She Loves Me?... She Loves Me Not?... I'm So Confused

It's been a few weeks since Esta has started training Ikari and the rate at which Ikari was learning was absolutely ridiculous. His close Quarter Combat (CQC) was now almost on par with her and his sword mastery was at master level. Ikari also learnt a bunch of different elemental attacks from Esta as well. He leveled up only once as he wasn't focused on leveling up, but he was focused on making all of his skills more refined. He was now wearing a black pants with red stripes on the sides going downwards. He didn't really wear a shirt as much due to him always training and getting dirty so he usually only trained with his pants only. Right now they were both outside doing some warm up exercises to start training once more.

Ikari: "Ok Esta I'm done my warmup, so what are you gonna teach me today?"

Esta: "O-Ok today we are gonna work on control your pheromones."

Ikari: "I-I'm what?"

Esta: "Your pheromones... right now they are leaking out of your body."

Ikari: "How do you know that?"

Esta: "Because I can sense it. Think of it as a fragrance that is constantly coming from your body that attracts and stimulates the opposite gender."

Ikari: " does it work on you?"

Esta: "As I was saying, you need to learn how to properly control it."

Ikari: "....."

Ikari: 'She dodged the question.'

Ikari: "Ok so how do I learn to control it?"

Esta: " Just focus on your hormones."

Ikari: "And can you please explain how one focuses on hormones?"

Esta: "Ok focus and try enhancing your sense of smell and touch."

Ikari: "Well ok, I'll try."

Ikari sat down on the floor with his feet crossed as he tried to focus on his sense of touch and smell and it was actually working but his hearing was also boosted as well. He could hear the insects around him and the waves as they gently crashed onto the sand. He could even hear Esta's heartbeat. But soon his sense of smell and touch were boosted as well, he could now smell the salty sea air and even the animals that were lurking around the vicinity. He began to smell a really sweet scent that made him feel a little hot.

Ikari: 'What is that scent? It smells so good.'

He tried to smell where it was coming from and to his surprise and shock, it was coming from Esta. How the hell did she smell so good and how is he just realizing this?

Ikari: "Umm Esta, Why do you smell so good?"

Esta: "W-What?"

Ikari: "You smell really good, better than anything I've ever smelt in my whole life."

Esta: "T-That's not something to say to a lady."

Ikari: "But it's the truth, you smell amazing."

Esta: "W-Well thank you."

Esta: 'He can smell my Draconic essence....his senses are far better than I thought. A-And he says I smell good which means he is attracted to me. This is very good.'

Esta: "OK now focus your senses on yourself and tell me what you feel and smell."

Ikari started focusing on himself and he could smell himself unconsciously releasing something into the air around him. He could feel it coming out of the pores on his skin and being released into the air around him.

Ikari: "I can feel my body releasing something into the air around me, I can smell it too but I don't know how to describe what it smells like."

Esta: "Yes that's your pheromones, you just have to focus on it and force it to stay inside of your body. This is usually very easy so do it and let's move on."

As Esta said, it was really easy and it took about 3 minutes to complete. After completing it, he got up and looked at Esta.

Ikari: "Esta, I still smell you."

Esta: "A-Ahh yes, what you're smell is my Draconic essence. Each dragon has a different scent depending on the dragon smelling it."

Ikari: "What?"

Esta: "Ok let me give you an said that I smell sweet to you, but at the same time another dragon will think I smell terrible. The smell depends on the dragon's emotions towards who they are smelling. If they like the dragon, it will be a nice scent but if they don't it will be a horrible scent. This only works between dragons."

Ikari: "Oh I get does that mean you smell"

Esta: "S-So to speak...yes."

Ikari: "Ok good to know that it proves that I like you."

Ikari then smiled at Esta causing her to blush and turn her head the other way. This boy was making her feel things she had never felt before. She never had a male around her that made her feel this way before. (I know it sounds cringe but it's wish fulfillment so accept it)

Ikari: "Well so what should I do now?"

Esta: "O-Ok I want you to attack me at full power."

Ikari: "A-Are you sure?"

Esta: "Yes I'm sure, come at with and don't hold back."

