finger on. It's so strange yet so have so much potential to be the strongest and that gets me so hot."

Ikari looked over to Estaroth and found her blushing and breathing heavily. She looked as if she would jump on him at any moment and he wasn't having non of that. He cleared his throat as he began to talk.

Ikari: "Well I believe you can show me some elemental spells, also I need to practice hand to hand combat and sword fighting."

Estaroth: "U-Umm yea that sounds good, but first we need to get you some new clothes. If you haven't realized, your clothes are torn to pieces."

Ikari looked down and saw is torn clothes, he gad actually forgotten that they were destroyed in his previous battle.

Ikari: "Oh right, I actually forgot about it, but how will we buy clothes.....we don't have any money."

Estaroth: "Buy?...I was just gonna take up what I need and come back. It's not as if they have the power to stop me."

Ikari: "No Esta you can't do that, people work to get money to live. We can't just take what we want, it's not right."

Estaroth: "Fine then, how will you get clothes if we don't possess any of their currency to purchase any?"

Ikari then reached into his pocket, opened his inventory and took out a small piece of myriagem the size of a tooth. Zara said it was valuable so he figured that she could trade it and get a lot of money since it was like the diamonds of this world.

Ikari: "This should be able to help. I found it in the cave I was born and kept a piece of it. Humans should find this extremely rare and want to trade it for a lot of money so we can use this. No need to steal anything."

Estaroth: "It's not stealing if I'm doing it in front of their face. Also I will have to go alone because you don't possess a human form as yet and humans are afraid of demi humans to some extent because they are stronger, faster and have more natural abilities that surpass humans. They will see your wings and scales and think that you are some sort of demi human and will fear you to some extent."

Ikari: "Well that's kind of racist don't you think?"

Estaroth: "That's how the world works Ikari, not everyone will like you for who you are. Humans fear what they don't understand and what they think is stronger than them."

Ikari gave Esta the myriagem and headed into the cave. He might have been regaining his health and magic back but he was still physically exhausted and wanted to get some sleep. He looked back on Esta to see her actually smiling at him. She saw him looking at immediately flew off with her cheeks slightly red.

Ikari: "Was she just blushing?......Nah I'm just seeing things. I guess I'm so tired my brain started playing tricks on me."

Ikari sat down on the floor and rested his head against a wall. He was getting tired of the cold ground but he would eventually get a house where he could enjoy a warm bed. He looked up at the roof of the cave as he felt his eyes slowly close, he needed this after fighting an entire army by himself and winning. Right now sleep was his justice.