Getting Stronger requires Pain

Ikari has mastered almost everything Esta has been teaching him. He knew that he would have to get much stronger to be able to stand at the top of the food chain. He had asked Esta how strong she was compared to the other Dragons and he was shocked to find out that she had a twin sister and they were both weaker than all the other remaining dragons. Her sister's name was Ella and she was Esta's semi identical sister. Esta had light blue scales and pink eyes while her sister had light red scales and aqua eyes. In their human form is was impossible to tell them apart besides their hair and eye colors. With that being said, he really wanted to meet Ella.

Ikari: "I'm impressed with myself, I actually managed to learn so much.

Esta: "Well you have come very far, it's actually astonishing."

Ikari: "Well I did have a great teacher."

Esta: "Great teacher or not you learn at a pace which even surpasses that of the gods."

Ikari: "Aww you're gonna make me blush."

Esta: "S-Shut up and go train. I'm finished for now anyways."

Ikari: "I know what I'm gonna do."

Esta: "And what might that be?"

Ikari: "I'm gonna go and put my training to use at that place you took me to."

Esta: "You mean blood canyon?"

Ikari: "Yea that place, I remember the last time I went there and fought a sea serpent. There were hundreds more so I think it will be a good way to test myself."

Ikari: 'It's also a good way to level up too.'

Esta: "Ok go ahead."

Ikari: "You're not coming with me?"

Esta: "You are almost on par with me in certain areas, you don't need me there."

Ikari: "Well ok then, I'll be back in a couple days if it takes longer than expected."

Esta: "That's fine, there are a limited amount of being that are able to scratch me so I will be fine."

Ikari: "Well ok, see you in a bit then Esta."

Ikari then took off in the direction where he remembered it was and it took roughly 15 minutes to get there but he eventually did and he was not looking forward to it. He arrived and looked into the canyon to see tens to hundreds of serpents along with many different creatures.

Ikari: "I'm really not looking forward to this but I need to get stronger. Well here I go."

Ikari then transformed back into his Dragon form since the beast were huge so he needed it to counteract their size. He flew down into the canyon at such a speed that the creatures barely saw him until he landed on the back of a water serpent, killing instantly. They all began to rush towards Ikari but he used his handy fire breath to make them back off a bit.

Ikari: "Now I know I just killed your friend, but I swear I only did it to level up."

The closer creatures roared at him and started rushing towards him to attack him but he had seen this coming. He jumped back and he used a low tier Cataclysm to rip the ground before him open causing the closer beasts to fall in where spikes of earth would impale and kill them.

Suddenly he felt something slam against his side, sending him flying into the cliff-side. He looked over to see a massive gorilla with teeth similar to that of a saber tooth tiger. It's glowing red eyes actually made Ikari feel a little uneasy so he flew up and started shooting fire balls all round him, killing the weaker ones but not harming the stronger ones. A sharp pain rips through Ikari's back as he turns quickly spins in mid air and used his tail to slap away the flying lion like creature that bit him.

Ikari: "Ok close range is way too dangerous. It seems that I have to use far ranged attacks."

Ikari used his wings to create a tornado of dirt as he used this for cover to get a little distance between himself and the creatures. He then used Demonic blast and Volcanic Ash and sent it towards the beasts that were also caught in the dust. These beasts stood no chance as they were hit with these powers which quickly killed them.

Ikari: "This isn't so bad. I guess I really did improve."

Unfortunately for Ikari, nothing ever truly ever goes how we want it to sometimes and this was one of those moments. A sharp pain tore through Ikari's back that made him almost scream in pain. A javelin shaped bone pierced one of his wings and it was really painful since it ripped straight through. He looked to see a two legged creature with spikes of bones coming from it's shoulders and back while one of it's hands were aimed in his direction.

Ikari: "That actually hurt so much more than anything I've felt before. I have to take out that one before I continue, I don't want anymore bones going through my body."

Ikari pulled out the bone from his wing as he used his fire skin. He then began to use his wings to do multiple fire slashes which tore through the beasts, including the bone throwing monster.

But it proved to be harder than he thought as more creatures kept on taking the place of the ones he had already killed. For each beast he had killed, two more took it's place and it seemed as if there was no end to them.

Soon he was overtaken by the sheer amount of them as he felt himself being bitten and stabbed by multiple of these beasts. He couldn't fly up due to one of the bigger beasts biting onto one of his wings and he could barely move due to the amount of them that were on him. Even his fire skin wasn't affecting them and it he was in a lot of pain at the moment. There were at least a hundred of them and the longer he was trapped was the more of them that would pile onto him.