Ikari: "Ok I won't disappoint."

Ikari: 'Zara show me her stats.'

Name: Estaroth

Gender: Female

Age: 121

Race: Dragon (Prime Dragon)

Class: Super

Level: 248

Hp: 124,998

Mp: 118,096

Strength- 251 (God Class)

Intelligence- 244 (Super Class)

Dexterity- 249 (Super Class)

Vitality- 242 (Super Class)

Ikari: 'Oh you have got to be joking.... How the hell am I going to even scratch her with stats like those? Show me my stats.'

[Host Status]

Name: Ikari Akatsuki

Age: 3 Months Old

Race: Dragon (Adult Dragon)

Class: Ultimate

Level: 72

Hp: 25,228

Mp: 22,050

Strength- 119 (Super Class)

Intelligence- 105 (Super Class)

Dexterity- 106 (Super Class)

Vitality- 105 (Super Class)


Points- 5


Calmness- Always keeps host in a right and calm state of mind.

System's Body- Prevents host from taking actual damage. Instead of taking damage, the damage is taken from the Hp points. If Hp reaches zero then host is dead.

Devour- Allows host to take the abilities of any race upon killing them.

Evolve- When host reaches to a certain level, system will allow host to evolve into a different type of Dragon.

Flight- This ability gives the user the ability to fly. This is granted to most dragons.

Gain- This allows host to level up much faster than normally.

Sword Mastery Lvl MAX- This is how fluent host is able to wield a sword.

Close Quarter Combat (CQC) Lvl MAX- This is how good host can fight with his hands, short daggers and knives.

Poisonous Saliva- This makes the saliva of the host poisonous that eventually kills who is bitten unless they possess a poison resistance skill or if they remove the poison fast enough.

Poison Resistance- This is the ability to resist poisons.

Acidic Breath- This skill turns the user's saliva into deadly acid on the user's command. This acid is so deadly that it can easily melt through the toughest alloys.

Underwater Breathing- This grants the user the ability to breath underwater.

Humanoid Form- This allows the user to gain a semi-human form by using the magic around their body to compress it into a smaller yet human like form. They still retain dragon like features but they look like demi-humans.

Regeneration (High)- This gives the user a high regeneration which heals small wounds almost instantly and heals large wounds very fast. Users can even regenerate lost limbs and organs.

True Draconic Aura- All dragons when they are born posses this however it is weak and only other dragons can sense this. However when Dragons become adults, this evolves into True Draconic Aura. This Aura basically radiates strength and causes animals to instinctively fear you, this also alerts all beings that a Dragon is close by. For male dragons, the stronger this aura is, the more the opposite gender of all races are attracted to user. This allows stronger beings such as other Dragons, Gods and Demons to identify that the user is a Dragon and how strong the user is.

Kingly Aura (Low)- This gives the user an aura of a King and makes weaker beings want to follow and trust the user. This is also a rare form of Aura that allows the user to exert their own willpower over others. This Aura gives user the presence of a king. The Stronger the aura, the stronger the kingly presence will become. This aura will make weaker being willing to listen to and follow whatever host commands. It is said that whoever possesses this type of Aura has the qualities of a king. It is a power that one must be born with.

Fire Skills- Fire Breath, Fire Skin, Explosive Wave, Multiple Fireball, Fire Slash, Volcanic Ash, Heatwave, Fallen Phoenix, Death Flames.

Water/Ice Skills- Frost Breath, Iceland, Unholy Blizzard, Sub Zero, Absolute Zero, Water Dragon, Tsunami, Apocalyptic Typhoon, Water Slice.

Wind Skills- Wind Dragon, Wind Slice, Tornado Stomp, Jet.

Lightning Skills- Lightning Cutter, Blade of the Thunder God, Lightning Dragon, Lightning Skin.

Earth Skills- Earth Armor, Earth Dragon, Cataclysm, Earth Dome.

Demonic Skills- Demonic Slash, Demon Clap, Uprising, Demonic Blast, Aura of Negativity

Divine Skills- Healing Aura, Holy Slash, Light of Judgement.

Dragon Slaying- NONE

Ikari: "Ok I'm pretty good in terms of skills but she can easily overpower me, I need to do this smart."

Ikari rushed towards Esta but stopped before he could get to her, he then jumped back as he sent a red fireball towards her. She simply just stood there as the fireball hit her, it wouldn't hurt her so she didn't see the point in moving. After the fireball exploded on her, she flew out of the smoke and tried to kick Ikari but he blocked it. Even when he blocked he still went flying but he managed to balance himself in mid air.

Esta: "You think too much when fighting, it's not bad but you also need to rely on your natural instincts."

Ikari: "Well you're pretty strong and I'm weak so I think I need to plan my attacks."

Esta: "You are not weak Ikari, if you were weak then I wouldn't be helping you right now. You have the power to actually do damage to me but you are overthinking it too much."

Ikari: 'Ok let me see if this works.'

Suddenly Ikari's power exploded outwards, sending Esta flying back a bit. She looked towards him to see that his skin was glowing with a black and white aura. He had been secretly working on this but it usually left him super tired so he couldn't use it for extended periods. He had basically focused all of his holy and demonic powers inside of his body. This was his holy demonic form, otherwise known as his Nephilim Form. This made him stronger but it drained his magic really quickly and if he overused it then it would begin to drain his lifeforce.

Ikari: "Here I come, this is everything I got."

Ikari then flew towards Esta at speeds that she didn't expect him to be able to and punched her in the stomach sending her flying but she recovered and stared at him in shock. What the hell was happening?

Esta: "W-What did you just do?"

Ikari: "It's something I've been practicing in my spare time, I took the idea from some anime I used to watch."

Esta: "A-Anime?...What is that?"

Ikari: "Ummm it's nothing really, so Esta let me show you what I'm capable of."

He sped towards her again but only this time she completely blocked it, coating her hand in lightning. She then tried to punched him but he blocked it and threw her over his shoulder.

Esta: "You're not that bad, but you know that I'm taking it easy on you. I can also feel your magic reserves going down quite quickly so you don't have much time."

Ikari: "You're right, this drain my magic really quick so this will be my last attack."

Ikari then focused all of his remaining magic on his last move, he knew this wouldn't beat her but it would sure as hell hurt a bit.


Suddenly Five different dragons came from Ikari's body, each having a different element: Wind, Fire, Lightning, Earth and Water. They all flew towards Esta and crashed into her, causing a massive explosion. Ikari's Nephilim form deactivated as he started falling towards the ground. Before he could hit the ground, he felt somebody catch him, so he opened his eyes to see Esta looking at him with a smile.

Esta: "You managed to hurt me....I'm impressed."

Ikari: "W-Well I aim to please."

Esta: "Well let me show you how much you've pleased me."

Esta then captured his lips in a soft, yet passionate kiss. His eyes widened a bit but he started kissing back as well. Her lips were so soft and tasted so sweet. He was gonna go for more but she broke the kiss. She looked at him with a slight blush on her face as she licked her lips.

Esta: "That was a little reward for working so hard and managing to damage me."

Ikari: "Do I get a reward every time I damage you in a fight?"

Esta: "We might never know but I want you to know that you are worthy to be my mate."

Ikari: "Y-You want me to be your mate... so that means you love me."

Esta: "No, it means that I'm attracted to you and I want you in my life. I will only love you if you defeat me in battle and then I will submit to you."

She then landed on the ground and put him lying against a tree.

Esta: "I do like you a lot, I will admit that but you need to completely win me over by defeating me."

Ikari: "So do you love or not?"

Esta: "Well that depends on you.....I'm hungry so I'm gonna eat something, bye."

Esta then flew away, leaving a very confused Ikari on the ground.

Ikari: 'What just happened?.....Females are so confusing. One second they love you and then they say maybe not.....I think I've had enough thinking for one day, my brain is starting to hurt."

Ikari then got up and slowly walked towards the cave. He was hungry, tired and most importantly confused but he pushed those away as right now he had to focus on reaching the cave. Maybe one day he would beat her but until that day comes, he would just continue training.

(Sorry for the late chap guys but my time off from work is starting so that means 2-3 chaps per week.....yaay. anyways guys I love y'all and I will see you soon)