Ikari: "GET OFF ME!!!!! DEATH FLAMES!!!!!!!"

A massive explosion of dark purple flames erupted from Ikari's body that incinerated all of the creatures around him. The ones that were not so close immediately backed off when they felt the heat of the flames and the ominous feeling that the flames gave off. Ikari was pissed to the point where the only thing he could think about was killing all of these bastards.

Ikari: "Zara let me see my stats

[Host Status]

Name: Ikari Akatsuki

Age: 3 Months Old

Race: Dragon (Adult Dragon)

Class: Ultimate

Level: 72

Hp: 16,864/25,228

Mp: 12,907/22,050

Strength- 119 (Super Class)

Intelligence- 105 (Super Class)

Dexterity- 106 (Super Class)

Vitality- 105 (Super Class)


Points- 5

Ikari: "Ok I'm already losing health and magic because I'm not taking this seriously. I'm done playing around, it's time to get serious."

Suddenly power exploded as Ikari decided to go all out. All of the creatures saw this and started rushing towards him. Ikari saw this and a bloodthirsty grin made it's way onto his face.

Ikari: "BRING IT ON!!!!!"

(Time-Skip 5 days)

It's been 5 days since Ikari went to blood canyon and started killing everything he could find, however he didn't expect that the creatures were so strong. Ikari could now be seen in his humanoid form lying on the ground covered in cuts and bruises all over his body. There were hundreds of dead bodies around him and he was lying in the midst of them all. He had to fight wave after wave of monsters for roughly about 5 days with barely any time to recuperate. He was bleeding profusely and his magic levels were basically non existent.

Ikari: "I-I need t-to get g-going. I can't f-fight anymore and I n-need to leave b-before more suddenly a-arrive."

Even with his regeneration factor, he was still brutally injured as every time he had thought that he was done killing them, more arrived and all of his injuries began to add up. One of his hands were broken and he was way too weak to even fly. He spotted a small cave so he slowly crawled until he was there where he hid behind of a rock to hide himself just incase.

Ikari took out some food that he had stored in his inventory and began to eat it slowly. He would have eaten it faster but he literally had no strength and his entire body was in massive amounts of pain. As he finished eating, he slumped against the rock as he felt his eyes slowly closing. Some of the monsters weren't exactly the strongest however there was a large amount of them which balanced out their individual weakness. Sometimes quantity beats quality and this was one of those rare occasions but there were also creatures that were much stronger than the rest that did major damage to him before he eventually killed them.

Ikari: "Zara, what l-level am I a-at right now?"

[Host is currently at level 97]

Ikari: "Can I still t-take the abilities of the c-creatures I killed? I really w-wasn't thinking about it w-while I was f-fighting."

[Host can still extract skills from the dead beasts as long as host is near enough to their dead bodies.]

Ikari: "Ok I-I will do t-that when I h-have enough s-strength. Right n-now I just w-wanna sleep."

Ikari then lost consciousness as his tiredness and lack of sleep overtook him unaware of two red eyes watching him.

(Esta POV)

Esta: "Where is he? I would have expected him to be gone for a day or two but not 5 days."

Esta: "Did something bad happen? He is peak ultimate class to low super class so I doubt he can be killed easily. Don't tell me that the idiot chose to take on every being in blood canyon.... He could never be that stupid so that's off the list so why isn't he back as yet?"

Esta was actually really worried about Ikari. Whenever she thought something really bad had happened to him, she felt her chest ache as an unknown emotion took root in her heart. This was the only other being besides her sister which she genuinely cared about and she wanted to go to the canyon to see if anything was wrong but she wanted to trust him and believe in his strength.

Esta: "I will wait for 2 more days. If he does not come back then I will go there and see what has caused him to spend so long."

Esta: "Wait....why am I so worried about him? It's like I can't wait to see his beautiful eyes and his handsome face.....WHAT AM I THINKING ABOUT!!!!!"

Esta had a massive blush across her face as she realized that she was thinking about Ikari in ways that she didn't expect to. Her heart raced when she remembered his smile and her skin felt hotter than usual when she remembered his touch. She had to suppress a moan as a shiver than ran over her body. This boy who was over 100 years younger than her was making her experience emotions and feelings that she had never experienced and she didn't know what it was but there was just something about him that attracted her to him.

Esta: "And I still have yet to figure out his existence as yet....... Even so, I want him in my life."

Esta realized that she has felt a strong sense of attraction to Ikari, but he would still have to prove himself to her for her to fully fall in love with him. She looked at the setting sun as she couldn't help but wonder where he was because she had genuinely missed him and could not wait to see his face again.